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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Not saying it won't be a disadvantage. It's going to be pretty close though. I'm not going to make you run 25 yards to recover it. For example there's one stage where you dump the shotgun. You could draw and rack the slide before you get to the pistol area and it might save you half a second or so. Not a big deal either way.
  2. Semi auto or at least set for semi they are perfectly legal.
  3. Jessie, inside voice. You're not supposed to admit that stuff. The loaner gun offer is still available, just let me know before Wednesday night.
  4. So the size is determined by most IMGA and USPSA rules. No bigger than 1" x 3". It's certainly not bigger than either of those dimensions and I'd imagine it's quite a bit less than 3" in length. As far as the weight you're a bit off...by about double. They weigh 3.8 ounces, not half a pound. They are solidly built, I'll give you that. But when you compare them side by side in your hand the only one I've played with, (and I haven't handled a bunch of them) that was notably lighter was the SureFire MB556K. Of course I need to replace my MB556AR because the front baffle is completely eroded out and the accuracy is gone. And by front I mean the one furthest from the shooter. I normally see erosion in the first, maybe second baffle. This was a first to see it on the last one.
  5. If you want to borrow a Benelli I've got a spare I can bring with me on Thursday if Doug says no to the dot. It's a TSS gun.
  6. Seemed about average for other muzzle breaks. Maybe a little less. According to Dr Chet it's actually 1 Db quieter than an A2 break. It doesn't sound like it to me but sound measurement is really tricky.
  7. The problem with trying to squeeze all that "gamer" part out is it's very inconsistent. If I go to a match and start on stage 1 and the RO says I can't do something, it should be the same for the guy who started on Stage 6. But it's often not. I've also seen more grief from MD's making decisions that were perfectly in the rules but people didn't think were. A perfect example of this a shooter who during a 3GN event shot a slug on a steel target at close range. MD said he stayed in the match. A couple competitors called the MD for the match they were using the rules from. That MD said it should have been a DQ. The MD on the ground was right, the MD on the phone wrong. That particular match dealt with slugs on steel at close range in the stage description, not the base rule set. In this case there was nothing about it in the stage description, and nothing in the rule set. The only option was to allow the shooter to stay in. Same match the MD wanted to not DQ a shooter that committed an act specifically listed in the rules as a DQ because he didn't think (I agree with him) it was unsafe. If he had left him in though, someone who did complete the match without DQ'ing would have finished behind him. Same match he gave a shooter a hit that wasn't supported by any rule set I've ever read. Short rule sets are easy to read but consistency from call to call suffers. Personally, I would rather game every bit I can out of the match and staff. But I also want everyone else to be able to do the same stuff if they think of it. The match win should be based on your skill and ability, not your ability to bluff an RO with tales of what other matches do.
  8. Kim, is that 120 for each match or combined.
  9. This was my choice. I had the slide frame fit welded up a bit and it's been solid as a rock for two years. Great gun. I've got a Springfield 9mm that I used as a backup but it's not even in the same ball park as the Targetmaster.
  10. Actually - the only a(( whole response I'm seeing is this one. L10 is a legitimate option to provide a competitive field for a DOH holster. It's a legitimate solution to the problem you present. If it is indeed a physical limitation issue, those issues are addressed in the rules. If it's a "i'm faster with a DOH holster" - the problem is what exactly? Train and become faster. The division is a traditionalist effort, and that tradition has been established as front strap above belt. If you do not want to shoot a traditionalist division, then don't. But don't make the effort to change the tradition to something because you want it that way. As someone said, bull barrels and the box lend to that tradition as well... BTW, you see plenty of people very near an appendix carry in open and a few in limited. It exists in USPSA, though I see a very good reason not to if you are facing any start towards your left. How do you figure asking bout it and then mentioning bringing it up as an "OPTION!!!!" for god sakes change a tradition? If YOU didn't want to use it and it WAS approved then YOU wouldn't have to use it! Good gracious fellas lol it's a choice that isn't even in the books but it would be a choice if it where in the books....but it isn't but i think it's be nice to have the option...that's it. Yes pls close this one down it's getting crazy So I would like to have the "OPTION!!!!" to use my Limited 2011 in Single Stack. I'm not saying YOU have to but I would like to. It's an equipment rule. Limits need to be set. That's where this one was set. You've heard the reasoning why. For the same reason a weight limit and restrictions on modifications were placed in the rules. To try and set up a division that wasn't a complete race gun division.
  11. Not sure about the round thingy but Cal Comp Works makes a squarish extension that epoxies to the bottom of the mag.
  12. At last years MG Nationals for USPSA everyone should have received one of these in their shooter bags. I put mine on a 14.5 upper I use with my F/A upper. Very noticable difference between the non-comped upper and this one. Basically pin the trigger and the gun doesn't move. I haven't tried to put it on paper, but stays within a square foot about 35 yards out for 30 rounds. I've got another 18" upper I built with one but I haven't had a chance to really do a side by side with one of my other competition rifles. This one also has a lighter barrel so I'm not sure how valid it will be as a side to side test. I'm pretty happy with it. Seems to work great. Not as sexy as the JP blended into the barrel, but a very workable option.
  13. Delta has quite a bit of service, United has a couple flights. Those are the only two airports that serve SGU. I figured everyone would fly into Vegas for A1. I was surprised by the number of folks that flew direct into SGU. It doesn't really matter to me where you fly into. I'm not telling anyone where they need to fly into, just giving the options. As far as the match leaving Las Vegas, there are a number of reasons for moving the match. If it ends up in St. George Phil has his reasons. Out of curiousity I just checked fares from PDX to SGU and PDX to LAS. 247/163 on Delta. For Des Moines to SGU and Des Moines to LAS it was 330/286. I'm sure there are cheaper options, but the prices really don't seem that bad to me.
  14. Not to vary too far from the topic at hand. But you can dismiss it for you. However for some of us, it is definitely faster. For those of us that have a bit more of a gut hanging over the belt the ability to not have to lift up 20 pounds of beer belly to get the gun out of the holster makes at least the Offset part very important. The Drop part of that??? I always love definitive statements based on a sample size of one.
  15. St. George is. They have flights connect through Salt Lake and it's a pretty decent airport from what I understand. When I was flying in for A1 it was only about $100.00 more to fly into St. George as opposed to Las Vegas. St. George is about a 90 minute drive from Vegas if you want to fly in there though.
  16. When conducting Standard Exercises, Range Officials may issue other interim commands on completion of the first string, in order to prepare the competitor for the second and subsequent strings. (e.g. “Reload if required and holster”). This option may also be applied when two or more courses of fire share a common shooting bay or area. If it was me I'd look to this rule to justify the further stage description. It doesn't specifically limit what the range commands might be.
  17. You are such a diplomatic guy. I get the different disciplines. I shoot a lot of "IMGA", I actually shoot silhouette once in a while. 3 Gun Nation is not USPSA affiliated. I used to shoot GSSF, but somehow they never came through with my last voucher, so I stopped. Paperwork always seems to be the bottleneck in everything. The ATF is the champion of paperwork bottleneck. I digress. However, my question does not relate to freedom of speech and the general freedoms we have in the US about shooting. When you assume the mantle of USPSA President, you can be assured your actions are going to be looked at more closely. Comes with the territory. There are many really good private ranges that want no affiliation with USPSA and I hope we can change that in the future. I should be happy that Steel Challenge, the US IPSC shoot, and the World Shoot are now within 4 hours of my home. Those are all USPSA affiliated ventures and I want them all to be successful. That said, my question is why our President still running a non-USPSA affiliated match? Just seems unseemly, you know. Can't it be brought under the USPSA umbrella? It seems at cross purposes with the stated goals of USPSA. At some point an answer will come, I'm not in a hurry. Why does everyone seem to think they need to answer for Phil? DVC Have you shot the Pro-Am, or seen video on it? How would a par time match, shot on various non standard steel targets, and all the other various rules of the Pro-Am work under USPSA rules? Should the Pro-Am change to conform with USPSA rules or should USPSA rules change to conform with USPSA? I'm fairly certain neither solution would be a good idea. As far as the President or any representative of USPSA running non-USPSA that's their call. We don't pay the President a full time wage and none of the BOD members receives any salary at all. I certainly don't expect Phil or anyone else to slave themselves entirely to USPSA. The past president certainly didn't. You say it falls at cross purpose for the stated goals of USPSA. How? If Phil wants to build up another successful discipline that USPSA may or may not absorb in the future seems like a decent idea to me.
  18. I mentioned your question to Phil. He's busy running a USPSA BOD meeting right now but I'm sure he can answer if he gets a chance. BTW, speaking as another member of the USPSA BOD who shoots IMGA, NRA AP, GSSF, in addition to being the MD for our local NRA AP, GSSF and a rather large three gun match in a couple weeks. I think there are a lot of things to learn from other sports. I see value in running matches in other disciplines. There are things USPSA can improve on and we can learn from other shooting sports. A lot of times it's easier to try out new ways of doing things in Non-USPSA matches as well. As an example I'm running a three gun match in July. A lot of the rules I'm using could not be used in a USPSA match. Some are being tried out for possible inclusion in future USPSA rule books.
  19. If Glock was making them in 9mm I'd say that would be awesome. I can't imagine there are enough guys shooting Open with a Glock .40 to make that profitable though.
  20. But what happens if you're shooting Production or Single Stack and the magazine lands on the ground in front of the points of your hip. Do you have to run in front of it and reach behind the hipbone to get it?
  21. I agree - but I don't think that's being considered. I deleted my first post but this is pretty much why. USPSA seems INTENT to take over multigun by assimilation. USPSA rules for multigun just dont work. USPSA should just face it that most of us want IMG style rules and adopt them and make the IMG/3 gun nation partners instead of trying to figure out how to tweak the USPSA rules to take over. Its not going to work. And I think lots of shooters would have hard feeling toward USPSA for trying to be the 300 pound gorilla. Kent, go back and take a look at the post I wrote about why USPSA created the rule set. It has nothing to do with assimilating existing IMGA matches. We did try to get input from many of those MD's. Not to force them to use what we have but to give them the option. USPSA is far from a 300 pound gorilla when it comes to Multigun. More like one of those sad little monkeys they test shampoo on. But there is a purpose for it. IMGA does a great job when it's used by existing match directors and experienced shooters who paid $1000.00 to get to the match. They know what to expect because that same RO has worked a dozen IMGA matches and the MD has put on a bunch. I know what to expect of I go to the IMGA match put on by JJ and Denise. I know what to expect when I go to one put on by Andy Horner. I know what to expect now when I go to one put on by Jeff Cramblitt. Those matches are great, but we're already filling them at a ridiculous rate. With many of the same people. If I go shoot a major IMGA match in W. VA, I'll know at least 100 of the shooters because I shot with them in Raton, or Mesa, or at the Ozark match. Major matches are great but to grow the sport there needs to be a local match level as well. IMGA match rules do not work as well at local level because they leave an awful lot out, which leads to the MD/RM making decisions that may not go along with any logic other than what he feels like doing that way. This is a similar situation to where Pistol matches were 35 years ago. A hodge podge of local matches that had inconsistent rules. Heck when I started shooting it was at a little local 3 Gun tactical match. I quit going because the "rules" they used changed each day, each person and I got tired of getting hit with penalties that were retarded. If we can increase the number of local matches by allowing clubs to have a ruleset to get them started that will be consistent across the board it'll do two things. One it will allow some new shooters to get involved in the sport without having to spend $500.00 to try it out for their first time. There are also shooters who go to majors because there is nowhere else for them to do three gun. If they can shoot locals and be happy, cool. Just eases the registration loads for the big three gun matches so some of the other newbies starting locally can bump to majors.
  22. You need to come shoot the Crimson Trace Match. You can bring 24 guns if you want and shoot different ones on every stage. Don't care. You probably won't win but the rules there will allow you to do it.
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