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Everything posted by NewColonial

  1. That's function of the local people, not the organization itself. You might as well blame all gun owners for the actions of imbeciles. I stopped shooting a local USPSA match due to a 20 minute lecture on helping tear down before every match, followed by standing around waiting while someone argued the 180 line, or a shoot thru at least once a match. That and the 15 minute walk throughs while everyone games the 8 target stage. In this area, helping to reset a stage is just about universal in IDPA, like pulling teeth at a USPSA match.
  2. Really? When your focus is on the front sight, the targets are blurred anyway. Do you want to require eyes that can focus on two distances simultaneously? I wear distance Rx to drive. When I shoot, seeing a blurry target is just fine, so no Rx to shoot. Sounds like somebody got beat by some old dude with bad eyes. :-) Heck, poor vision is a common reason I hear for jumping to Open.
  3. Two different sports. Sort of like asking, which tastes better, apples or oranges? I shot USPSA exclusively for several years. Been shooting IDPA only this year, and enjoying the new challenges and different rules.
  4. Here's an update since my last post. The last few IDPA matches and practice sessions I've had I dumped the Rx glasses and used standard non-Rx eye protection. I've been rethinking the whole correction thing, and am starting to think I've spent too much effort trying to solve a problem that wasn't. "Normal" eyed people see a sharp front sight and blurry targets. I was correcting the non-dominant eye to see in the distance, and the dominant eye to focus on the front site. I've come to realize I don't need to see the distant targets clearly, and don't really need the correction for the front sight. My eyes currently focus at arm's length, currently. With no corrected lenses, I can see in the distance well-enough to find targets, and recognize people (although I wouldn't drive a car without them.) I cannot see holes appear in targets, but they say we should be calling our shots, not watching for hits. With the mono-vision correction I often had to squint or blink to pull the front sight image in and ignore the target picture. The out-of-focus target picture is easier to ignore and I feel I can pick up the front sight quicker. (I did recently add a fiber optic front sight and that may be helping too, but I haven't decided if I really like it.) It's a little discomforting to not see sharply in the distance, especially when I first remove my normal Rx eyeglasses to put on the shooting glasses. But, after a short time, and the shooting starts, I don't notice it. I've had a chance to shoot some plate racks and some partially covered targets, and haven't had a problem with the blurred distant aiming points; in fact I actually think I'm shooting more accurately with the increased sharpness and focus on the front of the gun. I've not tried shooting indoors, where the light is lower. I don't use tinted lenses because I need all the light coming into my eyes I can get. That's another plus for doing away with the double layer of plastic in front of my eyes. I don't know how long before my eyes age more to lose the front sight focus, but for now I'm giving up on trying to correct my distance vision for pistol shooting.
  5. If I only shoot USPSA once a month, can my yearly membership be extend to 12 years?
  6. Why would you even think you could do that? I know people who avoid social media for a reason. Their safety and their family's safety might depend on it.
  7. Right, because everyone knows ROs in USPSA never help out a buddy. ( http://www.gunnuts.net/2014/06/18/range-officer-cheating-scandal-in-united-states-practical-shooting-association/ ) If you think there's shenanigans, bring it up at the match. Call the people on it.
  8. ND. No such thing as an AD. :-)
  9. I currently have an Rx of dominant eye sight focus, non-dominant eye with my regular distance Rx. I've noticed that I've lost the sharp sight focus recently. Now, with no Rx I have a very sharp front sight focus, but of course things in the distance are blurred. Does anyone who wears a distance Rx regularly shoot with no Rx? And just deal with blurry distance vision? Is that enough for A zone hits?
  10. You don't need your password. USPSA publishes your ID and pin number in plain sight on the mailing label on Front Sight, for all the world to see. You, or anyone else, can use that to login to your account.
  11. I do not believe that was a new compromise, but a reposting of the same data somewhere else. The 12/1 post on pwnedlist shows the old password. If it was a new hack, my changed password would be listed on pwnedlist.
  12. More great USPSA "security": Log into your account with your USPSA # and pin, both printed in clear view on the cover of the magazine for anyone to see.
  13. I got the second notice as well. It's the same data (same old password) so my guess is the list has been posted somewhere else.
  14. I use pwnedlist. I actually got an alert on the USPSA hack from pwnedlist BEFORE USPSA decided to alert users.
  15. The only info that we've been told has been leaked are email addresses and passwords. Is anyone at USPSA qualified to assure us that other table in the database, like name and addresses, weren't also dumped?
  16. I get: Fatal error: Cannot break/continue 1 level in /home/uspsa/public_html/uspsa-join-renew.php on line 141 Probably not a good time to be giving USPSA any personal or financial information anyway. :-)
  17. Interestingly, after attempting to login with new my new password (which I have no reason to believe is secure) and getting the error message, if I close the window and reload the site I'm actually logged in.
  18. Two days ago they dumped the SQL table structure to the web site. Now we're getting error messages posted. The USPSA membership roster would be a big score for anti-gun activists. I don't see why the site isn't taken offline until USPSA can guarantee the security of the site. Attempting to apply fixes on a live site, with live data, is just stupid.
  19. I got that error earlier too. Just add dumping database fields to the growing list of poor security practices at USPSA.
  20. The password reset email was blocked by a spamhaus blacklist. Try adding uspsa.org as a trusted sender if you can.
  21. Isn't the command "IF Clear, Hammer Down, Holster" ? It's not an acknowledgement, it's giving the shooter the responsibility to acknowledge a clear chamber. The RO looks, but's the responsibility to know it's clear is on the shooter. A "bang" at that point is the shooter's fault still.
  22. If the gun is on the ground, and anyone other than RO picks it up, isn't that a DQ? If the gun is on the ground loaded, it's automatic, yes?. I can see a rules argument ensuing. I've seen a shooter start to put the gun on the ground and stand up, and was stopped by the RO before he did it.
  23. So, he bullied you, because you you let him where others wouldn't. It was somebody else's duty to report him. Got it. No, I didn't expect someone else to report it. I accepted that he was an ass. It's well known he was a jerk. My issue was that this didn't come out of the blue. Putting words in my mouth is something I'd expect from a different class of people. But it's telling watching the ADs circle the wagons. I'm done with you. Make that three. "New" then. Less new now, but fully awakened to the "good ol' boy" network that infests major match scene.
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