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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. Yeah, it's tendonitis but complicated by the fact I have an auto-immune disorder which seems to cause my immune system to switch into high gear and attack anything that gets sore. I can't take (or choose not to take) pain killers because I am prone to migraines and taking pain killers gives me rebound migraines. At one point I was taking the legal limit of Tylenol every day and having five migraines per week average. BTW, I was on NSAID's for arthritis for about five years and they also destroyed my stomach. Now I have chronic stomach pain and have to take Zantac to help that. As for a massage? I've asked my wife, it's about as likely to happen as Bill Clinton getting elected to a third term as president. The thing I hate is that it takes forever to get better.
  2. Another bonus of old age...... I get tendonitis in various places for absolutely no reason. Elbows are the most common, then it becomes terrobly painful to grip or hold things. The latest is in my right shoulder (have had it there before). Now it hurts like hell all the time and absolutely off the chart when I try to raise my arm. The worst is, that I keep re-injuring it every time I do anything... Try to comb my hair, reach for something. Even to move the covers to get in or out of bed. The "tendonitis" schedule always goes the same: something gets sore, you keep trying to get through it. After a week, it's a lot worse and eventually is unbearable. Usually takes months to get better. The downside is that immobilizing the affected appendage will make it worse, you have to keep using the limb to prevent muscles from deteriorating. I put ice packs on it yesterday and that helped a little. The sucky part is I have mild excercises I have been doing for years for the arms, neck and shoulders to try to prevent this kind of thing and keep good strength for shooting. I didn't do anything unusual, it just woke up blown one morning. Here I go, six months in hell. BTW, I can't take a cortisone shot because I had a bad reaction to it.
  3. Yeowwwww! At least we now know why he retired from gunsmithing...... not a moment too soon, either!
  4. I figured it would be great. When he told me he was going to be offering one, I had planned to get it when it was available. But, the Sotelo trigger works so well in my G-35 I don't think I will now. I don't think I'm pro enough to tell the difference.
  5. Thanks, I am soaking it in vinegar, I'll get some hy per and add that. I thought I remembered something that involved vinegar.
  6. I hear you it is all good just kinda can errotate you when I was clear enough about a custom 1911 STI frame double stack, and how I would like to only wait eight weeks. But also stated I don't know if that is possible. how much clearer do I need to be? Help me to understand where I mislead a couple of you so that it will not happen again. I already own other guns and did not ask for help on a clock. For the record, you can probably get anything you want by Friday if you are willing to pay enough money. You have a number of suggestions for gunsmiths, you have to do a little work. call them and ask for the gun you want, and see what their workloads are like. Apply cash as necessary and you can probably shorten the lead times, at least with some people you can. All we can do is suggest competent smiths, we can't quote times or take orders for them.
  7. My comp comes off the barrel easily so I can dunk it or flame it without affecting the gun. Shooting only jacketed ammo isn't possible because this is for a Ruger Mk II (.22)
  8. My torch idea is sounding less stupid all the time........
  9. You know you're among real friends when none of them are mean enough to ask how old you are.... Remember, as long as you don't wake up every morning with everything hurting...... you're not really OLD yet.
  10. I've tried attacking with screwdrivers. It's a large mass of lead that is bonded on like it was torched in place inside the end of the comp.
  11. That's the problem. You may be able to fix it by putting in a new stop and spring (maybe not). In general, don't cut away the peened metal, it's better to push it back down or leave it alone and use it as a "backstop" for the cylinder stop to engage. Rounding that edge will make the stop fail to lock.
  12. That's how I fixed it, and recommended the same to this person way back in my first post: I didn't know it had an official name.
  13. Any suggestions on how to get built up lead out of a compensator? I recall some kind of ammonia solution talked about. Anybody have good remedies? I've tried Kroil, bore cleaner, Butch's bore shine, oven cleaner, acetone, and the usual suspects. I'd be tempted to fire up a torch and run it out. The comp is stainless, so it should be OK to use something acidic or caustic.
  14. Bob Hunter of Hunter Customs.
  15. Not based on my gun. The trigger position (using all stock components) required to entirely move the plunger out of the way is nearly aainst the back of the trigger housing. The striker releases considerably forward of that point. I haven't looked at enough Glocks to know how they all stack up, but I suspect the design relies on the trigger getting back quickly as the striker is released. Here is an interesting test you may want to try: Do a "controlled" release of the trigger, using a Q-tip behind the trigger so it releases the striker but doesn't "overshoot" much. Use a plastic pen in the bore to see if the striker is giving it a good whack. I'll wager a "controlled" pull will have the striker banging into the safety plunger.
  16. I don't know anybody who hasn't forgotten to put the plug in at least once. A comedian on leno was saying about how his dad would get mad at him because he didn't know how to work on his own car..... his dad would say: "Hey! I taught you how to change the oil and filter!" And he would answer: "No, you didn't..... you just screamed at me a lot while I held the light."
  17. Yeah, but if the trigger bar/disconnector is set up so that the FP safety plunger is impeding the motion of the striker, you could still get light strikes. That was what was doing it on my G35. Based on my measurements, even the stock trigger releases the striker at a position where the FP plunger is not high enough. IMHO of an old engineer, the system relies on your finger getting the trigger back fast enough and the striker giving that plunger the old Dale Earnhardt "Excuse me, boy, coming through!" bump on it's way to the primer. It doesn't surprise me a lot of Glocks have light strikes. It does surprise me nobody is making an aftermarket trigger bar to fix it.
  18. If I recall, the distance from your eye to the rear sight also affects the image a bit. You draw "perspective lines" from the target focus point back to the edges of the FR sight blade and the edges of the rear notch and continue those lines back to your eye to get the "apparrent" width your eye will register.
  19. That's the one I did. The other fix is to have some metal welded onto the rear edge of the "bump" on top of the trigger bar that raises the plunger. You don't want it taller, you want to build up the edge that contatcts the plunger so it raises earlier in the trigger stroke. If anybody has better fixes, I'd like to know as well.
  20. She is a stunner. Does anybody else ever find themselves looking at pictures and wondering what they looked like before surgery? I remember I was reading a magazine once (I think it was Celebrity Skin) and they show nude pictures of celebrities... some current, some from the past. My wife was looking at it and she was commenting on what a good body some lady had. Then she added: "And that was back when they were real." She cracks me up sometimes.
  21. I like his thinking. Fusion should always be the last resort. It is MAJOR surgery, not laproscopic. And since it fuses two verts together, they can no longer bend. That means as you flex your spine, the verts immediately above and below the fused pair are forced to bend more for the same range of motion. That added load will accelerate their demise. Most people who get a fusion get relief in the short term but end up needing more fusions later on. With the laproscopic, they just sneak in and nibble out the portion of the disc that is pressing on the nerve. Good luck with the surgery, I'm sure it will turn out well.
  22. bountyhunter

    G35 Kaboom

    I can believe the extractor could be blown out considering how it is designed. It's held in place by that spring-loaded plunger rod. Glad there were no injuries. I recall reading about somebody who was new to reloading thought "grains" was the same as "grams" and loaded up some ammo so hot it blew apart a new 1911.
  23. Every time they change the clock to create that "extra" hour of daylight, the extra sun time means I have to mow the lawn twice a week instead of just once. I hate that. And it always makes the Ficus plants turn brown because they prefer the shade.
  24. No, except the carbon steel is probably harder so the stainless will wear more at the points they rub on each other.
  25. Aside from the Sotelo trigger kit...... I'd get a EFK Firedragon 9mm conversion barrel and shoot the hell out of it. People like Midway and CDNN are dumping Glock factory ten-round 9mm mags for about $15, so stock up. Actually, that's what I did with my new G35. It's so accurate and easy to shoot I ordered a scope mount bracket and a red dot just to be able to shoot it open. Shooting it is a hoot, and with 9mm ammo, it doesn't cost that much.
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