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Everything posted by spook

  1. Yah! Of course, it was based on a cartoon... Literally. The director tried to do a pic by pic translation. But that's not an excuse! I guess.... Yeah, what were these guys thinking?! Speedos are soooo 424 BC [insert gay icon] I would have preferred cowboy suits! OMG! You noticed that too?! It made me long for one of those good old, Arnold or Sly movies! Also, to make it historically accurate, they could have at least tried to replicate what ancient Greek history left us, like those statues or something... That really cracked me up... I too find it beyond ghey when two men have any physical contact... This includes fighting, shaking hands and the ever-gay pat on the shoulder. I too would have preferred a gurgling sound. It would have given the whole movie that little bit more realism that most other Hollywood movies give us... Dry land is not a myth. I've seen it. Kevin Costner. Waterworld. I don't know what the big fuss is about. I saw that movie nine times. It rules! PS, it's called sarcasm...
  2. You did well Jim. Sorry you had such a sh%^&y experience on the range. It sucks. Reminds me of the time a guy sweeped the whole crowd coming out of a little alleyway and sweeped the whole crowd again after the RO yelled stop. Scary shit. SV shooter, great AV and Sig!
  3. I would say the exact opposite. Try the sights for yourself. It's a very personal thing: YOU have to look at them. I know a pretty good shooter that has FO frond AND rear (Eric Grauffel) and a guy who is about the same skill level and also does pretty well who uses just the FO front (TGO) I like th ICE magwell and the Arresondo pads.
  4. It's not the cylinder stop that gets peened, it's the notches in the cylinder that get beat up. How about a stainless gun with a carbon steel cylinder. Hard chrome the cylinder to make it easy to see for you. I have seen some model 66's that came with blue cylinders. Ah yes, I forgot all about that. Good ol'times. I did have a CS break on me once though. How about a nice: whatever color you can get gun and have it Ion Bonded?
  5. How about a SS gun with a CS cylinder stop? Another reason I like stainless revolvers is that the chargeholes are more visible in different lighting conditions
  6. I'd go for Stainless for the Corrosion resistance (stuff rusts in my hands). I've heard some stories about CS being better than SS, but I have never seen any real proof (arent a lot of benchrest barrels stainless?
  7. I got 5.2lbs. on the Glock and had about 10lbs. on the revolver. Anything lighter than 3.5lbs. feel a little tricky to me. Since the world champ is shooting a 3lbs trigger in Open, I don't see any reason (for me) to go any lighter.
  8. +1 I never really hated on Hughes. I think he's one of the greatest champions in MMA history. The guy has fought some epic battles and he is just an insane 170lbs. fighter. I actually give him the edge over GSP in Hughes GSP 3 And ditto on the no trash talking stuff. I can't believe how some guys want to make MMA a mainstream sport (if it's not already) and expect to overcome the greatest hurdle (the un-PC character) by trash talking all the time. The only trash talking I enjoy is Rampage's. He's one funny SOB. The "black on black crime" quote before him vs. Eastman still cracks me up. Dammit! I thought you wasn't readin' when I wrote that down! Coleman had his moments and so did Sherk, but I still believe that was also because they had a great match up. Plus Coleman and Sherk were some names that came to mind. I could have picked Fujita and Ortiz just as easily (*thinks of a possible Ortiz vs. Fujita and shudders*) That's basically what I thought you meant. And I agree. There's so much difference between power and technique. Did you mean Crane (guy who fought Huerta) BTW?
  9. DP40, I think PistolPete is referring to true "wrestlers" instead of "other grapplers". There's a huge difference between the two. I too find a lot of wrestlers (like Ortiz for instance) dreadful to watch. Somehow a lot of them fail to finish their opponent and end up dominating them from the top until it's decision time. Chuck, IMHO is a kickboxer who utilizes his wrestling to prevent takedowns, nothing more. I wouldn't exactly call him well rounded as he hasn't finished anyone on the ground yet. Grapplers with extensive backgrounds in BJJ or Judo are just awesome to watch. My favourites at the moment are Shinya Aoki and Shaolin Ribeiro. Aoki has no standup, but is just sooo good to watch on the ground. When I think of "wrestlers" I think of guys like Coleman, Ortiz, Hughes, Kos, Sherk. Some of them are hard workers and GREAT MMA fighters, but I find them boring to watch (unless they get dominated by grapplers like Penn for instance ) There are always the exceptions like Henderson, Randy, Rampage... but then again, both Rampage and Henderson fall into the category "wraslers who dun' wanna wrassle"
  10. Just curious to know: here in Italy common price for N320 is about €30 per 1/2 kg (1.1 lbs) keg. If you buy it by weight, from gunshops who buy 25Kg kegs, then you might be able to get near half that price, but (AFAIK) there's only one such source here. Last time I bought 4Kg and paid €120. Can the US market price be more insane than this? Dutch market is worse: €44 per 1/2kg for N3xx Strange, I pay €110 for 2kg N320?
  11. Basically, he is learning. I feel that learning is good. Whatever works to facilitate the learning... Which can be different things, at different times, for different people. I couldn't agree more
  12. Flex, Just wondering: How do you feel about shooters building up their grip with epoxy, rendering it useless to other shooters with different size hands? Or shooters mounting a C-more to the side of their rifle?
  13. I truly feel that if you see "having the sights in the center" as an indication of how well you shoot, you are holding yourself back. There are too many reasons the bullets won't go in the middle when the sights are in the middle that have little to do with human error. Just like there are many reasons to alter the gun from factory configuration in other ways.
  14. Yup, great guy and an awesome athlete!
  15. My girlfriend does too Russian chicks rock!!! Your G/F's are on the road to becoming ex-G/F's Nah, this one likes to watch MMA and is one hell of a kickboxer. It's too cool to have a girl who can actually kick my ass in the clinch. Though I guess most Russian girls could kick my ass anyway...
  16. Doug, I am so very sorry to read this. My thoughts are with you!
  17. You have a tatoo on the back of your neck too? I hope you don't have an aversion for cute russian chicks Btw, why do you need such a long barcode to say #47 ???? I'd seriously consider it But, like Micah points out, if it can't be covered by my suit... it's a no go. Gotta shoot a match someday though, wearing a suit and some leather gloves... I don't have an aversion for Russian chicks at all, but I think my gf does...
  18. Cool I HAVE to see it. Love the games. I'll probably get some weird looks though since I am a spitting image of Hitman Oh well, guess I'll leave the suit and red tie at home (and the fiber wire too )
  19. If you move the sights, there is no more problem Waht are you afraid of? You can always move them back. That solution is a lot easier than figuring out "how-you-change-your-shooting-to-make-the-groups-move-to-the-right". I have the same thing on my guns and I know a couple of very very good shooters (who placed top 16 at the World Shoot) who also shoot left. Now if you weren't shooting good groups, that would be a whole nuther story. My theory: You can either change the way you shoot to adapt to the gun, or just move the sights and start kicking ass.
  20. Groups are tight? Check! Just drift the sights so you hit the middle and keep those groups tight! If you hesitate, shoot some groups weak hand, strong hand and freestyle to see if they all end up in the same place (thanks Flex!)
  21. I use a snap cap, though I'm not sure it still does what it needs to do. The solid brass primer has developed a big crater in the middle from approx. a bazillion hits from the striker.
  22. I would convert the cylinder to 9x23 with moonclips, machine all the weight off the barrel and use it for steel challenge/pins/IPSC, basically any game.
  23. In my experience the advantages of having a grip like that far outweigh the cons during weakhand shooting (if there are any). The whole point of having a grip like that is to have better control while shooting freestyle (85%+ of our shooting). Then there's probably 10% of strong hand, and 5% of weak hand (max). In single handed shooting there's not much to control the gun with but a high grip and the recoil itself. I have found that it doesn't matter that much what shape or size the grip is compared to freestyle shooting. As long as you grip it high and it doesn't shift, that is. Short story: IMO, go for it.
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