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Everything posted by NewColonial

  1. Not thinking it's such a big deal does not make one a "conformist." And what's wrong with saying "if you don't like the game, or management, don't play"? I didn't like the way USPSA leadership was running things, so I left. IDPA is a sport, a game. I doubt there's any sport where all the rules are liked universally. I happen to be ambivalent about this one. I've always thought IDPA was more accuracy oriented than USPSA. If I'm going to be penalized more for my inaccurate shots, that's my problem, not IDPA's.
  2. I admittedly haven't counted, but I know some do because we talk in subsequent months. I will most likely be one of the people who will finish lower, until I learn to slow down. But so be it, it's a game. I pay to play it by choice. Like many other business, if I don't like the product I'll stop buying it. Also, anyone says they shot at match under the new system shouldn't complain about IDPA rules -- if the match isn't following current IDPA rules, it's not an IDPA match. Why complain about the org's rule if the club doesn't follow them anyway? Am I correct in assuming that everyone who disagrees with the rule changes has written their AD and HQ as well? Just posting to an internet forum and not supplying feedback where it matters is whining, not activism. I suspect the vast majority of shooters don't follow Enos. The dislike of the change is strong here, but I can't recall hearing complaints at matches. Franky, I think it's more of an internet outrage than a real issue.
  3. This. ^^^ I keep hearing how IDPA rule changes are driving people away, yet I see 6-10 new shooters every month at one of the places I shoot. And overall attendance is growing, despite the fact that a nearby club shoots the "other sport" on the same day.
  4. 9.2.5 Shooters may not go down in Classification except for permanent physical disability or for other irrevocable reasons. IDPA HQ will determine when this is appropriate and make the necessary adjustments to the Classification Database. According to IDPA rules, you can't drop down in classification, no matter what subsequent scores are. Of course, if the match used -1 scoring, it wasn't actually an official IDPA match, so anything is possible I guess.
  5. Here's an exercise from Anderson's class that helps you learn shot calling. Draw and shoot 5 aimed shots at the target as quick as you can get a sight picture. Immediately holster the gun and turn away from the target. Then pick a target from the ground behind you and mark where those 5 shots hit. Surprisingly hard at first. You can also watch the sights and try to remember the exact movement after the shot. Not "sight went up, then down." It's more like "front sight lifted, moved to right, dropped down out of view then came back up above the rear notch a bit to the left then dropped to center but a hair below then settled back in place." Do that for a while and you know you aren't closing your eyes.
  6. I am near-sighted. I tried Rx inserts in my shooting glasses, and even the mixed distance and closeup focused lens idea. After a year of that, one day I said "Screw it" and shot with regular shooting glasses. Depending on light level and gun, the front sight may be a touch out of focus, but generally sharp. The targets are blurred. Finally, I could shoot with both eyes open, and more accuracy. An 8" plate at 20 yards is hardly sharp, but easily hit by centering the clear from sight on the blurry white spot in the distance -- just like "normal" visioned shooters. I have now come to the conclusion that too much time, worry, AND money, is spent trying to artificially get focus on sights and targets at the same time. Folks with young eyes can't do it, why try to fake it when we're older?
  7. I use a dedicated vest because it gets dirty with gun crime, and I don't want that on my street clothes. People who complain that the vest isn't "real world" seem to forget that IDPA is a GAME. Hence rules, a clock and scoring.
  8. According to Max's logic, that looks suspiciously like a body bag.
  9. After 178 posts, I was wondering if the OP ever tried IDPA to see if he enjoyed it? Enjoyment is a personal thing, not someone else's opinion.
  10. I've had multiple contacts with rep AND the president of EAR. No resolution. It may not be their intent, but the impression I walked away with is "we guarantee they fit so the problem is you."
  11. I would like to follow up and say that Ear Inc. had excellent customer service. I have a set of plugs from them now but haven't shot with them yet. Quality seems good and they fit well. I know many shooters who are very happy with Ear Inc, and they are highly recommended. I have a $200 custom set I had made last fall. Wore them to range once and found they offered little protection. I can even see visible space between plastic and ear on one of the plugs. Spent weeks lubing, twisting and pushing to get them to fit. No luck. They're sitting in the box with old holsters and other mistake purchases. Wrote vendor, but since the rep is a traveling salesman, there's really no service that can be had.
  12. I use the same holster in the same position generally for both games. The cover garment I wear is based on the weather. I do prefer a dedicated vest so that I don't end up with gun dirt inside my "street clothes." Or accidentally carry live rounds into some federal zone later. FWIW, the last time I ignored a "gun free zone" sign and went to the movies, I saw TWO different guys wearing 5.11 vests, so it does happen.
  13. That's an RO problem, not an IDPA specific problem. There are two local IDPA matches available to me. At one club, the calls are evenly and fairly made. At the other, buddies get generous perf calls, and even get reminded to shoot skipped targets before the "If finished..." command. The former gets most of my match fees, the latter very few. I've had the same experience in USPSA where at one club there's a lot of time spent arguing calls, and the other it's smooth sailing.
  14. Twenty diagrams trying to explain the scoring. http://www.gadpa.com/Resources/Documents/GADPA%20Frequently%20Asked%20Questions.pdf
  15. The Practiscore page lists Friday, Feb 5 through Saturday, Feb 6. The IDPA site lists Thursday - Saturday. What days will shooting be? Now I have to get CCP classified.
  16. If I didn't have internet I wouldn't know about the IDPA scoring turmoil either. (Granted I haven't shot an IDPA match in a couple weeks.) And the USPSA leadership issues were oft discussed at the USPSA matches I went too.
  17. You must not be paying close attention to USPSA leadership.
  18. Maybe that's only bright side to the rule change. A lot of folks shoot for fun, and being around people who moan and whine after a bad stage are PITAs to be around. I'd be happy to see them leave.
  19. Exactly. You are comparing apples to oranges. Any conclusions from all these "studies" recalculating scores are flawed and meaningless.
  20. How did you account for people slowing and down and trying to be more accurate under new scoring than they might under the scoring in use when the data gathered? How did you account for people who would take makeup shots when scoring is -1 sec vs -.5 sec?
  21. Interesting thought. It would place the focus on accuracy, and less focus on speed. Perhaps it would serve to differentiate the sport from USPSA a bit more. That said, since the scoring change would be the same for all shooters, would it really make that much difference? It would serve to simplify scoring.
  22. "A local club match I would have stopped myself anyway and taken the zero'd stage, but I was shooting a great match and didn't want to ruin it." When a game is more important than a lifetime of permanent hearing damage. There's a lesson here kids.
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