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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Single Stack was a new Division, Revolver is not. Bylaws say we can't monkey with a Division more than once every two years.
  2. What Flex said. The rules that are coming out are for member review. They can still be changed at this point. Once they are voted in, they are fixed, not provisional. If we put it in place, it's gonna be there for at least two years, and probably however long the Division lasts. If we put it in and it doesn't work, then...
  3. The BOD actually spent more time on this at the BOD meeting than just about every other rule change. And the only reason I voted for it was to get the information in front of the members. Nothing has been decided and won't be till we have another meeting (probably online, not in person) and actually vote to implement it. There is still plenty of time to contact your AD and express your opinion. Whether that's for/against 8 shot or for/against something else entirely. Phil told me he was planning to suggest this when I was shooting at Superstition this spring. I thought it was a horrible idea, for most of the reasons that have been mentioned. So I went and found the first three guys that I know who shoot revo. Jerry, Rich Wolfe and Neil Hogue. (I think I got those right). I honestly expected them to tell me it was also a bad idea and I could go on believing I was right. Every one of them said we should make the change. They even had some pretty good reasoning why it wouldn't be as big of a difference as I thought. Of course this is a non-representative sample with guys who reload a revolver much, much faster than the average shooter. The added reloads with 6 won't have as big of effect on them as say, me. The other side of this is our most dedicated revo shooter locally shoots a Ruger GP100. No way he's going to stuff 8 in there. All that said, with 24 pages of comments on the poll, obviously folks have been talking about this quite a bit. Until we voted to put this out for member comment, not a single person approached me with input either for or against. Since then I've received several emails. Apparently this is what it took to get some input. I don't know how I will vote when the time comes. The majority of the emails I've received have been opposing the change. I think some of that is the nature of putting the question forward this way. The people who are very polarized one way or the other will give their input, the others, less so. I do think something needs to happen. I don't remember the last time I gave out a Division award at Area 1 in Revolver. I'd love to, but when there are only 2 or 3 shooters the rules don't support it. What we have now is not working. Personally, I'd like to fix it or kill it. Preference being to the first one, but if we can't get enough people to shoot it then what's the point?
  4. There is a new rule book that will be posted in the next couple weeks. The rules have not been voted in yet and will not be voted on for 90 days. This was just to put it in front of the members to get their input. Not a done deal. Earliest it would be implemented is likely Jan 2014.
  5. I really wish I had one last year when I didn't bother to shoot a nice wide open target on my first stage and cost myself 30 match points. But I'd say no at a match of this level. Run your stages and take what you get. At a local or club level match sure it'd be fun and I'd probably be buying a mulligan every month just to try "that little different way" to shoot a stage.
  6. I'm not sure which 2011 rules he's referring to. I think he's talking about the Lim/Lim10 changes that went into effect Jan 1 2013 but were passed in 2011? The changes to Lim/Lim10 are in effect now. I think he's just referring to including them in the actual book. I'll check but a lot of the ADs are traveling today to the BOD meeting.
  7. The Nordic Extension and Springer/Firebird couplers will not work on these or any other Gen 3 mag. Different baseplate design. Time to start making some calls to beg for new extension and coupler designs.
  8. Briley has extensions for the A400 but they are listed separately from those for the Xtrema. My guess is they are not compatible, but you can definitely get an extension for the A400.
  9. I've actually kicked this one around with an RMI. I'm not sure what purpose this really serves. Assuming we kept the language about the holster being attached to the belt and the gun being above the belt, or frontstrap for SS, is there any potential downside to eliminating it? I don't really know why this rule came about or what purpose it serves. Kind of falls into the category of a useless rule in my view. Holsters will get further away from the belt (maybe) but does it negatively effect anything?
  10. Do you have your current issue of Front Sight? John has a picture in there of how to take the measurement.
  11. It is legal if it's within 2" of the belt. I'm betting that is not going to be though. The DOH, probably, adding the QLS on top, probably not. You can shim the bottom to bring the gun a bit closer if you want.
  12. I need to remember that/check if the same rules apply to 3-gun. At our local club matches I often pop off my belt (with holstered gun) when going on a stage that doesnt require pistol. Its never been an issue at the club level but i might run into problems at a big match. Yes the same rule applies in Multigun. No pulling belt or holstered gun off outside the safe area or under RO supervision. As far as the initial question I would treat the holstered dropped gun as any other dropped gun. DQ in COF, no DQ if not handled outside COF till an RO gets there. If anyone is curious why, bad things happen. Just shot a match this weekend where a competitor was DQd when a round popped out of his pistol at make ready. I'd rather be a 100% sure the gun was handled safely, particularly after the gun took a fall. I've seen a lot of guns that aren't what I would call drop safe.
  13. Looks Open/Lim/Lim10 legal to me.
  14. That exact thing happened to me. Holstered, or thought I did, RO called RIC and the gun hit the dirt. I didn't argue it but they didn't try to DQ me either.
  15. Damn, I guess my handwriting is just too sloppy for them to read "Chuck" as "Rick". Nice donation for the juniors! I'm the one who read it off. Believe me, if it said Chuck I'd have said it. There may have been some confusion on the last name though.
  16. Wolf is pretty awesome. I bet he spent at least 2 weeks working his ass off at the range to get things ready. The Dino alone took him three weeks. I'm constantly amazed at the tremendous work the St George group does. I remember there were some that had concern that the club was too small to be able to get all the work done before the match last year. I was pleasantly surprised last year. This year was even better. Thanks to all the staff but the St George crew in particular for the year round work they do to improve.
  17. Are you going to Ironman? I am looking for additional Oregon cohorts to hang with! Yep, I'll be there for the Scoped Tac match this year. Staying at the Holiday Inn Express in Ontario.
  18. So if I'm seeing this right, the lower trigger weight might be lower but will have more travel before firing and reset? Seems like at best it would be a push as far as speed. I've got one AR with a pound and a half trigger. Don't really need another trigger to go lighter. I've run splits before in the sub .10 range with a regular single trigger AR. Not sure how much speed a second one would gain me. I think I'll pass on this one.
  19. If I'm reading the stages right the round counts look like they include a minimum round count for each firearm for all the targets that could be shot with that gun. But it looks like there are lots of targets you can shoot with multiple guns. Like plates with shotgun or pistol. Might be able to reduce that shotgun loading a bit by doing some more pistol work. This is just a guess though since the diagrams are still rough. I really want to thank Travis for putting this out. I thought I was the only one who started out with stage diagrams that looked like they were drawn by a drunken 8 year old.
  20. Geez, way to go Greg. Next thing you'll be asking for slug shots at 150 yds..off hand...at an Auto Popper. Yeah, I thought for sure everyone would understand that that was a joke... Maybe we should do it blindfolded too? I only have one goal for NWMGC... Don't get DQ'd on the first day.Oh, P.S. From what my wife Leilani tells me MIGHT be a possibilty...you are the coolest person on the planet. If she told you that, trust me she is waaaaaay wrong. Ive got a stack of emails that will prove that.
  21. Geez, way to go Greg. Next thing you'll be asking for slug shots at 150 yds..off hand...at an Auto Popper.
  22. Yep, check the online minutes, Jan. 10, 2012. I'd post a link but I'm on my cell phone.
  23. Reshoots at the Ironman are about as rare as hens teeth. Pretty much just keep shooting and unless the zip line wire breaks or the slide falls down your gonna get what you get for a run. It happens, but it's pretty darn rare. That said I managed to burn four rifle mags on a stage that should have required. 22 rounds. (And I only got one hit). It's really easy to go to war on some of the longer targets and burn a lot of ammo very quickly.
  24. So, very briefly. A few days ago Barry Dueck contacted some USPSA BOD members and asked that his scores be vacated and deleted from the MG Nationals. This is only my perspective and not representative of the BOD position (just gotta get that out of the way). Barry said he read the rule book wrong and thought 1x was allowed in HML. I can see how he did it, probably looked at Limited rules instead of HML. I don't think there is any way Barry deliberately decided to shoot the match with a red dot thinking he'd be able to sneak it by match officials and other competitors. Just no way he could have expected the perfect storm that missed it. I'm willing to give Barry the benefit of the doubt that he showed up at the match thinking his gear was legal. I will also say that I've been told a lot of things at matches that weren't true about different rules. This is legal, or that's not. I'm stubborn enough that I don't always believe what other people tell me. I had an RO come up to me at a recent match when I was standing in the safe area and had a magazine on my belt. The RO came up started tugging on the and telling me I was violating the no ammo in the safe area policy. I told him I wasn't, but he was. We disagreed but I stayed in the match. I've had people tell me incorrect rules before. I wouldn't guarantee that if someone came up and told me my comp was too big in Tactical that I would even look in the rule book. I would just assume that I was right and the other person was wrong. If I had already looked before the match, I almost certainly wouldn't. Now you throw on top that the competitor already looked and found wrong info once he's probably likely to look in the same spot again and find the same wrong info. I'm not saying Barry should have accepted the award, just saying I don't think there was any intention up to the point he was confronted at the awards ceremony about it. Barry is doing what he can at this point to make it right. I don't have a lot else to say on the matter. And in case anyone is wondering why I'm throwing Barry's name out there. I specifically asked Barry if I could make the information about his withdrawing from the match and his error about the rule book public. I also asked a Mod ahead of time if I could do so. My opinion, and mine alone, is that it's important to get this information out there.
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