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Everything posted by NewColonial

  1. Used both the Surefire app and Free Shot Timer on my iPhone 3. Now that I upgraded to iPhone 4, they no longer work. Surefire will pick up no shots, the other on occasion will pick up the first shot. With this experience I've not spent money on any of the non-free timer apps, since they ll probably use the same basic libraries.
  2. I got mine from Target Barn (Item # IPSC-P). They are beige, not white as the diagram on the site appears. The pasters they sell match the paper targets.
  3. Well, said. I would add that determination and ability to learn and adapt are as, if not more, important. I hired a DeVry graduate as a sysadmin when we opened our Denver-area NOC. I was not familiar with the school at all, and hardly looked into it. I looked at the skill set and experience of the person. I can learn more in sitting face-to-face with the person than I can by looking at his piece of paper. He turned out to be one of the best hires I've ever made. The only reason he isn't here is he was lured away after a couple of years by a tech startup. (His offer was so good I couldn't in good conscience fault him.) We keep in touch and he's now doing extremely well. FWIW, I have a graduate degree from a "for-profit" school too. What got me my job was *me*, not the "company" name on the piece of paper.
  4. One pound of 9mm equals about 115.93 cases, according to information I've saved, but lost the source.
  5. Squadded myself in for VA/MD and A8. Figured I'd get in early and pick empty squads, since I don't know many folks. Will see who joins me. Hey, I'm unclassified, but I pick up steel and paste religiously! :-)
  6. The Surefire Timer doesn't work at all with iPhone 4. "Free Shot Timer" picked up about 1/3 of the shots. Too bad, it was handy to have. There are other non-free timers in the App Store, but I hate spend money not knowing if they really work or not.
  7. I just upgraded my old iPhone 3 to an iPhone 4 this week. I won't be able to test the Surefire app until this weekend, but I've read in several places online that it doesn't work with iPhone 4. Not too surprising since the app hasn't been updated since July 7, 2009. (helloooo surefire) This app would pick up loud claps and yells indoors in the past, but doesn't seem to with the new phone. I did download one called Free Shot Timer. It seems to pick up a hardy yell so there's hope. One review on iTunes says it's the only timer to work on iPhone 4. Testing this weekend. The URL is http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/free-shot-timer/id338091445?mt=8
  8. I can say from experience, just do it. I'm no threat to anyone in competition but I entered Area 8 last year after only shooting to local matches. (Actually I entered after one, shot it after two matches.) I made it known to the RO's that I was new, but had no issues. Area 8 has a reputation of being a match "that thinks it's a National" but I was blissfully ignorant and had a blast. I told then Area 8 director Alan Meek that I was going to enter Area 8 even though I was just starting, and his reply was "Why not?" I think that sums it up. Remember the rules and help reset steel and paste and you'll make lots of friends.
  9. I've never had it successfully pick up dry fire clicks. However, you can make use of the app in dry fire by setting a par time and using that to "sort of" time your draw/shots. I downloaded to Surefire app a while ago but never used it until a couple weeks ago when the battery in the other timer went dead. The only issue was the somewhat anemic buzzer. I need to get and arm band or belt click for the iphone to make the timer app more usable.
  10. I should print this thread out. Nothing kills my self-esteem faster than shooting a falling steel match. I'm pretty sure I'm watch the steel more than then the front sight. I especially like the observation about not watching paper since I can't see the holes anyway. That's me for sure! Thanks for sharing the tips.
  11. I noticed that the Area 8 page has a countdown display for upcoming major matches. I decided to put them on my Mac OS desktop. Open the web page at http://www.uspsa8.org/ In Safari, select File -> Open in Dashboard Select the event you want to track, or all of them, and resize the box to fit Click Add I'm going to 3 of the four events, so made three separate widgets. Yea, you can also download one of the many countdown widgets, but... Enjoy.
  12. Already registered for VA/MD and Mid-Atlantic. I need to do some sweet-talking at home before I send off the next check. :-) Would like to do NC Sectional too. Don't know if there's that much sweet-talking left in me! Area 8 last year was my first major match (and only my 3rd USPSA match) so I had nothing to compare to, but I thought the split squadding worked well. Plus it gave the opportunity to shoot with more folks. I'm curious how I'll handle the self-squadding (never done it) for VA/MD and A8 since I don't know that many folks; don't want to jump in someplace I shouldn't.
  13. Got my confirmation this week for VA/MD and Mid-Atlantic. Told my family I paid good money so don't schedule me for any family events those weekends! Looking forward to it.
  14. Dang, I'm apparently one of the many whose FS magazine did not get mailed this time. I sure hope the rectify that soon. The statement "Mailing date for the make-up magazines is as yet unknown." is not very useful from a customer service viewpoint.
  15. There's a newer SIG forum at http://www.sigtalk.net/ you might want to check out. Not as much traffic but a friendly bunch of folks. At least for now, it's very focused on SIGs. SIGFORUMS.com often seems like just another gun forum that happens to have a section on Sig. Stop by and say hi. I'm VADavid there.
  16. For what it's worth, I just sold 2000, uncleaned, 45 ACP for $80, plus $14.50 "fits it ships" shipping. Buyer and seller both happy. That's the test. :-)
  17. And what was initially a thoughtful discussion....
  18. It's also annoying when you're showing youtube video to family to show what it's all about, and suddenly there's a barrage of f-bombs coming from the shooter or spectators in the background. Those videos posted for the world to see don't put the sport in a family-friendly light. That said, I'm also guilty as charged.
  19. That looks so cool! (No pun intended.) I've shot in pouring rain and heavy snow. It certainly adds a new dimension to the challenge. I had seriously thought about checking out that match this month. But, at my shooting level a 3.5 hour drive each way couldn't be justified. :-) Hope to get to SW next year; I've read so many good things about the match.
  20. Both USPSA clubs I've shot at post scores the same day. I suspect score posting times has more to do with the VOLUNTEERS doing the work, rather than some IDPA/USPSA biases.
  21. Thanks for the replies. I see a thread on sigforum about folks seeking excessive wear on the lower when using the conversion kit. I think I'll skip it. Does sound useful though.
  22. I received a promo email from Sig Sauer today advertising a .22LR Rimfire Conversion Kit for the Sig P226 for $249. Does practicing with .22 rimfire provide a benefit? I'm shooting 9mm as it is, so the costs aren't exorbitant but I guess in today's economy anything helps. I'm doing lots of dry fire during the week and shooting a couple hundred "live" each weekend at the range. How much benefit is gained by upping the round count, but changing how the gun behaves in regard to recoil, weight, etc?
  23. Brankica, that's one of those thoughts you don't want to be thinking while you're shooting. Timely reading this today. I find myself back sliding into that "hope I don't embarrass myself" syndrome. Yesterday I shot a falling steel match and literally could not find my sights. I don't expect to place but was downright surprised at how bad I shot. In retrospect thinking back on my mindset leading up to my time on deck it's all clear. I stood there watching competitors arrive and was texting my wife with the who's who of competitors arriving. Obviously these are folks who don't know me from Adam, could care less how I shot, and wouldn't even be watching. (But who would likely offer advice if I was bold enough to ask.) By the time I shot, I was all "don't screw up, don't screw up." You can guess what happened. :-) In fact, i went home, loaded the paper and steel targets in the care and headed out to the local range to confirm I could still hit static targets while standing still! Same thing happens when I walk up to a classifier stage. I haven't shot a clean classifier for the last 4 attempts. If I could get the match jitters to the point of beneficial adrenalin and away from debilitating stress, I'd probably start making progress. Glad to read the reports here.
  24. NewColonial

    ohhh S#!T

    The rest if the story: The injuries to the bison were caused by contact with thermal activity in the park. The bison escaped into the forest, only to be put down by park rangers
  25. Thanks Codycoyote. I learned something today. Always glad when that happens!
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