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Bill Schwab

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Everything posted by Bill Schwab

  1. Steve's book helped my shooting a lot last year, I've kinda been slackin' on the dry fire, but plan to get back on it. Here's some of my times: Drill 1: .7 2: .7 3: .65 4: .95 5: .75 6: 1.25 7: This drill doesn't work well for me so I don't do it, but when I used to do them I was doing around .65. 8: 4.0 9: 4.8 10: 5.2 11: 4.95 12: 6.05 13: 1.95 14: 2.15 15: 2.3 16: 3.55 17: .9 I don't practice most of the other drills very often. All these times are with an Open gun. I'm classified Master.
  2. Must have's: Koenig hammer, SV tri-glide trigger, EGW sear. Nice to have's: Ed Brown or SV ambi safety, EGW slide stop, SV guide rod. Barrels: I don't have a lot of experience to say, but all my Kart's shoot great.
  3. JJ wins against Eric G?? Anyone got the scoop, the suspense is killing me Anyone know how Phil did in Limited????
  4. I don't think anyone offers this service, but I'd like it if it wouldn't cost me extra. What do you guys think?
  5. That's an old, yet very effective, Highpower Rifle trick. Years ago when I shot Highpower I would employ that trick whenever I suspected my front sight focus was substandard. It provided enough of detail on the front sight to allow you to be certain you're focusing on it. Kevin, no it doesn't matter which way you do it, in fact it doesn't even need to be diagonal, you can make a squiggly line if you like.
  6. That is one COOL looking blaster!!
  7. To get this thread back on topic I'd like to mention that Matt McLearn is up and running again I just sent him all the parts he needs to complete a Caspian Limited gun for me. The wait time? Only 2-4 weeks!! His shop # is 928.468.8984. I've spoken to him on the phone a few times this week and find him to be very detail oriented. I'll report back on his work later...
  8. Depends a lot on the time of year for me. In the winter maybe 1-4 times a week (combo of dry-fire and live fire), but in the summer I live fire 3-4 times a week and dry fire almost every day.
  9. Erik Warren is the Democrat, right? That would make him the evil one, my vote is cast...
  10. Now I'm even more confused, LOL. Which EriX did I meet at the Nats last year?
  11. I think this is related: This past season I noticed that my best stages (both time and HF) were the ones where I told myself that I wanted to shoot all A's; somehow by telling myself to shoot nothing but A's it caused a very relaxed state that was conducive to getting in the zone.
  12. So Steve, you're using the Caspian open gun for this challenge, but Jake, as I recall, you shoot production...what are you using for this challenge?
  13. Know what I'd like to see? Grauffel shooting Limited against Leatham and Tomasie, that would be cool.
  14. My Unit 1 really likes Wolf Match Extra.
  15. Jon, That is not what I wanted to hear: all my guns now wear EGW FP stops...
  16. FP stop of unknown manufacture broken after about 12k rounds and dry fired a zillion times. Actually a chunk came out of the FP stop but it was still functional.
  17. I was squadded with him and his wife at the Nats, they are good people, we had a lot of fun. I'd have to say that was one of the best squads I've ever been on...
  18. Thanks! Very timely info because I was going to do something this Friday to stitch the vecro on the 012; I tried gluing it but that wasn't lasting.
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