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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Where do I get one? How much?
  2. ... What do you think is under the berms? ...
  3. I'm finding the less I make myself care about shooting fast and more about doing things correctly, just making the shots and watching the gun do it's thing, the better my scores are. This got me to wondering about TGO. What is his focus? Those that know him mght chime in and share.
  4. Get as many points as you can as fast as you can. If you don't have any points you have a low HF. If you take too long to get the points you have a low HF. Shooting fast is a by product of doing things correctly and under control. The best shooters are accurate, incredibly fast. The order IS important. Speed just to be fast isn't very useful.
  5. The guns will shoot better than you. Buying a new gun IF you have one that is reliable and functions 100%, fits you, has good sights and a good trigger won't help you much IMO. Spending some $ on training with a good instructor is probably money better spent. Technique and knowing how to train is very important.
  6. ..."Only the dead have seen the end of war." Plato If you are a soldier, I salute you. You are the true keepers of peace. Politics be damned. Be safe, stay strong.
  7. The first mistake you made was keeping track of the $$$ but, for me it is cheaper than therapy... My GF doesn't understand, but she see's how much I love it so she is supportive. Time management is the trickey part.
  8. My 2 cents, if you "want" something get it. I wouldn't be happy dumping the $ it would take to get the Para modifed. The gun would have little resale value. I would sell it and the buy the one it sounds like you really want.
  9. Where else would you be if you were not "here?" Most hobbies/sports are pointless if you look at them "logically." They are something else entirely if you want them to be.
  10. Look at the primer, it will have a rectangular stamp if it came from a Glock
  11. So you've met Sandoz too? "drift mode on" I think you made some other really good points, when someone points out my classification to a new shooter I make a point to let that new shooter know I used to be the guy who came in at the bottom of the list. That and making people feel welcome no matter what they bring or what their skill level keeps more poeple coming back IMO than all the divisions we have ever will.
  12. The arguement that I'm a X shooter shooter because I only score X% at major matches so I must really be a X shooter even if I regularly beat the next higher classified shooter is so lame. The argument so old, worn out, and wrong. If you finsh within your percentage at a major match you should classified be at least 1 class higher. Seldom are the top 5 GM's within 10% of score and the winner skews the average % by 10% or MORE. Sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes, but I've heard that for a LOT of years from a guy who was a total bagger. If thinking that makes you feel good about yourself then good for you. Look in the mirror and try to feel good about milking the system for piece of wood and metal. The fact is there are people who put winning at any cost (even against competitors of a lesser skill level) that the will shoot whichever division they think it will be easier to win in. There are some that jump around for the challenges of better competition and some that hide from better shooters. I had been working at open for the last few months and when I checked the roster for Area 1, I saw Sevigny signed up in Limited. Am I jumping divisions? Heck ya, I'm breaking out a gun I haven't shot in 9 months that just got rebuilt to see how bad I really suck, in Limited. For some it's about "winning" for some it's about getting better and finding new challenges. I have no dilusions of winning against the best... ... yet
  13. I disagree with the premise that every string of fire is independent of any other string of fire. There are several classifiers that have mutiple strings of fire that do not require taping between strings. It is stupid to tape between strings since the shooter would have to USC per 8.3.8 while taping is going on unless the shooter is allowed to walk around in violation of US 5.2.2. USPSA should change the WSB to tape at the end of the COF. It maybe "stupid" but that's the way that particular classified works and the taping between strings makes each one independant of the other. The shooter is not allowed to walk around and generally supervised and told exaclty were to place their hands. Multiple string targets ususally are bottlenecks at matches and I steer clear of them when I do matches.
  14. The number of shots were NOT fired correctly. Each string of fire is indepedendant of any other string of shots fired, that is whay they MUST be scored and taped as such. You can't score them as a group of shots because they are strings of fire.
  15. Bruce is spot on in my experience. Many "large" companies still run nt4 for that exact reason. They could care less the version of the OS they run as long as they can have their word processors, spreadsheets, e-mail, and databases. The IT geeks have to kick and scream for any semblance of real security and backups, let alone "current version." When you have 2k+ users upgrades (hardware or software) aren't cheap.
  16. They did it wrong , and now you know why Standard with muliple string need to be scored and taped between strings.
  17. 50 yards for USPSA is about as far as I've seen. On average 35 yards are the longer shots we have at our matches.
  18. You'll love the case feeder and the added leverage Dillon makes great stuff.
  19. Skip the 650 and get a 1050 and never look back. The 650 can't drop a double charge, it is the same one you have been using in the SD, so it takes an operator to make a mistake to double, which is easier (by far) using the 550.
  20. If you use the Rubas, once you get them where you want lock tite them. I've seen them fall off if you don't keep them tight. The CR shouldn't move, ever. You just use the wedge and put velcro on the inside and they are stuck in place until you make them go somwhere else. The Ribas are cool for their adjustment, but not near as simple and streamline. Be careful going prone if you have them in the front. If you have a "spare tire" the Rubas is a good option as they can tilt away from the torso.
  21. Pretty much why most of the top shooters are using CR gear. They work well for everything and are tough. Saul, Travis, Max, Eric, Tilley, Adam Tyc, Jerry, Phil, Estuardo, and a few more of the best shooters in the world use them.
  22. LOL, I wish. Working for a huge company that wouldn't let you test the sytems first really sucked. Being commanded to do things that weren't possible on budgets that were too small make me glad I'm not there anymore. Mac's don't need testing right? That's the line I got. Please don't drink Koolaid.
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