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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Unless this is a new regulation, I wouldn't bring more than 11lbs. I've flown Alaska many times and been asked if I have more than 11lbs of ammo. Probably depends on which airport you leave from.
  2. That would be Angus' rental car. Everybody knows that Angus can't drive on the right side of the road. They're probably just trying to warn people away from him.
  3. Long story short, after 8 stages the first day another competitor came up and told me that I should be careful that the RO's not see my gun because it had grip tape on it. I have a CZ SP-01 with a section of grip tape covering the front strap and the rear strap. I have discussed this with Vince Pinto and was told that it was 100% Legal. I even stripped out any parts that Angus had worked on when I bought the gun and reinstalled factory drop in parts in order to be in 100% compliance with IPSC rules. I was a little miffed when I heard this. I went to Amidon and asked about this. Amidon said that the grip tape was illegal. I also checked with Perry Wilson the other RM. He showed me the section in the rule book that he said stated it wasn't legal (Which Flex quotes above, BTW I think that means it is legal.) After both RM's said it was illegal, and since I shot 9 stages with it I went to stats and told Linda to bump me into Open since I shot an illegal gun. I went home that night and checked Global Village and PM Vince trying to get clarification ( I may have also had some adult beverage). Both my reading of Global Village along with the photo that Eric posted were found and printed out. I also got a reply from Vince saying that the photo was official and that I was 100% in compliance. When I got back the next day I showed it to Perry and he said that it looked good and thought I should remain in Production. I went to stats and talked to Linda only to find out that she didn't put me in Open because she hadn't heard from a match official and wasn't going to let me screw myself over (Thanks Linda). I thought every thing was fine and dandy till I talked to Amidon and showed him the photo. He said it wasn't official and didn't matter. I had a fun couple of next stages and finished the match not knowing what the heck was going on. I did tell Amidon that I wasn't going to self bump and that if he wanted to put me in Open that me might as well round up an Arbitration Committee at the same time. It ended with Nick Alexakos contacting Vince Pinto and I believe two other members of the IPSC Rules committee to find out what the heck was going on. The interpretation on the rules was approved in January of this year. The photo is attached along with the wording below it that Eric posted. As near as I can tell exactly like that. It is a one page print out that looked like every other interpreation sheet except it had pictures for the folks who can't read. The ruling is official. The photo is official. Grip tape is legal on the front and back strap. Oh, and BTW. I wasn't the only one with grip tape on the front and back strap. I was just the only one dumb enough to call it to the attention of the RM's and make an issue of it. Chuck
  4. I've shot in IPSC matches for about 10 years before coming to USA. Stage design is not that much different between the two organisations. USPSA favours high round count field stages and IPSC has the small/medium/large mix, which I actually prefer as it is more of a test of shooter skill than just large field courses. I did not shoot at Michigan but I did the RIO match and it was the toughest match, target-wise that I have ever seen, and I've competed in 3 World Shoots. I don't think these matches are indicative of a World Shoot, it sounds like the organisers made them really tough matches so we could ensure that the best shooters get to the team... and I think that's a good thing. Not even close to Rio Paul. This was a much harder match without a doubt. So I guess you didn't believe me. The picture is official. Perry Wilson showed me the official printout of rule interpretations approved at the GA Meeting in Manilla in January. The interpretations were approved but not listed on the website. The rule book does not read differently. It reads the same way that it has for years, that tape may be applied to the grip. Some people just took a narrower interpretation of that rule than has previously been used.
  5. I hope future Qualifier matches are half as hard as this one. Holy cow. I did the math. I dropped 229 out of a possible 655 points the first day. Ouch. I managed to pull my head out of my butt the second day at least but dang, not a good start. Both matches were run very well. Stats was awesome. I'm used to the stats folks yelling at me to stay out. Here I kept getting offers to come look at my scores. It was a very cool match. I can't believe I shot 27 stages in three days on a range with only 7 bays.
  6. I have not come across a singe shooter at my club that switched away from Production solely becuase of the 10 round limit. Maybe that's partly because we enforce good stage design. If your club does a lot of 25-32 round courses where you can shoot them all from one spot, you're going to discourage Production, L10 and SS shooters. (Wheelies will shoot anything). As far as allowing the high cap mags. It's not so much that I don't want to discourage the 16 or 15 round guns from competing against a 17 round gun. But what about the new shooters or the shooters that already have a .40 or .45 gun that want to shoot production. We have a lot of LE that come and initially shoot Production this way. Kind of hard to tell them that they're going head to head with a CZ SP-01 with a 19+1 and their carry Beretta 96 with 11+1 are even.
  7. We're very strong in Production and have no IDPA clubs anywhere around. Normally about a 4 way split between Production, Limited, Open and L10. It varies by month but it's normally pretty close. I think it has a lot to do with what kind of recruiting your club does. New shooters tend to gravitate (my experience only) to Production or L10. At least until they've shot for awhile. If you don't have any Production or L10 shooters, maybe some recruting is in order.
  8. Great a 20 round drum. A large part of the reason (I know it was just an excuse) that the ATF classed the USAS-12 a destructive device was the high cap feeding devices. The 10 rd box and the 20 round drum. Now we have both. I'm not seeing a great deal of difference between the Saiga and the USAS 12 right now.
  9. Shot this today at a match. Yes Bill is a Sadist. Had some problems with splatter and with the plates hitting the targets. Bill's gonna make some changes that should alleviate both problems. Other than that it worked great. No problems at all. I didn't hear too much grumbling about it, surprisingly. Definitely makes you think.
  10. I shot one of the 1911 models last weekend. Very well built, very fast, and ran flawlessly. All of the dozen plus guns that I've handled built by Kevin have been very smooth, like running the slide on glass, and tight.
  11. Gunny Match at Ft. Benning: Done Superstition Mtn. 3Gun: Done Rio Gold Qualifier: Done Man of Steel Targeting Education and Gold Qual: GSSF in Roseburg and Albany, OR L10 Nationals Area 1 MultiGun R&R Racing MultiGun Colubia Cascade Sectional Area 1 Production Nationals Tulsa Gold Qual MultiGun Nationals Area 2 Ft. Benning 3 Gun Plus I'll be down a USSA a couple times teaching and taking some more classes. Gonna be a busy year.
  12. I doubt that list will move till July 2. If you only have 13 ahead, I'd be willing to be you're going to get in. The other list took a lot more people off the wait list.
  13. Right now I would go with the XD. Arredondo has base pads that will fit it to maximize capacity for IMGA (22 or 23 rounds, I'm not sure). However, I know he's planning M&P pads as well. Sound's like parts availability is probably about the same between guns now. I'd just pick the one that fits better and get it.
  14. I used Rem UMC 115 gr for the 2005 and first half of the 2006 season. I had zero problems with it, and did fairly well at the 05 Nats in Production. The only reason I switched was the Atlanta Arms 147 gr is a lot softer. It worked great for me.
  15. In Oregon we have a 3 gun Tactical match at Tri County in Sherwood on the fourth Sunday (Pistol, SG and Pistol Cal Carbine), an IMGA 3 Gun match in Albany on the second Sunday. Both of these matches draw anywhere from 20-40 people depending on the weather. We also have a Rifle only match at Tri-County that draws about 100 people a month and a Pistol cal carbine or SG match (rotates each month) that brings in about 30-40 people. As for big matches this year we have the Area 1 Multi Gun Championship and the R&R Racing Multigun Championship at Albany.
  16. Are you looking for monthly matches, annual events like SMM3G or both. Chuck
  17. Should be pure IPSC rules. Just the same as would be encountered at the World Shoot. Not sure how well that is going to go, but that is the plan.
  18. Give it time for the system to catch up. I just paid for my entry this morning.
  19. I handled a 24/7 OSS at the SHOT Show. Seemed like a well made gun with a good trigger for Production.
  20. I've seen lots of people with a properly installed JP or any other short reset light trigger, "double". It's not a mechanical double, the trigger is working just fine. The problem normally occurrs when the gun isn't held tight and moves a bit in recoil. As you release the trigger the gun comes back out of recoil and you hit the trigger again. Essentially, just a fast 2 shot split. I know the guy this happened to and I know he's fast on the trigger, not dumb enough to run a substandard trigger.
  21. This was the fastest running Rio Salado Match I can remember being to. We actually got done, had dinner and watched the movie "Shooter", and it was still light outside. I remember being at the range till it was dark. And also, all the stages made it into the match. Normally they pick my best stage and throw it out. They say it's only because that stage is normally LR rifle and it's running behind, but I know, they're really all against me. Overall, match ran great. Stages could stand to be a bit longer. If you're going to use IMGA scoring is 100 points per stage, please get rid of the under 20 second speed shoots. It makes those stages worth way too much. And I liked Taran's idea of separating out the irons. There's a big enough table to split it up and it makes it less of a contest of who shows up to shoot irons.
  22. Mine was 76 also. I asked her repeatedly to make sure it was right rate. I figured I got the RO rate by mistake. She said that it was right. We'll see.
  23. Might have been becuase I listed the 19th as my arrival date. Did you use the 20th?
  24. Tried using the online booking utility. Said all the rooms were full. I called the reservation number listed and was told the same thing. He said that I needed to call the hotel to actually make the reservation. I called the local hotel at 406-721-8550 and had no problems making the reservation. Might be a better way to start.
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