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Everything posted by spook

  1. You think it's the cage and not the different rules? Drug test perhaps? Yes, that too. I stated that in my other thread (in the "What I Like" Forum). I still can't believe how small and soft Shogun looked against Forrest.
  2. spook

    Shooting to the Left

    It depends ... can you see through dresses? Yes, but that has noting to do with the Rx glasses. That depends on how many drinks I've had
  3. spook

    Shooting to the Left

    I can't. If I yaw my strong hand so the index finger is square to the trigger I have no place to put my weak hand anymore. Like I said, I have pretty large hands (and you know what they say about guys with large hands..... they wear big gloves)
  4. spook

    Shooting to the Left

    Luca, I am also analyzing that at the moment. I have noticed something that looks like birefringence when I focus on my sights. Even if I close one eye, I sometimes get double vision on my rear sight. I wonder if the fact that I wear shooting glasses with Rx inserts has anything to do with that. I'd love to hear something on this subject from an optometrist.
  5. You think it's the cage and not the different rules?
  6. spook

    Shooting to the Left

    Went to the range yesterday. The results were interesting. I started with about 30 shots freestyle. All went about 2" high and 3" left @ 2oyds. Then I moved to weak hand shooting. 20 shots new target and they all went about 2" high and 3" left @20yds. Did the same thing Strong hand, just for the record. Same story. I ended up tapping the sight to the right and it pretty far off center (My guess would be almost 0.1"). Went back and it shoots slightly to the right (about 0.5" @20-25yds), so I'll have to readjust (the guy who had the brass punch left the range). It raised some questions. I think everybody has a guy on the range that has his sights adjustd all the way up/down/left/right and tells you: "Yeah it's because of my eyes". I always thought that was BS, because your eyes make "one picture" where the sights and the target are alligned. Suppose your eyes are bad, and they move that picture up/down/left/right, then they will move the whole picture up/down/left/right. Well, I have the feeling I am that guy now I have absolutely NO explanation for it. All I'm thinking is: How the hell is that possible?!?! My buddy shoots it dead center and it didn't come from the factory with the barrel off center.
  7. Too bad I can't read Russian. Looks like they have some fun stories (pic of Dana White at the bottom)M-1 Mix Fight I agree that Randy should fight soon. He's not getting any younger. I doubt if the rules and production value of M-1 will be detrimental to the organization. Last rumours say that Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks) owns it. Plus you there will most likely be soccer kicks, stomps and knees of the ground allowed. Sounds pretty cool to me (kind of like UFC + PrideFC combined) What do you think?
  8. spook

    Shooting to the Left

    Fix the problem, not fit the gun to the problem. If you are shooting left and it's your basic techniques causing this, then correct your basic techniques. In any sport, there is a set of basic techniques that must be solid for the athlete to excel. If the basics are not solid, you will always have to fight it. For example, second guessing where your shot will hit the target at 30+yards. Do you compensate for the slightly to the left shooting, or not? You will see the results multiplied the further out the target gets. Its a PITA to fix the real issue when just moving the sight sounds like the easiest fix, but sometimes the right way is the hard way. BTW, I have this issue too, and have been working hard on fixing my basic technique errors. My shooting lately has suffered because of it, but in the end, I will be a better shooter. For me to make my next step to my M card, I can't be fighting myself for the "right" way. It will have to be engrained. As I posted earlier, this is my dillemma. If I would have to second guess I would know where to put the work. But I don't have to second guess. If I shoot a 50yd. target I can call my shots exactly. It will be around the C/D line upper left, and that's not where I want them to go I'll see what happens tonight at the range. My schedule for tonight: 20 rnds. 15yds Freestyle 20 rnds. 15yds Strong hand 20 rnds. 15yds Weak hand 20 rnds. 25yds Rested I will use 4 different targets and compare the senters of the groups. That should give me an idea of what to do. If everything is to the left, I'll adjust the sights. If I shoot to the right Weak hand, I'll have to change my trigger technique (or sell the gun and get a revolver )
  9. spook

    Shooting to the Left

    So basically you think: + = Interesting. I'll try it out tonight (if I can get the steel shooters to clear the range for a second, otherwise it'll be friday). I'll post results. TxD thanks Your joke about the rotating cylinder actually made me think about that and wonder if it's not a factor. And I am looking into buying a revolver, but am still in doubt about the caliber/platform. Plus nobody wants to buy my Glock... I wonder why
  10. spook

    Shooting to the Left

    The way I pull the trigger right now easily passes the "pencil test". I am pulling the trigger with the pad/tip of the pad right now. Definately not too much trigger finger. As a matter, I tried with more trigger finger (almost the 1st joint) and noticed the sights moved even less when really snapping the trigger. I have (really) large hands and long fingers. I think the problem lies there. My trigger finger is so long, I can't get the pad of it square on the trigger. It always contacts the trigger at an angle. When I put more finger on the trigger (1st joint), my finger contacts the trigger in a way that it can only be pushed straight back. Andy, thanks for the link. I googled for "glock shoots left" and read the thread before I started the topic. I am very interested in the trigger torque theory. I will order one of the FF books to check that out. That's what I thought, until Flex said something about shooting weak hand. I'll check that out on the range tonight. I can put a coin on the FS and snap the trigger any way I like without dropping it. That's not the problem. I believe my trigger control is quite good, actually, which is why I can't explain the shots going left
  11. spook

    Shooting to the Left

    SRT, thanks, I will try the thing with the grip pressure. It's the only thing I haven't really thought of/experimented with. Flex, I saw you suggested that in some other threads I read today. I'll check that out tomorrow. Good suggestion, because if I pull the shots to the right with my left hand, it would be useless to adjust the sight, because I would get into trouble shooting WH stages. MagicTH, It's definately me, no doubt. I was just wondering, if I'm getting good groups, why alter the way I pull the trigger when I can just adjust the sights?
  12. My Glock with Ameriglo fixed target sights shoots to the left. About 2 inches at 10y. I get very decent groups with it at all distances, but they're all to the left. I remember having the same thing with my Dawson Adjustables on the same Glock. I found these other threads on the subject: Click here and here The threads I found on the subject had a lot of shooters with the same "problem" and some shooters who say it's technique-related and the sights should be left alone. I am in doubt. I am a pretty accurate shot, and I am sure the sights do not move when I break the shot. I don't flinch or blink. I get good groups. So I am inclined to move the sight (which is already off-center to the right even further) to the right. OTOH my gut tells me there is something wrong about a gun with the sight drifted all the way to the right. I let my buddy shoot the gun and when he shoots, the shots are in the middle. I guess my question is this: 1) How can the it be that the sights are alligned, don't move when the shot breaks and end up going left of the center of the target? 2) When is it time to drift the sights and stop blaming "bad technique"? What I mean is that it seems kind of pointless to me to change the whole way I pull the trigger just to change POI (since I shoot good groups) PS With my revolver I had the sights to the right just a tad (it was not completely centered).
  13. I heard S&B changed the pimer pockets of their brass somewhere last month. They chamfered it slightly. Great brass and with this change = perfect brass.
  14. I still can't believe why Zuffa/White or anyone else would disrespect Randy. He is such a class act and a true ambassador of the sport. White said in recent interviews that Randy is "just one of the many faces of the UFC". But I can't think of anyone else who is as articulate, respectful and charismatic who is in the UFC right now. PS Kimberkid, don't worry about "losing" a legend. Randy will fight again, probably just not in the UFC again. I predict Fedor/Randy in another organization as the (MMA-)retirement fight of both fighters. M-1 has also just signed Ricardo Arona. They already have Kharitanov and the Aleksander Emelianenko. Looks like they're trying to get some talent. If they sign Barnett then Couture will have 2 reasons to start fighting in M-1, Fedor and to avenge his loss against Barnett.
  15. Great idea! Or, since Dana thinks Fedor is way overrated, he could fight HIM instead
  16. Well, I know Fedor turned down a large sum offered by Zuffa, because he still wanted to do his Sambo-matches. Randy walked away not only because of his UFC paycheck, but also because he was being lied to by Zuffa management/Dana, plus he figured that he would never face Fedor in the UFC Octagon. Dana blew it big time and Fedor and Randy acted accordingly. I like that It might also like it because I think Dana White is kind of an asshat
  17. Normally, I would also tell you to practice more etc. etc. But SInce the Fobus is such a terrible holster, IMO, I won't. I have used the Fobus and didn't like it. I feel it's a holster that will definately hold you back. Both the angle/cant and the draw resistance were horrible IMO. The Safariland 007 is and old model, but I currently use it as my competition Glock holster and I really like it. It's pretty fast too. If I were you, I'd ask to see/try some different models, see what most of the top guys use. I would get something cheap (<$100), yet fast/consistent, if possible. +1 on the CR Speed Belt. It's more important than your choice of holster.
  18. I think they're both class acts for stepping up to Dana White/Zuffa. I just hope M-1 will make the fight happen. http://sports.espn.go.com/extra/mma/news/story?id=3059019
  19. I think Randy's teaching is really working in the UFC. Griffin has turned it around since he has been with Randy. His is a total different fighter. I also agree that the wrestler seems to have an advantage for some reason. 2008 is going to be a crazy year. I want to see who Randy is going to fight next. I think that the difference in rules is a bummer especially for the Chute Box guys (Wanderlei, Shogun etc.). Soccer kicks are a big part of their game. It's strange to see Shogun lose to Griffin if you consider how hard he dominated Rampage in the Pride ring. I remember seeing Tito chase Wanderlei around the Cage 3 years after the match took place and thinking to myself: "that would never happen again, Wanderlei would destroy Tito", but after seeing Griffin/Shogun, I begin to have doubts. I understand that but who is really a good fight for Randy right now. The heavy weight division is really not as stacked as the LH division. Cop Crop turned out to be a bust. Congo is still not a top fighter. They need Fedor if not could you imagine Randy losing weight to jump in the mess at 205. Also did you notice that Randy has something on his arm the night of the fight? Too bad Dana and Josh Barnett aren't talking. I would love to see a rematch between Randy and Josh. Also, Nog vs. Randy would be awesome. That's definately a possible matchup. If Nog gets past Kongo (which shouldn't be too much of a problem, but since it is 2007 "upset year", who knows? )
  20. I don't know.Shamrock (Frank) fought and beat Baroni not too long ago (couple of months). Couture is in his (second?) prime beating up guys half his age . Shogun is only 25 and arguably the most well rounded fighter in the UFC today and sucked wind against Griffin. Rampage said that Shogun was the toughest opponent he ever lost to. It's just complete chaos. The only thing I noticed lately is that the well conditioned guys seem to have the greatest chance of winning despite the fact that they have less technique (Hughes/Penn, Griffin/Shogun, Serra/GSP, etc.) I have my own theories about why Ex-Pride fighters seem to do less well in the UFC than expected and they are quite controversial (for instance: they don't test for steroids in Japan and they do in the UFC. Shogun looked so very small compared to his Pride fights) BTW, I wonder when Fedor vs Randy will finally happen.... EDIT: Spelling
  21. COOL, Spook is back! Hey, how are you doing? I don´t know, how much I was asked in France, where this guy from the Nederlands is, shooting the fast Revo.... Well you can tell them that that guy ain't so fast no more I took about a year and a half off from shooting round guns and have actually sold them all (except a little 617 in .22, I couldn't help keeping one). I'm trying to learn how to shoot a Glock properly
  22. LOL that depends on what you mean with "serious competitor" . I watched Igor at the EC2004 and thought he was very fast. When he told me he had only been shooting for a year or so, I couldn't believe it. I can only imagine how he shoots now if he continued to practice as hard as he did. So a serious competitor he sure is.... But serious as in "a serious person" LOL........................................no
  23. Hi my friend Thanks a lot, you are very kind...I send you a message but is possible is not run for problem with my MacBook Ricky are always very kind, superfast shooter and exceptional man...I hope you restart shoot with a revo soon Keep in touch... Igor No, sorry, didn't get your PM (must be the Mac ) Ricky is indeed a great shooter and very fast on his feet! Ciao! Bjorn
  24. Thanks RGS! I'm starting to feel like shooting again
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