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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Don't have exact times yet but check in will be during the afternoon on Thursday. Shooters meetIng will be around 6:30 PM Thrusday night. Awards are evening time on Saturday. I'll post the exact times when we get them but hope that's close enough for travel plans.
  2. I've never heard of a match requiring someone to shoot a clay on the ground after it fell. Closest I've seen is burning a round to avoid an FTE on an aerial clay you didn't get a shot off on, usually due to a malfunction, either equipment or mental. I would never recommend a shooter start shooting into the ground at a target that isn't in it's original position. I do my best to bulletproof stages, but I can't always bulletproof every location a target may randomly end up. For all I know there's a slab of rock under there that will cause shot to go all over the dang place. No thanks. If you have any specific examples of a match that does require that, let me know so I can avoid them.
  3. I'd agree with Patrick on shooting both. But not surprising, I'd go for Peacemaker. In addition to the WSC you can shoot the Starlight 3Gun at the same time.
  4. Chuck Anderson

    Sig P320

    What mag pouches are people running for competition? I usually use CR Speed. Is there and insert that works? Or is there a better pouch for the 320? I think I've got the initial accuracy issues I had with mine squared away. The ammo I was using for testing wasn't as accurate as I thought it would be. I don't have a Ransom Rest but I do have a Bianchi Open gun I can shoot lighter 9mm bullets with. My base line was DC Ammo 115 MG. It shot about 3/4 inch at 25 yds. The new ammo was 2 inches. Out of the 320 I had the best results accuracy wise with lighter bullets. The 115 MG from Doug was best with 1.5 inch grouping. There was a flyer that opened up the original 1" group. I also had a nice tight group going with Nosler 124 Gr Match ( but that stuff is way too hot to shoot in a match) till I called a flyer that opened it to 2". The rest and worst of the ammo was 2.5-3". I've shot 147 grain loads for a lot of years so this will be weird switching.
  5. I get it, but a month after that we will have a new President and several new BOD members. My guess is within six months of the new year we will not have the current ED either. Making a point to those people is not really necessary. And I think the new Pres. candidate all have an idea how F'd up this year was.
  6. If I thought they would care I'd skip it. But I doubt they would even notice. If I can make it I'll go. Because I enjoy the match and don't feel like missing out on fun.
  7. Www.peacemakernational.com. They have several deals with local hotels. There a good choices within about fifteen minutes of the range. PNTC is a great facility and perfect for hosting a regional match. Sucks they had to move it but looks like 3GN did the best job they could with the cards they were dealt.
  8. I ran American Eagle and Freedom Munitions last year. From the shooter end, I really didn't notice anything. Standing off to the side saw some impressive flash but it didn't seem to bother anyone. Now a guy running an SBR? That's different.
  9. Additional weight at the end makes the rifle transition more slowly. If you use decent ammo its not bad at all with a muzzle break. I was actually surprised how little I noticed the muzzle flash. There are a couple stages you will be finishing with the rifle. If you're running a can and the timer isn't picking up shots the RO will have to tap the timer after your last shot which might add a tenth or two. Or the RO may get really close to make sure the timer picks up the shot. Either could be distracting. But that said, if you want to, go for it.
  10. Should have them up soon. Short version is the match is all OPEN. Way open. You can use a different gun combination on every stage if you really want. You have to use a center fire rifle (.223 or better), shotgun and pistol on each stage. You can use dots, lasers, scopes, big mags, little mags, whatever you want. And you can swap stage to stage if you really want, or find out what you thought would work on Stage 1 really doesn't. The shotgun round count is pretty minimal. There are no more than 9 rounds of SG required on any stage. The Open SG folks will not have a huge advantage so don't worry if you don't have one. I would recommend against using NVG's at this years match. There will be a lot of spectators and I'm worried that will mean a lot of white noise pollution which could damage NV. You can try if you want, but I'd recommend against. No capacity limits on any gun. If Mark Hanish wants to bring out his belt fed 12 ga and shoot a the semi auto M249 for the match, go for it. No full auto allowed on the range though, and you only get to use one of each type of gun on any one stage. No staging 4 shotguns on the course. Any lights you use need to go with you. No setting up an aircraft landing light before the stage starts and using that to illuminate targets. If you have a specific question go ahead and ask away.
  11. https://clubs.practiscore.com/starlight-3-gun-1/register Here's the link everyone. Registration opens at 6PM Pacific.
  12. Entry fee is $250.00. And we are doing online payments at the time of registration on Practiscore. Plan ahead. Shouldn't be too bad for the prize table. We've only got 90 slots for the Starlight so it shouldn't take too long. I'll be standing by with an FN 303 in case anyone is pokey picking their prize out.
  13. Dates are correct. The awards banquet will be held in conjunction with the WSC Awards on Saturday night. Shooting Thurs and Friday evenings.
  14. Area match dates are approved by the President. Or at least they are supposed to be. But the bottom line is they often can't be set to not conflict with something else. And the realities of finding a range willing to do the match means you often need to take what you can get in regards to dates. You're dealing with volunteers, not paid employees. There are a couple matches that hold the same date year to year. Area 2 (used to be 2nd week of November) just moved to the spring time. Not sure if they are keeping that. Area 6 was also pretty consistent. Both matches are at the same range year after year, or two ranges in the case of Area 6 in recent years. The other areas tend to move their matches from year to year, or every other year. Finding new venues means that you may not be able to have the same dates. Or they may not make sense. In Area 1 we have a pretty wide range of weather. In the north you pretty much have to have the match towards the end of June or later or plan on rain. In Utah where we had a couple, June may be a bit toasty. (last year I was there in June and it was well over 100 degrees). Take what you can get and hope for the best. It's not ideal, but realistically the people shooting the Area 6 match are not shooting the Area 1 match. The few that do shoot both we can usually find a way to accommodate them. Staff match at one and main match at the other. Usually time for both.
  15. Checking now. I may have screwed that up. I'll let you know as soon as I hear.
  16. It gets even worse when you factor in dates from other disciplines. 3 Gun, IDPA, Bianchi, Precision Rifle etc. there are well over 100 major matches in the country. They are bound to conflict. Has to happen. Having three majors in three different areas is not bad.
  17. We've got the space. We'll be using that last three bays on the end of the range, plus three past that point. Kind of semi circle clockwise from there. Went out and did a site tour last month and the space is there. Lot of shooting that weekend.
  18. For those who missed the opportunity to shoot the Crimson Trace Midnight 3 Gun, but want a chance at something even better, the wait is over, well almost. I'm going to open registration for the Starlight 3 Gun Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 6:00 PM Pacific time. Quick catch up from last year, then onto the cool stuff for this year. Many folks wondered why Crimson Trace would just stop hosting the coolest 3 Gun match of the year. Well the Starlight 3 Gun is the answer to that. Jim Shepard from the Outdoor Wires hit up Crimson Trace with a way to take night shooting to the next level, much like CTC did in 2012 for the first match. After talking with Jim, CTC decided to step back and let Jim run with it. The result of Jim's vision will be the 2015 Starlight 3 Gun. The match this year will be in Glengary West Virginia at Peacemaker National Training Center, September 24-25, 2015. For those who haven't been there, this is a great venue. There are a lot of things we can do there, that we could not do in Bend, OR. But I don't want to give all my surprises away yet. Travel to the range is easy, a flight into Reagan or Dulles, and about a 90 minute drive. Hotels are close to the range as well. The match this year will be a lot easier to shoot as well. Because of the move to the East coast, and the time of year we can shoot earlier. I expect we will be shooting at 7:30 PM this year. There are also a few less stages, 6 plus a shootoff for the top competitors. This means we should be done shooting each night the same day we start. I expect we'll finish each night between 11:00 - 11:30 PM. This years match is also being held at the same time as the NRA World Shooting Championship at PNTC. http://peacemakernational.com/wsc This is an excellent opportunity to get two matches in one. I'll update this thread on Saturday with a registration link. If you have any questions, email me and I'll do my best to answer, Thanks, Chuck Anderson Former Match Director Crimson Trace Midnight 3 Gun Invitational Current Match Director Starlight 3 Gun chuck@andersontactical.com
  19. I've been using paper plates. Works OK. But you don't burn in the sound of the steel ringing.
  20. Was thinking about that the other day. Real easy to setup. I've got a couple of spare couplers, might have to drill and tap one for a rail mount.
  21. So can I use shooting sticks? Sure, in open! Like the bag, IMHO shooting sticks are a "rifle supporting device that elevates or supports the muzzle end of the gun". Agreed, but they aren't attached to the gun as the quote talks about.
  22. FWIW, I asked Travis Gibson MD of the Ironman, and Troy McManus DNROI for USPSA about the Atlas forend bag (whatever the heck they call that thing). Travis was fine with it for Tactical etc at the Ironman. Troy said only legal in Open for USPSA. Those were the only two three gun matches I'm hitting this year so I didn't inquire further. I do have the Atlas bag. Seems neat. I'll probably use it here and there at the Ironman. I can also see some positions that would benefit from a squeeze bag. The top of a ramp, ladder, or some other awkward positions come to mind. The time it takes to employ one is pretty minimal, especially if you have it tied on, or are able to start in position. I wouldn't rule it out for all matches from a utility perspective. Legality? Who knows? 3GN would probably allow it. Hell they allow a sandbag to be attached to your rifle.
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