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Everything posted by HI5-O

  1. You can swap out the springs and followers then adjust from there. Sometimes you have to work on the slide stop or the follower or both to get it to lock back reliably. Or, try and borrow mags and see how they work in your gun and adjust your mags accordingly. Sound like the equipment was used. If it were mine, I'd replace the mag internals and go from there. Each mag and internals should be fitted individually and those parts kept together once you're done. I'd also go with 13 coil springs for L-10 to get the slide stop to lock back.
  2. Try going to a Samsonite outlet store. Last month I saw one in AZ that was a hardsided, light, really large one with two wheels. Should be good to hold bags and all your gear but don't know all of that will make the 50 pound weight limit.
  3. For me, the Las Vegas location offered me better (cheaper) travel options (airfare; hotel; food) coming from the middle of the ocean. I don't go there for the gambling or free drinks. There are many choices for shows; restaurants and other types of entertainment (went go carting on this last trip) and my wife did a lot of her Christmas shopping at the malls. The LV range reminds me of our home range, dirty, dusty, hot so it did not bother me. Didn't get hit with any ricochets so all is good. The St. Geo. range had a bad smell for one of the days I was there but I guess the wind direction changed and it went away. It too was dusty, dirty but not rocky. There was one snake on the road heading away from the parking lot. St. Geo. had a Village Inn with great pie. It's close to Vegas so my travel choices will still be good for 2013. Been to Tulsa when they first opened there, impressed by the range hostesses and the $3 Coke's and the sod on the range made it look really nice. I'll consider going to Nationals in the mid-west, not so much on the east coast (due to the higher cost of traveling there and time it takes).
  4. Come and shoot on Sunday.
  5. Been asked a couple of times (not weighed). In 2005, TSA (St. Louis) asked, weighed and open every box. I only had about a hundred rounds since I had just shot the Nationals. Since then, nothing.
  6. *Sigh* crossing my fingers to get into the match then. I was number 430 something when I registered but happen to live in Area 2..... See post #76
  7. next time you chrono, let me know and we can run mines in front or behind yours.
  8. The lighting angle causes most of my problems. Sometimes I use tape to block out some of the light coming at an angle. I use a PACT timer/chrono. What was the distance?
  9. If you can wait, Freedom Gun Works are testing a S_I like frame and probably will have metal grips too. That platform has a lot going for it (lots of parts; max cap mags)
  10. and overpriced ($17.00 for 4 oz liquid).
  11. Kahului Harbor had a 5 ft wave where the sea level rose 2.5 ft. Still waiting...
  12. So far, so good. Little activity but the experts are saying the bigger wave(s) may be coming yet. Traffic cameras show some idiots on the beaches
  13. Good. Just a few more minutes til the first wave.
  14. Civil Defense sirens sounding, we are under a tsunami warning with the first wave expected to hit Hawaii at 10:28pm (it's 8:29pm now). Hopefully all goes well (fingers crossed). A 7.7 earthquake off of the west coast of Canada generated significant wave heights. Last one we had was the Japan earthquake in 2011. Waiting for the call to go to work.
  15. Did you guys remember seeing; hearing; feeling anything weird just before it broke? I have a S1050 and kinda concerned about this breakage.
  16. I'm happy for you and her
  17. go here http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=157995&st=50
  18. Trident, How was this gun doing before the barrel change? (stock barrel) What bullet brand are you using? Deciding if I need to buy an aftermarket barrel for mine. thanks
  19. My brother use to use H110
  20. From reading your posts, I believe you would do well in open. Because, open gives you the flexibility on a stage due to the higher capacity mag and taking riskier shots for a higher reward (using the dot is easier than aligning the sights). As in this years nationals, some targets only offered the top half to shoot at if you weren't fast enough to get it before the no shoot appeared. Shooting in production, for me, is limiting due to the limited mag capacity, less than ideal trigger pull and having to line up the sights to the target. Some people see that as a challenge instead of a limitation. Remember, I have to shoot in a 10 round only state so imagine my joy when I am able to fully utilize the capacity of my mags . It's like going to TX and being able to drive at 75mph on the highways . Not saying you will immediately shoot better in open because there is a bit of learning to see the dot on every presentation to a target, especially when using a C-More vs. a tube sight. With your practice and training schedule, you will adapt quickly. As for gear, there are many options and opinions here. Ask around and most open shooters will tell you to get one of those "bikini" holsters (i.e. DAA Race Master; Ghost; Guga Ribas; etc) they all work well so buy the one you like (most likely you will end up getting several). Mag pouches are pretty basic and whatever you get you will get use to. These are just my opinions on open.
  21. I didn't watch the SS because I've seen them shoot before and they are good. Most stages you can't see after the first few shots and from where you could see them, there were other people and camera people blocking the views. Not able to 'rub elbows' with them too since they have to shoot and tape so no joy for me there (plus I haven't met many of them). Most of them keep to themselves and to people they know. The videos offer a better view than I would get standing on the range. Thanks Paul. Had a great time with the squad I was on (#17). Just my .02 cents.
  22. I primarily shoot in Open because it's so much easier with old eyes I've been dabbling in Production lately and to see the front sight clearly, I've put a stick on +1.25 reading lens on my right lens. I can see the sights clearly and still see the target. This is way cheaper than buying an open gun. Main reason for me to shoot in open is not having to reload when I compete in other states than my home state (10 rd limit). It's great to be able to complete a course of fire with no reload or one reload. If you decide to go the open gun route, you will want to (eventually) get a complete rig for that gun in addition to your production set up.
  23. Same boat as blaster113. I'd like to do three at year but can get by with two. This year all I'll be doing (have done) are Area 1 and Open Nationals. Next year, looking to do Area 1; Area 2; Double Tap and Open Nationals. Alternate would be an area match in the middle of the US so my wife can tag along to someplace we have never been to. Costs add up.
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