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Everything posted by SteveZ

  1. I truely hope someone didn't stick this shooter with FTE's...if they did..they had better be able to swear on a stack of Bibles...that the shooter was only shooting at the two plates they knocked down. If they can't...3 Mikes...thats it.
  2. Well unfortunately...this is a true statement. See, you have to take a file and file the hook off the extractor on the Springfield so it won't extract properly....just like the external extractors on the Kimber don't extract properly. Once you do that...it will run JUST like a Kimber.
  3. Ok...it's now obvious that Larry's got more gun money than I've got....now I'm depressed...thanks Larry! BTW..I'm jealous! ...maybe some day.
  4. the real "dead give-away" is that I know Larry...and Larry just dumped a ton of money into making a Limited Glock gun!
  5. If he doesn't.....my goal will be to harrass Bruce every week with a new observation about the rule book until he cries uncle and re-submits his name for A1AD! That's my promise to you Bruce!
  6. Well here's my undestanding of what means (the way I've been schooled on it). 1.1.5 says USPSA is freestyle (shoot 'em as you see 'em) however some clubs don't have a bunch of props to block the view of targets and therefore need someway to "block the view" of certain targets without having the props to do it. Hence you get the "engage t1-t3 from box A" types of COF's. Furthermore, the exemption doesn't allow "perform a mandatory reload" COF's at Level I matches either. The excemption is for the "shoot'em as you see em" and round count restrictions. no, because "handedness" applies to Standard Exercises ONLY. And...standards have to have multiple strings...and once you make the switch of hands in a Standard...you can't switch to some other hand. You can only do it once. I think you could have that type of COF under at a club match. It similar to stating target engagement order (t1-t3 from box A, t4-t6 from box . Its for the total round count AND the 9 hits from any one shooting position parts of 1.2.1.X.
  7. based on this one speed shoot stage at the WSSSC match in Mesa a few weeks ago...yeah, I was pretty close to him (stage 11, we had the same points....I shot in the opposite direction he did)...and am guessing the difference was in the reload/draw times. ...but I want to see if I can go faster. I've seen shooters shoot faster than myself...the question is...are they in control or not. I think the most important thing I can take away from all of this discussion is "see ONLY what you need to see". It could be that I'm trying to see too much of the front sight in the scoring zone. I'm going to have to play around with some target arrays and see what I can get away with....and still maintain control. I'm shooting L10...so I don't have many extra rounds to throw down range like some of the higher capacity guys do!
  8. So somehow I need to figure a way to cut the wires to speed regulator in the car....without cutting the wires to the cars fuel pump.....lets see...is it the red one or the black one?
  9. Thanks guys for the input. I guess I'm wondering, from a mental standpoint, if ones mind develops a shot cadence that it will automatically "engage" and won't let you go faster. Since almost all shooting comes from the subconscious...trying to get it to go faster maybe a bit of a trick. The question above is not aimed at field courses where there are many areas to cut time...but speed shoots. In yesterdays match one of the new up and coming speedy shooters would watch my run and then pushed it a little harder and would beat me by a few tenths of a second. I'm not sure how much "in control" he was but it got me to thinking....can I decrease my splits (or transitions) and get my speed up...or is my mind going to impose it's own "regulated" speed. And if ones mind does impose a regulated speed...how can you force it to adopt a new speed. I guess the answer is to just push it and then let the subconscious learn to how to deal with it. One step back...two steps forward.
  10. Ok...I've got a question for all of you. Since many of you have "seen the elephant"...I figure many of you have have a good insight into this. I'm wondering, after shooting thousands of rounds....if one's mind settles into a certain shot cadence and if its possible (or a good idea) to try and speed that up. Here are a couple data points. 1) When I track the number of points I get on a stage, I'm typically getting 90-95% of points. 2) at WSSSC Mesa, we had a 16 round speed shoot (shoot 8 reload shoot 8). My time was 1 second off of TGO's. I figure his draw and reload probably accounted for that 1 second difference (he's using a kydex holster, I'm using leather. My right thumb was broken and forced me to initiate reloads using my left hand...Rob was reloading normal) which means my shot cadence was probably pretty close to his. 3) All of my shooting, I do what I call a comfortable and repeatable pace. No shoot and hope but more shooting and calling the shots. 4) On the classifier today (both sides now 99-7), I shot it at what I would call a repeatable pace. On the second round of the first string, I tracked a shot into the black hard cover and blew the run...the next 2 strings went fine. After getting home and checking my "would be" score (if I left that round on the target) my run would have been 94% nationally. So here's what I'm wondering...should I try and decrease my split times. Will my mind allow me to try and decrease my split times...while still allowing me to shoot at what I call a "repeatable" pace and not "hoping" for hits? I realize that if my splits are were .05 faster...over a 20 round course...that's a second! That could be the difference between a stage win and 2nd place. So do I turn it up a notch? Can I turn it up a notch or is my mind controlling the pace and won't change it. If I'm getting 90-95% of the points now...will trying to go faster still produce 90-95% of the points or will my accuracy fall off. And if it is possible to go faster....how do you go about doing that and get your mind to shift into the next gear and yet feel comfortable?
  11. I've been using MasterBlaster Bullets for about 2-3 years now in 45ACP and have been very happy with the results. A shooting buddy of mine was using Precisions but gave MB's a try and was happy enough with the performance that he switched. Recently (middle of last year) Tom had announced that he was getting out of the business and that caused me to search for a replacement bullet. I decided to give Rainier bullets a try and also tried 230gr's for the first time (I had been shooting 200gr SWC or Spire Points). I really liked the soft recoil with the 230's. When I heard that Tom had decided to stay in the bullet business, I told Tom that I had tried 230's and really liked the feel of the recoil and wished MasterBlaster would offer something a bit heavier. Tom told me that they indeed had come out with a new heavier 45ACP bullet...it's advertised as a 225gr round nose. Tom asked me if I'd be willing to give them a try...which I agreed to. If these work out OK, I'll be switching back to MasterBlaster bullets exclusively. I'm going to load some up and test them over the chrono when I get a chance. I did an initial test to measure the weight and consistancy. I weighed 20 bullets and came up with an average weight of 226.2, SD of .212, ES of .5, Low: 225.9, Hi 226.4. These bullets look very consistant....better than anything I've seen in the past.
  12. this classifier has serious "wording" problems. The Scoring says Comstock...but the stage procedure reads "virginia count". If it was comstock, the stage procedure should read "engage T1-T6, perform a mandatory reload and re-engage T1-T6" and the scoring would still say two hits apply. If the shooter shot each target with two rounds on the first pass..then the argument becomes....what does "engage" mean on the second pass? I would think that the second pass would require 6 rounds fired to qualify as "engaging". Making this "virginia count" clears all of the ambiguity up. Since this is one string of fire....I could see the argument that the targets have been "engaged" already (1st pass) and the shooter could fire a single shot into the berm. But either way...this classifer is a mess. It would seem that someone...somewhere has allowed shooters to double tap each target on the first pass...and do something "creative" on the second pass and not assess any procedural penalties. Maybe Troy would like to throw his 2 cents in on this one.....I'll send the Bat Signal!
  13. I think it does. The second half of US1.1.5.1 says "or round count limitations." I'd interpret that to mean that the number of rounds mentioned (both in "view" and totals) in short/medium/long courses may not be strictly held to for Level I matches meaning that not only can a stage have more than 32 rounds...but you can also have a view or location require more than 9 rounds. I know we've all seen stages at club matches where a single view or location is used and more than 9 rounds are fired.
  14. So it seems that the problem is that USPSA rules allow the DOH holster and Richard historically hasn't allowed the DOH holster? Why not just get an equipment variance from the RD (Mike Voigt) under rule 3.3.1 and call it a "local rule" for the sake of this match? That way the match can peacefully go on without all this finger pointing.
  15. according to the survey.....I need a raise!
  16. ...but Sam...haven't you heard? By shooting L10 you're just running away from competition in Limited (and SSD too!) BTW....I like L10 also! ....and I think I already said that somewhere else before also. I've been shooting "SSD Practice" for the last few months as a tune-up for the WSSSC match in Mesa a couple weeks ago....boy am I happy to have my 10 round mags back....put anywhere I want them....and a race holster positioned for faster draws. L10 is THE division for SS shooters!
  17. ...only one week until next weeks match at M'ville!
  18. ...and it probably wouldn't be caught by an RO running a stage...but more likely the guys running the chrono when they get a good look at the gun while testing it....especially if they're looking for such things.
  19. From what I've been told...the Moly coating on the NorthEast bullets is inferior to the Poly/Moly coating that companies like Masterblaster or Precision use. While the cost maybe less with the NorthEast bullets....the old saying applies...you get what you pay for. I've shot MasterBlaster bullets for years now (45ACP). Only recently did I switch to Rainier's once I heard that MB was going out of business. Presently I'm using my stock of MB's for practice and Rainiers for match ammo but once I run out of Rainiers...there's a good chance I'll be switching back to MB for practice and match ammo since they're back in the game again.
  20. Hey no problem....now if we could just get a hold of Nyle's camera! Every time I looked his way...he was shooting something or someone...I would love to see those pics. And thanks for letting me shoot with you guys....great experience to say the least. I WILL be down again next year....hopefully (without anything broken!!!) dragging a few other PNW'ers with me. You're telling me! While shooting the video's I didn't really have a chance to "see" what was happening ( I was focused on keeping the digitial camera pointed in the right direction). After I uploaded the video to my computer and watched TGO shoot Stage 10...I was simply floored. Seeing what he did after that reload was just amazing...he nails the activator...puts two round on the "zebra target" (I learned a new term...must be an Arizona thing!! ) hits the small popper and then just catches the swinger.....chasing it with the second round before it goes behind the barrel.....and makes it look like just another day at the office.
  21. For anyone interested...I took some random photos during the match (Nyle Leatham too more than I did! ) They can be found here: 2006 WSSSC Squad 1 Photos ...and some video's TGO Stage 10 TGO Stage 11 Shoot-Off #1 TGO vs Kelly Neal Shoot-off #2 Kelly Neal vs TGO
  22. I'm "guessing" the BC's are probably about .150...but at this range and velocity..its not going to matter too much. so for the above load, I'm getting the following: Range Velocity Impact 0 1147 -0.5 10 1122 -0.1 20 1101 0.03 30 1081 -0.13 40 1063 -0.58 50 1046 -1.35
  23. Hey Larry...thats all going to depend on what distance you're zero'ed at presently. Using a ballistic calculator for different zero distances, I've got the following: zero drop at 50 yrds 15 yrds 3.5" 20 yrds 3.25" 25 yrds 2.8" Hope that helps.
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