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Everything posted by spook

  1. Only 33, wow! I don't know why, but the question: "Have you ever been trampled?", cracked me up somehow.
  2. As long as it wasn't his package. while saying: "I'm your father". "The force is strong with this one...."
  3. I have a life size poster of Richard Simmons. Does that count?
  4. 11. How does Darth Vader know what Luke will get for Christmas? He felt his presents...
  5. Hehe, yeah, the IPSC Standard rules used to be just a list of what you couldn't shoot Now it's just: no comps, no optics and fit the box. I like that
  6. Never had problems with accuracy, just controlability. The grip is too small.
  7. Just instert something pointy into the muzzle end of the barrel and slam it really hard. That should get it out and it would be in line with the ad too
  8. One reason my dry fire draws were/are always faster than live fire has something to do with handling a LIVE firearms vs an empty one (filled with dummies actually). What I like to do is go to the range and do some dry fire with a live gun (on the range in a safe direction etc.). EDITed to point out that it's not the weight, but the feeling of handling a safe inert firearm vs. one that goes bang. I'm more comfortable with an inert gun.
  9. A friend of mine told me some time ago that until one or two years ago, the US Natiuonal Limited had never been won with a Long Dust Cover gun. It's the shooter, not the gun
  10. Attach the timer to a car battery. Attach the car battery to your privates. Attach an "Off" switch to the place where your holster is. I have never found any great value in drills based solely on reaction time. I found that the minor improvements (max .05 seconds on the draw) that come with practicing it, will vanish quickly when you quit practicing. Also, a lot of reaction drills are based on single actions. It is like practicing just the draw with no follow up shots. It is not a very realistic representation of a "match skill". But of course, if you want to be able to impress with a .55 draw, knock yourself out
  11. AFAIK, USPSA Limited Division is the place where you can shoot your IPSC Standard Division gun. Limited has no box rule and you can use magazines that are 140mm long. Power Factor is 165. But there is no way you could not win Limited with an IPSC Standard gun, with "short magazines" and 170PF ammo if you outshoot the other shooters
  12. Yes, it is. And apparently a very competitive one (Dave Sevigny) Too bad I can't put any power tool logos on my Production gun... I'd love to shoot a DeWalt 9x19 DeWalt9x19.bmp
  13. Triggers are usually judged by just weight. Which I find interesting. I personally don't care less about trigger weight. I like consistency, smoothness and predictability. I do shoot a G17 with a 3.5lbs connector and some minor polishing on the internal parts. Trigger breaks at 5.2lbs. I compete in Standard and Production. I can pretty much snap it right back with either hand and not disturb the sight picture, because I like to practice a lot. It's just a matter of learning and getting to know your trigger. Once you know the trigger, weight makes no difference in how fast you can pull it without moving the sights (= speed + accuracy, which is all that matters). Also, a Glock trigger has so much slack, once you take out the slack and learn where the break point is, it will feel like a 2-3lbs. trigger. What I like about the Glock trigger: 1) Every pull is the same 2) It is (like Flex pointed out) almost two stage, which means you can really prep it when transitioning to the next target. That way you take up all the slack, making it feel like a 2lbs. trigger. 3) Reset is short and strong Look at Eric Grauffel or Jerry Miculek. Eric shoots a 3lbs. trigger in Open and Jerry shoots about 6lbs. in Revolver and gets faster splits that almost anyone. Both guys are very accurate too. As usual, it comes down to practice. BTW, Flex is spot on. The first shot of the other guns that compete in Production should be 5lbs. as well.
  14. Well, it would be in line with the rest of this thread...
  15. spook

    Open blaster

    How are transitions to the left? Any problems with the C-More body getting in the way of what you want to see? Nice setup. I love the sight picture!
  16. Shouldn't that be: [Richard Simmons voice] "THIS IS SPARTA HONEY!"[/Richard Simmons voice] ?
  17. spook

    Pull Ups

    +1. I feel another hate thread coming up!
  18. Actually, I enjoyed 300. Like I said, it was campy and a lot of fun because you can't take it seriously like the gore in other films like Saving private Ryan. If it had been played for serious effect, it would have been pretty depressing. Funny you mention SPR. I saw it two days ago. I couldn't help, noticing there was a lot of man-on-man action ifyaknowwhaddamsayin'...
  19. What's the difference between this and actors/actresses spending hours getting their hair and make-up done? How about Jamie Fox losing 30 lbs to play Ray or Deniro gaining that much in Raging Bull? Ghey
  20. I'll check too. Something tells me I also still have a set lying around somewhere.
  21. Damn! I thought my sarcasm was over the top... Guess I was wrong What could I have done to my original post to make it more clear that I loved 300 and that I hate anything that has to do with homophobia? I thought the cowboy suits comment should have given it away... Well, I've done it. I've inserted an extra explanatory icon to my ever so subtle post... SIGH!
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