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Everything posted by SteveZ

  1. Careful what you wish for...you might just get it! ...anyone need lottery numbers picked? Great match as usual Steve!
  2. That's about the most intelligent thing I've read regarding this so-called "problem" in quite a while. I've never agreed that there is an widebody advantage over single stacks in L10 but some insist that there is and that Limited shooters will go looking for an easy win after sizing up their competition in Limited for the day. If divisional payouts are being given...I was wondering if that might have been part of the motivation for divison jumping (assuming it even exists) too. All of our clubs hand out pins (sometimes) for division/class wins. Shooting is supposed to be about having fun...not "whats in it for me"....others mileage may vary.
  3. Interesting. I'm not aware of any club here in the PNW that does cash payouts. Is this something thats common on the east coast? Also, do you guys have the problem of Limited shooters deciding to download and shoot L10 so they can win the division?
  4. WAY Cool! I've never done a head-to-head shoot off before so hopefully I make the cut and get into the shoot-offs....but it will be an uphill battle if it happens. [Nigel Tufnel quote: I'm a professional....I'll rise above it!] My dream would be to face TGO in the shootoffs....and I wouldn't even care if I beat him!
  5. got two (one from Reno, one from her member bio) ....and now I'm DEAD! +1 on Sharyn's nomination
  6. I know but i got the whole gun chromed I had a Springfield once that developed a crack in the frame (dust cover) about 10K rounds AFTER I had it hardchromed. They replaced the frame under warranty. I'd talk to Para and see what they have to say....whats the worst that could happen...they say no?
  7. SteveZ

    I Hit A Dog

    Thanks to everyone for your kind words. Went back in to see the doctor today....I've got an infection in both hands right now (but hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon and start taking care of that). My car is fine (at least I think it is...I really haven't looked at it that closely) and I'm not going to bother the owner with my medical bills....they've been through enough already...and thats why I've got medical insurance. The doctor said my hands should be better in 10 days so I should still be good for the WSSSC match at the end of the month.
  8. SteveZ

    I Hit A Dog

    Last night while heading to the store on a dark 4 lane road, I had a dog bolt out of no where right in front of my car...I locked the brakes up as fast as possible but the road was wet and I hit the dog. I saw the dog tumble in front of my car as I apparently pushed it rather than it going under. I pulled over and watched the dog limp across the road. About this time the dogs owner came running up the street trying to find their lost dog. Apparently they were having a New Years party at their house and someone started lighting off fireworks...the dog got frightened and ran. We found the dog laying in a ditch on the opposite side of the road still alive...when the owner saw it..she lost it and went into shock (got sick and nearly fainted)....the dog tried to move and I put my left hand out toward its shoulder because I didn't want it to run back into traffic and get hit again. I'm not really sure what happened exactly next...but the next think I know...my hand is in extreme pain and I then realized that the dog had clamped down on my left hand and wasn't about ready to let go.....somehow I got my hand back...but the dog then had my right thumb in its mouth and was biting down hard....and then finally let go. The owner then ran away (now really freaked out what had happened) and her son showed up with some blankets to try and capture the dog and take it to the Vet ER. At this point, I'm wondering if I've got a broken left hand and right thumb as my hands were in extreme pain and swelling rapidly....of course, I've now lost a fair amount of blood...all over my jeans. I decided it was probably time to drive straight to the ER. The good news is that neither of may hands are broken. My left hand is still sore with 8 puncture wounds...but my right thumb is a mess and I'm afraid to look at it. One of the dogs teeth caused a laceration under my right thumbnail (cracking it down the middle)...they wanted to remove the nail but I decided that I'd rather just let it fall off on its own. At this point, I can't really use either of my hands....and all of this now puts the Western States Single Stack Championship at the end of the month in jepordy as I don't know if I'll be able to pick up a gun let alone shoot one. The worst news came today when the owner of the dog called to let me know how the dog was doing. She told me that they had to put the down down...it had broken ribs, a fractured skull, a detached heart and its rear legs appeared to be paralyzed. The vet told them that even if the dog was able to survive, its outlook wasn't good. I've never hit an animal before and hope it never happens again. I feel bad for the owners and the dog.
  9. Interesting points.....which spurs a couple questions. 1) For all other USPSA National events, shooters had to earn (or buy) slots. It could/would be assumed that those shooters are already USPSA members and have already shot a few matches? For the Provisional Single Stack Nationals, no slot policy is being used. So what prevents Joe Rookie from showing up, joining the USPSA (requirement for the nationals or any Level II and higher match) and then shooting (and possibly being unsafe...or REALLY unsafe)? In our section, a shooter isn't allowed to shoot a club match unless they've either completed a safety check program or a known active shooter can vouch for the new shooters abilities. I'm not aware of any USPSA Nationals where new shooter walk-on's were allowed....seems like the USPSA is "bending" the process a bit for this match...is that a good thing? 2) Its been stated that the Provisional Single Stack Division will be judged based on match participation (10 - 12%). Is there going to be some attempt to try and "extract" those numbers from this match and if so...how?
  10. Thats exactly the way I shot it...both times I shot it. Doing it this way seems to "flow" well.
  11. The point I was trying to make...was that Nolan announces that he's leaving...and people try to pull him back in. Chuck_D announces he's leaving...and only Merlin Orr says anything trying to dissuade him. Regardless of the reasons that Chuck_D has decided to bail....people feel its ok to accuse a group of shooters of something. I've been accused of skirting competition before because I shoot L10 and don't care to shoot Limited (I like skinny guns thank you). The underlying problem as I see it (and many of you probably don't believe this) is that L10 is fighting for its survival with the adoption of SSD and comments eluding to the effect that L10 is just a place for sandbaggers doesn't help matters at all.....if enough people keep saying it (regardless of its validity)....then enough people will buy into the belief that L10 is a problem. You can call me a "hider" all you want...I don't care....but don't say anything about my division.......or I'll have to come and tie a half-hitch in your A**! Now what about trying to get Chuck_D to stay? Oh yes...and Merry Christmas (notice I didn't say happy holidays or seasons greetings....I don't buy into all the pc crap...it's Christmas and I'm calling it Christmas!!!) to all of you!
  12. So Nolan makes a couple off color jokes....decides he's had enough and bails....which causes great forum uproar. Chuck_d (and everyone else who shoots L10 for that matter) get's accused of trying to "hide" from competition and then is told that he should move from his home state so he can own hi-cap magazines and shoot Limited. No New Divisions ....and no one really seems to care! Another one of my good friends has recently bailed from the forum out of disgust of the way things have been going around here (perhaps you've noticed his absense too! No?). I guess in the eyes of some individuals (who apparently must be lacking something in life)...I must be really guilty of hiding because I shoot Limited 10 in a state where I could shoot Limited....but do it with a single stack gun because I like them. Maybe its time I begin to reconsider my presense also
  13. I think Sam and I are keepers of the L10 flame. He and I are in agreement about shooting skinny guns against widebody guns....doesn't matter one bit. It seems to me that the USPSA is doing everything they can to try and kill off L10. First they create a parallel look-a-like division (everyone I know shooting L10 is shooting a single stack) and claim that one of the reasons for doing so is to attract IDPA shooters* then they match L10 and Revolver with Limited Division for the Nationals. What do you think most of the "name" shooters will shoot? Limited of course! And then they'll complain that L10 and Revolver didn't get enough participation. How about this for a nationals split: Open/Limited and Prod/L10/Rev. Oh that won't work because the same "name" shooters will complain that they can't win TWO titles (Lim AND Open). Sometimes I wonder who USPSA views as their customers. *regarding IDPA crossovers. There's a fairly active IDPA club in our woods....and only one of those shooters has crossed over to IDPA and shot L10 (conversely there is a handfull of IPSC shooters that have gone the other way)....none of the others are remotely interested in using their CDP gear in SSD....so much for that plan.
  14. oh...knock it off! Edited to add: It gives me an excuse to go out and shot a gun I otherwise probably would not practice with.
  15. So suppose today you are a A-Class revolver shooter.....after they combine all the present divisions into two divisions(Lim/Open).....what chance of winning your class do you have against an A-Class Limited shooter?
  16. I think you stated that backwards. A Standards (or classifier) is the only place that you can[i/] specify "handedness", etc., but a Standards isn't required to do so. What I was trying to say was that IF a stage had a requirement for handedness or shooting position, it has to be a Standard Exercise.....but a Standard Exercise doesn't HAVE to have the handedness or shooting position. As added side info....Classifiers can't have "handedness or position" requirements without being a Standard Exercise. I learned that from John Amidon during my recent Level II CRO course. Yes I know it say "Standard OR Classifier"....but it's only in Standards that you can specifiy that kinda stuff. If you go back and read some of the earlier rule books...its clear that Standards only allow handedness/position requirements. When they did the new rule book last year...the words kinda got messed up.
  17. ....and tell the course designer that this stage needs to be a Standard Exercise because of the weak hand only requirement and therefore becomes more than one string.
  18. furthermore....ONLY stages that specify "handedness" (strong hand, weak hand) can be standards. The same holds for stages that specify shooting position (kneeling, prone). If you ever see a stage that specifies one of these, is HAS to be a Standard Exercise and HAS to have more than one string.
  19. I don't know about where you're shooting at...but L10 is anything but a place to hide here in the NorthWest. There is a very large group of people (very talented too) that like to shoot single stack guns and do so very well in L10. I've only seen one instance locally where a GM shooter decided to switch from Limited for the day and shot L10...and he did it to shoot with/against his buddies...not because he was trying to duck competition but because he was trying to find it....Limited division was apparently "lite" that day and he wanted to shoot against better shooters. Imagine that!
  20. According to Amidon in a recent column in Front Sight, they are not and I believe it was due the fact that metal penalty targets are defined as poppers or metal plates (i.e. no reference to IPSC metric targets are given in the rule book). However...I believe in IPSC, they do recognize a metal penalty target in the shape of a paper target. From the July 2005 IPSC rule interpretations: 4.1.3 Penalty targets must be clearly marked or be of a single color different from scoring targets. Penalty metal targets in the general size and shape of authorized paper targets may be used. Penalty metal targets do not have a non scoring border.
  21. So what would happen if the person was not sure about using their slot for the yet to be determined SSD nationals (like I've got much of a chance at winning a slot.....only if a bunch of you don't answer your phones!).
  22. I just wish it was the L10 Nationals that they got...but "oh well"...OK...how about giving them the yet to be determined SSD nationals?
  23. I'm not a fan of Barry...so I'm more than likely not going....now if it was in Bend...that would be another story..but you can't please everyone. I might do the SSD match depending on when and where (even though I'm opposed to the SSD concept in general.....everyone already knows my view on that subject). Go get 'em Sam!
  24. Speaking if migraines...I rarely get them but that last one I got happend during a major one day "away" match.....I woke up with a migraine which had never happened before and then the rest of the day was shot...trying to shoot. Regardless, one of the guys I was shooting with suggested getting a perscription for Imitrex. I got one but haven't had a migraine since...so I haven't had a chance to try it out...but I hear it works well.
  25. Well....I know one lady that will still talk to us (hi Sharyn). I guess this has become the the lastest "us vs them" issue? Equal Time...a Men's Only Forum? This is all getting stupid....I agree that it was better as one group....but whatever floats your boat.
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