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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Multi Gun will be in September at Albany. I'll get the dates and let you know. I think it was towards the end of the month if I remember right.
  2. That looks like the most uncomfortable mag change ever, and not exactly fun for clearing malfunctions either.
  3. We should be contacting hotels this month for the match hotel. I'll post that info as soon as we have contracts and match rate.
  4. Yep, I can guarantee that if you finish the match you'll win something. Also for those folks with Juniors. The USPSA Junior Invitational Championship will be the following week. The plan is to have some classes and things to do in between the matches. Should be a great time and opportunity to shoot both matches.
  5. We are happy to announce that the 2008 Area 1 Pistol Championship will be held in Sherwood, Oregon on June 26-29 with the staff match on June 26 and regular competition to occur on June 27-29. This will be a lower entry fee match, under $100.00 with a great prize table. More details will follow as we get them. Chuck Anderson 2008 Area 1 Sponsor Coordinator
  6. There should be a new VP as of 1/1/08.... Am I missing something. Looks like the VP is selected from AD's or the DNROI. Memory serves, Amidon is DNROI, and we're still gonna have the same pres. Why would it change in January?
  7. Sounds good to me. Looks like it might conflict a bit with Area 2 though. Are you going to have Class awards? Or just straight order of finish.
  8. I've installed 1/2 a dozen Sevigny Carry Night sights on G36 and G30's. Never had any problems with them and every one shot shot a 2 inch or smaller group, point of aim at 25 yards. It's annoying that all of them shot better than my issued carry gun.
  9. Mike's from Canada so it might be a big deal to change guns up there. At least harder than here in the US. Doesn't change my opinion just saying. As far as the rules at level 1 matches and brining ni new members. What members are we trying to bring in? I've had a lot of new shooters start. Not one cared what division that they shot at first. They just showed up and shot what we told them. If they liked the sport they found a division that worked for them. What would have turned me off at my first match is a lack of respect for the rules. Even worse as a fairly new but not quite wet behind the ears. There are few things the tick me off more than having different standards for different folks. How do you tell the shooter that has shot 10 matches with his Production gun that the newbie who just showed up and beat him in Production with a gun that didn't meet that divisions standards if fair. It's okay, he's a newbie? Seems like that would do a lot more to piss off the guy that has been shooting for a year or so. On a side note. I shot a match this weekend with a shooter who was using the same logic. He was coaching shooters. Did it the first time at the end of a stage with a steel left up. All the sudden he's coughing. I let that one slide. Next stage a fairly new shooter (3rd Match) is having a gun problem. He's yelling how to fix it. (He was yelling the wrong thing, but still trying to coach). At the end of the stage I told him to knock it off. I got a less than polite no. I'm not going to. He's a new shooter and I'm going to coach him. ( I should note that the first coached shooter was not new and has been shooting for several years). So here's my side question, not sure if it should be a separate thread. Obviously a procedural was warranted. But what about the shooter that continues. Because for me the next time he did he was getting the proc. The time after he was getting a DQ.
  10. I still believe that those who choose NOT to vote (for whatever reason) AREN'T having NO EFFECT on the future (double negative ? ) ............. I believe they are having a NEGATIVE EFFECT on the future. If we continue to do nothing ... then we will get what we asked for. And for the thousands of USPSA members who don't know the cantidates personally, or take the time to read up on them, or give a hoot about the Nationals, maybe not voting was the best thing that they could do. Is it better to have 10,000 votes where half of them were completely uninformed? Yeah in an ideal world they would have all taken time to read up on the issues and know who they should have voted for. But we don't live in that world. Personally I would rather have 5,000 people who cared enough to know who they were voting for vote. I don't really know how them not randomly voting for someone caused a negative effect.
  11. A comp on a 16" barrell would have very little effect. There just isn't that much gas volume to work the comp. Cut it back to 5 inches or so and you'd probably have more luck. I'm doing the same thing with a 9mm. Cutting it to 5 and than putting a suppressor under the free float tube.
  12. It's also not recommended because the harder you smack the gun in, the lower the bullets end up in the mag. If you're just doing a normal reload and it happens, OK, I guess. But what I see a lot of is people slamming it hard trying to get the jump. I've had it happen a couple times where the round didn't feed at all. New mag in, slide goes forward, gun goes click. We also won't teach it because it's one more thing to think about. Did the slide go forward? If you have to think about whether to rack or not it will slow you down in the long run.
  13. Has IPSC actually ever done drug testing or did they just stick it in the rules.
  14. We just had one of these this weekend. Couple knuckleheads in ski masks tried a knifepoint robbery. The "victim" took the knife and sunk it into the chest of the bad guy puncturing his lung. They drive away, but of course the guy with the holy lung shows up at the hospital. The funny thing is the guy who didn't get stabbed said he was just there to help his friend and take him to the hospital. Said he showed up after the stabbing and had nooooo idea what was going on. Didn't help that he was wearing a ski mask though and it was all caught on surveillance video.
  15. Best I can figure in Production and this is by no means scientific. Robert Vogel 395.73 Matt Mink 392.02 Angus Hobdell 374.06 David Olhasso 370.76 Barry Dueck 338.90 Chuck Anderson 334.41 Roger Sherman 331.40 and Steve Moneypenny 328.75 Top three get an automatic invite. David is going to have to wait until after next years Nationals to know for sure. My guess is he'll be number 4 though.
  16. And check out number 2 and 4. Mike Seeklander and Phil Strader. Great job from team USSA. Those were some pretty impressive attendance numbers as well. 314 in Open, 313 in Standard and 264 in Production. Prod is catching up fast.
  17. I hate the folks that think they know anything at all about Law Enforcement if they haven't been there. Whether it's criticizing arrest tactics, use of force, driving, or just about anything in general. Yes there are bad, lazy or just worthless cops in general. Just like there are bad, lazy or just worthless people in every category you want to name, whether it's race, socio-economical, state, proffession... Somehow it has gotten to the point where LE are considered fair game for anyone. We had a shooting a year ago, 18 year old "kid" with a knife. Suicidal and had kicking in or smashed just about everything in sight. Told officers to shoot him. As he turned and headed into the house where his grandmother (who couldn't move real well) was at, officers fired 4 bean bag rounds hitting him each time. He continued unfazed in his alcohol induced haze. Two officers had to shoot him before he got to the house where he endangered another person. The media crucified the officers for shooting the poor high school kid. (He had graduated the year before and was not in college). We even had a guy write in and say that if the Crocodile Hunter could tame wild animals with a rope and a net that officers should have these and shouldn't need to use other force. (This was a month or two before said Croc Hunter was killed by a big fish). I get tired of people who look at a snippet of video and through the great amount of training that they've had watching COPS on TV can now decide that a use of force is not justified. Look at that poor man being hit by the evil police for doing nothing more than drunken driving. There's a saying in LE. The threat decides the level of force used on them. If you don't want to get hit, don't resist. If you don't want to get sprayed with OC, don't resist. If you don't want to get Tased, don't resist. Not sure about other states but in Oregon Resisting Arrest is Resisting Arrest. It doesn't matter later if the arrest was legal or not. The bottom line is LE has an obligation to arrest certain people. I've walked away from several arrests that just weren't worth the risk of injury to other folks. But there are some situations we just can't leave. And for the folks that jump to the conclusion that a TASER is somehow evil. Go to a Citizens Academy and get shot with one. Know what? They hurt like hell for how ever long you make the officers zap you but afterwards, very little pain remains. The folks that are shot with them are normally better off with the TASER than the alternative. What is the alternative? Getting sprayed with OC, the effects remain for 30-45 minutes normally, long after the fight is over. Focused blows. This is also referred to as punching and kicking. Guess what, this really hurts as well. And of course the force tool that the use of has gone down the most is the baton. This is basically a metal pipe you hit someone with until they decide that the pain just ain't worth it anymore. It tends to break bones and permanently damage joints. So the next time there is 2-6 officers trying to subdue someone and they end up tasing him, think to yourself which of those options would be better.
  18. It's been out, or at least was released a couple years ago at SHOT if you're talking about the 105Cti. Could be interesting but I didn't see enough of a difference to pay the price tag for it, and it was high.
  19. Maybe, but probably not. There is a variety of Reduced Recoil slugs out there. Some are more reduced than others. I couldn't get my 1100 or 11-87 to cycle any 3 dram or reduced recoil loads until I opened up the gas ports. It really easy to do though. I'm sure a search on the subject will pull up the information.
  20. For USPSA you're right. There really are a huge variety of guns that you can do well with. CZ, Glock, XD, S&W, and all the others. There's really not a bias towards any particular gun...in USPSA. The reason I switched was for shooting IPSC, which does have a definite bias. IPSC production is obviously going to favor high cap 9's, which do fine in USPSA as well. The big difference is the trigger pull rule in IPSC. There are very few guys, Dave jumps immediately to mind, that can shoot a 32 round course with a 5.5-6 lb trigger the whole time, as well as other folks can shoot the same course with a 2 lb trigger on all but the first shot. That's why I switched. As far as who paid for my gun. I am a member of Team CZ-USA now. I got picked up at the L-10 Nationals, but I've been shooting a CZ since April. The gun that I've been shooting all year I won at a match. A match that CZ was a sponsor for, like so many others.
  21. Wow, that's just wrong on so many different points I don't know where to begin.
  22. A +1 for SJC. I borrowed a friends for a recent GSSF match in Washington. I typically do better with the stock gun than the unlimited gun and have never been able to get much under 50 seconds for a match with one. No practice at all with the SJC and I shot a sub 39 second run at the match. Over 20% reduction, with no previous trigger time. That gun flat rocks. I called John yesterday to see about buying one of my own.
  23. I did this exact same thing at a SS Championship last year. Pissed a couple guys off in the squad but I even asked the Stage Designer before I did it. He said it was cool with him. The only way SD's learn to bullet proof stages is to have a gamer take them apart. Whether it's before the match or during. As a SD and a gamer I've had stages shot that I thought were bullet proof that were not. At our recent section match I designed a stage where I thought you had to go to all 4 corners of the bay. Turned out if you took 3 steps backward from the start box you could eliminate the first two positions. Oops. Wanna guess how I shot my own stage when I got there? It wasn't as much running as originally planned I'll tell you that. I think the key in ripping stages apart is the attitude in which it's done. If a shooter acts all arrogant and gets stupid about pointing out flaws, "I can't believe that idiot stage designer left "X" hole there for me to exploit, ha, ha, ha." Or if you just take it as part of the course. I'll frequently add in holes to my stages. Where if you thread this little shot through these two barrells maybe you can save a couple steps. Let the shooter decice if it's worth the tight setup.
  24. I wouldn't use it. For the chrono he had an extreme spread of 113 fps for the three rounds. One like 690ish, a mid 700 and one over 800. He ended up with a 132ish power factor. He thought he was going to be in the 150 range. Light .45 loads get real touchy that light.
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