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Everything posted by Canuck223

  1. I'm awaiting delivery of a slightly used PW Autodrive for my super 1050. Fortunately my bench was left deliberately spartan, so today I begin the process of cleaning it off and making room for the new toy. Any owners care to share set up tips? For the moment, I'll probably be using the machine to process brass in large batches. Ideally, I want to set up the press to size/de-prime and swage with little to no operator involvement. I take the time (or get my kids) to sort my brass, so there is very little chance of a .40 winding up mixed in with my 9mm brass. When I have all my 9mm brass processed, I plan on stripping the swager off the press, and running the cases through again to pre-prime when I have time to sit, watch, and refill the primer magazine.
  2. Canuck223


    Why stop there? Grab 4 cases and hold your hand out for the rebate!
  3. I hate to sound like a pimp for STI, but have a look at the GP6C. It's good to go out of the box, with great sights, a fantastic trigger, and a great grip feel. I had the origional Grand Power K100, and it was very nice. The STI version is even better. I've got 3k or so through my current version, and not a single malfunction.
  4. Update: Well Muttzilla had a blast. The range is in the heart of cottage country in Ontario. We got there extra early,and he got to sniff around and meet the folks at the club for better than a hour before the shooting started. He doesn't even flinch, but by the end of the first stage, he apparently learned range commands. We began to notice that as soon as he heard LAMR, he'd walk back 10 meters and lay down and watch. When I'd finish shooting, he would stay put, more or less until I began walking back uprange.
  5. I was worried about the noise issue myself. His first match was an NRA Action pistol match, and he wanted to stand right beside me on the line for the first string. MrClean looked at me and asked what Muttzilla would do when the gun went off. I said we'd find out in a few seconds. Muttzilla just stood thier, looked up and then walked over and sat under the picnic table where I'd placed his water dish. Both the ranges I'm going to are 80+ meters deep, so he has room to roam outside of the heavy decibel zone.
  6. When i first began shooting IPSC, my buddy used to bring his Aussie Shepherd to every outdoor match. Tucker was actually given his own Black Badge by IPSC Ontario. I can't recall anyone getting bent out of shape by Tucker being there. This weekend, I'm hitting two matches in one day, and my kids are spending the day with granny while MrsC works. With nobody home for the day, I'm tempted to bring Muttzilla with me. He's a 3 year old Lab/GSD mix. He's been to two small matches before, and loves getting out. He's well behaved. I can't imagine he's likely to be a buzzkill for anyone, but I'll pose the question here. Does having a dog on the range bother you? (He gives the place a quick sniff then tends to hang out well back of the line.)
  7. I used to load up 20 primer tubes. When I sold off the old press, I sold the tubes. When I re-tooled, I got the RF-100, and LOVE it. Now it's simply pull the follower, fill it from the RF, toss a sleeve of primers into the RF, hit the button, and carry on. Maybe 30 seconds interuption.
  8. I'm going to take a wild guess that it's the Turkish Tomahawk mag fed gun. We have the tube fed version up here, and reports are not 100% favourable.
  9. Unfortunately, this isn't about the two of you. It's about the four of you. You'd be better off to gift your daughter what you can afford, and let them find the place THEY can afford.
  10. I think if I look hard I've got a nice plaque from the 1999 Cup. I used a Caspian Race Ready frame with a slide Bill Lauridge of C&S sold me, unfinished from Colt when they moved to the Improved profile slide. The gun had a STI Bull barrel, and the throat was relieved to allow me to seat to 10mm length. I used West Coast 200 gr plated bullets loaded to around 1.200 over a charge of VV N330. Can't recall the PF, but it was definately over 120......
  11. He's already offered up the CanAm. Remind me to buy Sherri that potbellied pig.
  12. I hate to sound like a nay-sayer, but all to often I see postings like this creep up. If you have a good idea, that might be patentable, ask yourself a few questions. 1) How much money can I make from this in the next 7 years? 2) If I sink the cash I'd spend on a lawyer into marketing and production, how much more can I sell/make in the next 18 months? 3) If I patent this, do I also have the means to defend the patent in court? 4) What is the likelyhood of this going offshore, causing me to take action against multiple defendants importing knock-offs? First and finest to market makes the big cash.
  13. I've got eight year old fraternal twin boys. They are as different as night and day. Jake is all boy, full of piss and vinegar, and with confidence to spare. G_d help when he's old enough to start shooting. His brother Ben is the polar opposite in some ways. He's tested genius IQ, but struggles with reading. He just doesn't have the natural confidence of his brother. He quits trying easily when he doesn't pick something up quickly. My mother likes to spend her summer at the cottage, but she's our primary babysitter. She kidnaps them for the summer. Last summer, while Jake tore around the area on his bike, Ben had to run to keep up. This summer, I was desperate to see him succeed, but I didn't think it was going to happen. Ben wouldn't try, and was playing with his scooter instead. I tried to bribe him with the promise of a new bike if he could master his old one, but it seemed to be going nowhere. On Thursday, he came to me with a blown tire. I pulled his brothers unused scooter out of the rafters, pumped up the tires, and sent him on his way. He made it all the way to the end of the driveway before the second scooter blew a tire. Once again I strongly suggested he give the bike another try. A few houses down, we have a dead end that the local kids use to learn to ride. By Friday at noon he was running up the steps to tell me he was riding it. By Saturday dinner, he was showing off to his grandparents. Today we bought him a new mountain bike.
  14. It's quite the slap in the face. Adding the extra shipping, plus the taxes and brokerage fee, and very quickly the item you've budgeted for is way over budget. In my mind, even with the travelling time and cost of gas, it's worth it. I save at least the shipping and brokerage, and maybe, just maybe, some of the tax if the guy at the booth gives me a pass. I won't lie at customs, but it's amazing how many times you simply get waved through even after telling them you are over your duty free limit. For 8 years I shot the WNYPPL and man it was nice being able to pick up parcels from Combat Corner. BTW, congratulations Gloria!!
  15. You need a new sizing die, but the same seating and crimping dies should work, as will the shellplate.
  16. How close to Detroit are you? I live about 35 NW of Detroit and would be happy to have you ship it here and then pick it up. I'm 30 minutes north of Toronto, but I can still smell it from here.
  17. Unless you are a power tripping dick, you don't fire employees. They fire themselves.
  18. I'm looking to buy a P/W autodrive for my 1050, and just got the quote for shipping. It's annoying to say the least. If I lived in Buffalo or Detroit, the shipping would be free. Shipping the same box across the border will tack on an additional $115. Arghhhh!
  19. I'm biased, as I own a GP6. The grip is similar. The mags are of equal quality. The GP6 rocks with a much nicer single action trigger, and a fantastic reset. The double action isn't quite as light as a SP01 Shadow, but it's nice. I confess that I don't like the S&W or Glock triggers. The safety on the GP6 isn't as good as a 1911, and if you like to ride the safety, you will not immediately love the GP6.
  20. So have you got your gun permit yet? I understood it was taking 1-4 years to process these days.
  21. I have a set of twin 8 year old boys that need stuff to do on rainy days, or when I'm pissed of at them. I get them to seperate by headstamp. I use Winchester for matches, and the rest for practice.
  22. Sorry to hear you are having problems. Another Canadian on www.canadiangunnutz.com is having the same issues. I used to own the older Pro-Jector. Built like a tank, but as fiddly as a Swiss watch when something fell out of time.
  23. It was excellently played by both sides. I know that in round robin, you have to lose your last game to place second, so I get it's a bit of a let down. Still, I couldn't help but be a little disappointed with all the long faces when the American team recieved thier Silver medals. Team USA played great. They didn't get the gold, but they sure earned silver.
  24. I recommend that you get the support die for this caliber. The 1050 was designed to open the case mouth at this station. 9mm so regularly come with crimped primers that running the presss without the swager just seems wrong. Eventually you'll look at getting a Mr.BulletFeeder, which will require the station 3 belling. As for priming, back the plastic tabs securing the nut that holds the shellplate down off a bit. Tighten the plate until it won't budge, then back off 1/6th a turn and test it. If it turns freely, secure the tabs.
  25. As much as the guys in the trade are out to make a buck, they also need repeat business to stay afloat. I'd take a look around and find the oldest water treatment company in the area, and see what they recommend and why. Your raw water was very nearly PH neutral. What type of system is this kinetico? The only system I've ever used is the norm for my area. A resin based ion exchange tank, recharged by backwashing it with brine.
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