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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. On your person or gun lights. Headlamps are fine. Hand held lights as well. Just can't set up static lights and use them though.
  2. Light sticks are required to be worn by anyone in the shooting area on the front and the back of the belt. It's an added safety measure at night so we don't have to shine a big light down range and blind everyone to make sure we are clear down range. Light sticks will be provided to all competitors. We'll also have enough extra if you're bringing a spouse, caddy, gun bearer, shoulder to cry on. The furthest shot is around 200 or less. I want to say 170 ish but it might be a bit further. It will be possible to hit even if your light doesn't reach that far. Awards are Friday night after last shot fired. There won't be any Starlight related activities on Saturday. Last minute change I just found out about two days ago. Sorry.
  3. Sent this out to registered shooters but if anyone else is thinking about coming and hasn't signed up here's the info. Just wanted to send everyone an update on the Starlight 3 Gun since we are closing in on our first event. Keep an eye on the website, www.starlight3gun.com. I'll have the rules and schedule up there soon. Round count for the match is a maximum of 71 rounds shotgun, 154 pistol and 95 rifle. There are many targets that can be taken with different guns so the round counts are based on taking all the shots possible with each gun. We'll be shooting six stages over two nights. We had a few last minute changes which is why I delayed, hopefully not too long, getting this out to you. Everyone needs to be on site for a mandatory shooters meeting at 6:45 PM on Thursday, September 24. We'll have the meeting at the stage for the venue so I can use the PA if needed since I have a delicate little voice. This will be on the Liberty Range at Peacemaker National Training Center. Registration will be on Thursday afternoon between 12 PM and 5 PM. If you can't make it to registration, that's fine, but please try because it will speed the night up greatly. I'm hoping to get four stages done on Thursday. That will leave us a bit extra for the shootoff and awards on Friday night after last shot fired. The Shootoff is sponsored by SIG and will be using their firearms and ammo. Only the best 5 shooters from the match will be invited to the shootoff to compete for a large cash prize. The winner of that shootoff will not be eligible to walk the prize table, but all other competitors will walk in order of finish. I will be completing squadding this week. If you have any requests, please let me know by Wednesday. That will help speed things up during registration. That's all for now. If you have any questions, please email me (and if I don't respond that day, it got buried and give me another try) Thanks, Chuck Anderson Match Director Starlight 3 Gun. Chuck@andersontactical.com
  4. Double checked and the registration system is still open. There is space in the match so consider yourself in. Just get registered when PS will let you or come find me on registration day.
  5. What kind of stage rules are you looking for? I'm not involved but it looked like they are using the rules from what ever the host discipline was, i.e. Action Pistol Rules for those stages, USPSA rules for that stage, F-Class for that stage. It's all stage equipment being used so the equipment rules aren't really relevant, you use what they give you. (But it sounds like they picked some pretty dang good weapons for the stage guns. I heard a Surgeon rifle for the PRS stage. Always wanted to shoot one of those.)
  6. I found that with my 320 it didn't group the way I wanted it to with 147gr loads. I tried about a dozen loads which were all a few 3-4 inches at 25. Then I tried some DC Ammo 115 JHP I had. MG JHP bullet. Ended up just a bit over an inch at 25. And felt good in the Sig.
  7. I always ship mine to the hotel as well. I can check with PNTC to see if they will accept if you want. But I've always had better luck with the hotel front desk than trying to find someone at the range.
  8. Top shooters will shoot a bonus stage Friday night for the top cash prize. Man on man shootoff, but in the dark. Might be your guns, might not be.
  9. Max 71 SG, 154 Pistol, 95 Rifle. Shoot off 10 pistol, 8 SG, 7 rifle/per run. These are the maximum rounds per gun. Many targets are optional which gun to engage with. Still sorting some things out for the Bonus stage so that might change a bit.
  10. This makes no sense to me. Why not just zero at 100 for the top of the Chevron? How many people have access to a 37 yard range? Is it because they can't group at 100? Or better, do what Kurt suggests and zero at 300, or whatever range you can get to. That said, I'm actually considering switching back to zeroing at a shorter range to take wind out of the equation.
  11. Typically the outgoing President contracts for the National matches through the year after he leaves office. The idea is to not leave the new President scrambling to get stuff sorted out with only months left before the event is supposed to take place. i.e the SingleStack and Revo Nats will probably be schedule 4-5 months after the new President takes office which isn't a lot of time. Since Phil hasn't been the best about getting contracts signed until the last minute anyway, who knows what we'll end up with.
  12. I've never been charged oversize fees for the long gun case. Probably 50 some odd flights to three gun matches around the country. Overweight, every now and then. Mine seems to run about 50-53 pounds depending on what guns I bring. Usually get hit with the overweight fee about 10% of the time I actually am.
  13. I hope DNROI would tell you what I would, your gear, your responsibility. If an RO is gracious enough to take your bag from you, I would hope they handle it respectfully, but they certainly have no duty to be it's caretaker. I'm sure with the current DNROI he couldn't care less what my opinion is and would tell me to pound sand with such a request. Doesn't mean I wouldn't make it though. As far as the bag itself, no, tossing it on the ground probably wouldn't damage it. And it's been well over a decade since I asked an RO to hold my purse for me. But I routinely have shooters come to the line bagged and I would never consider tossing their stuff to the "Peanut Gallery." Particularly since sometimes that bag contains spare mags or even another gun. It's just unnecessarily disrespectful. If I'm the RO and just can't be burdened to deal with such horrible task I'd just ask the shooter to go unbag and call the next shooter to the line. Then afterwards explain to them why I felt it necessary. There's no reason to be a tool as an RO. Would you do the same thing with a brand new shooter who didn't know any better? Usually on the rare occasions when I do come to the line bagged I throw it on the ground myself. But I certainly wouldn't treat a shooter with so little respect as to do the same with their property.
  14. Sounds a bit like an IPSC match. The whole adding time thing. A lot depends on where the safety areas are for the range. If the nearest one is four bays over, the time it takes you to wander over, bag and unbag instead of helping reset is going to be more than just bagging at the line. I've also seen stages where the young kid bags so he can run down and reset the 50 yard poppers every time. Of course if I was on a range and the RO was tossing my gear around I'd probably just pack up and leave along with a disciplinary request to DNROI. There's no excuse to risk damage to another competitors gear. If you as an RO/Scoring RO are too lazy to carry around a 3 oz bag, feel free to tell me and I'll go unbag. Toss my stuff hoping someone will catch it, I probably won't be shooting there long.
  15. Only for wusses who won't get on a plane. Come on, don't be afraid. Actually some of the best three gun matches I've shot have been east of the Mississippi. Ft. Benning always put on a good match, and I did have fun at the FNH 3 Gun I shot.
  16. It's regional to a degree. Some areas I shoot a significant portion still bag. Especially Open shooters in the winter when it is pouring down rain. I think it also varies based on the number of guys who shoot majors. Almost every major match I've shot has a requirement you come to the line ready to go with a holstered gun. Once "X" number of shooters go to those bigger matches that mentality filters down to locals. Shoot a club where no one shoots major, might still be bagging. As far as how to bag at the end you hand the bag to the RO who either keeps it or passes it to the scorekeeper. They give it back at ULSC. It's not rocket science.
  17. Sorry, it's a rule now. And I am running one this September. You just need to travel a bit to get there.
  18. I'd like a rule that Doug Hartley and Scott Hawkins are required to run at least one major match a year. Preferably in Bend, OR. It should be titled the Northwest Multigun. You can find the rule under 1.1.5.GetyourbuttsbacktoworksoIcanhavefun
  19. Head or gun are fine. Just can't set up a spot light before the stage starts and use that.
  20. I have a .308 and a .223 with BHW barrels. Both are very nice. Went together well, accurate, clean, zero complaints. Might be biased a bit since BHW is only about 30 minutes from my office though. All my interactions have been really positive with them.
  21. I love these posts from people who think they have proprietary ideas when they really don't. Some guy is copying my magwell, or basepad, or gas port location on a barrel. To be honest, I don't know what's different about this barrel. If it's just the gas port location, big deal. Lots of people have tried different gas port locations for years.
  22. Hold it at Pro Gun Club in Boulder, NV. Make Pete Rensing run it. Plenty of space, easy travel, activities outside the match, gun friendly state, and it's on the opposite side of the country in an area with decent weather into the late fall. Close enough for CA folk to drive, far enough from FL to be separate.
  23. I still think California should pay Charles Sole and Andy Horner to move there and hold matches. Those guys could end the drought in a month.
  24. Short answer is shoot both. I'm shooting the WSC, so nothing is happening till I'm there anyway. And anyone who has seen me knows I haven't missed a meal. The directors of the WSC are working with our shooters to ensure they get their preferred squad schedule. I can't remember what I figured would be better but I'll look at their schedule again. I know some folks a worried about shooting both based on past CTC matches. Think of Starlight as CTC light, at least in terms of late nights. We're starting a couple hours earlier, and have less stages. I'm expecting to be off the range by about 11:00-11:30 each night. It's a short drive back to the hotels also so this shouldn't be anywhere as bad of an ass kicker as CTC was.
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