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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Don't worry, Open is different in IPSC also. Different PF and bullet weight requirements than USPSA. I think the closest might be revolver but I'm not even sure about that.
  2. I seem to remember someone telling you it was going to need to be gone over by a smith, can't remember who that was. Bring it to Dundee with you and I'll bring the extractor tension guage with me. Load up some long ammo also. Alot of these things are sensitive to the short stuff. If memory serves you've got a Recoil Master in that right? I wouldn't worry about the Recoil assy. other than to make sure nothing is bent or broken. I would check, extractor (tension) breechface (burrs) and magazines. I'll bring some tuned ones instead of the factory ones you have.
  3. I have two rifles and for big matches that I drive to I bring both of them. If I'm flying it gets way too heavy trying to lug duplicates of everything. I have had to use all of my backup guns at various matches before. Most commonly at the MGM Ironman.
  4. This is actually the worst possible solution for most Level I matches. How many Level I matches use static RO's? Ours move with the squad and change during the same stage (RO has to shoot as well). So Shooter 1 is squadded with the cool RO that allows coaching and the Shooter 2 is squadded with the meanie RO that doesn't. Once again, not equitable. Or even worse, cool and meanie RO are on the same squad (ran into this a month or two back). Flex has the only good solution that I've seen. If you want to be coached you don't shoot for score. You can give the newbie a printout of where they would have finished, or whatever, but they are not receiving the same shooting challenge as everyone else. I shoot with a physically disabled shooter. He comes in dead last most matches but is frequently on the range practicing and getting better. I don't want to take his chance at a better finish because someone else was spoon fed a match.
  5. Sounds like the gun is shortstroking. If the slide stop works when hand cycled but not when firing it normally means the slide isn't coming far enough back. A couple things could be wrong. The recoil spring could be too heavy for a minor PF load. If Henning is using a 10lb and you've got a 14 or 16 lb, that would be my first guess. The other could be that the recoil spring is too long. There are severl threads on how to check to see if the spring it too long on this site. Quickly though, how much travel does the slide have beyond where the slide stop engages. If it's none or very little, the recoil spring is probably too long and binding. A lot of recoil spings come too long so that you can trim them to fit. Edited for late night typing.
  6. You would think that the folks making the rules would have realized by now that if the intent is not spelled out in the rule, it's not going to be followed (or probably even remembered a couple years down the road). Personally I think this is an extremely poorly written rule that gives some shooters an unfair advantage over others. I have no problem with a new shooter receiving support from the RO, or a family member or a coach. But giving a blanket authority to allow anyone to coach anyone sets up a challenge that is not the same for everyone. If I'm coaching an A class shooter through a stage and point out a piece of steel that he hit but didn't go down, how is that fair to the other A class shooter that now drops behind because he shot the stage straight up without assistance.
  7. That's fine, but you tell my wife that one to two weeks before a three gun match like that when the UPS guy is at my house every day, if not two to three times a day, that I'll be out of town with the MD and the RM in Tulsa. Whether it's Mike's fault or not, this is the hand we are dealt. I don't think it will change but don't set anything rock solid in stone yet.
  8. I'm fine with the new rule except for Multi Gun. Oh the joy of counting birdshot holes in a no-shoot target. Lets see that's 1, 2, 3, ...60, 61, 62 penalties.
  9. Yes consideration, but I'm not sure if anything will come of it. Not my call. As far as the registration day, the schedule is still up in the air. Sorry, we're pretty focused on the Pistol match now. As that gets cleared up we'll probably nail the Multi Gun down.
  10. How about Glock's stance on the 3.5 pound connector. Call Glock and try to get one.
  11. I disagree. There are hundreds of shooters that choose STI over SV, simply becuase of the contingency program. The product at the frame level is nearly identical in contstruction, materials and cost, yet STI dominates the numbers. I know a lot of people that base that decision solely on the contingency program. Additionally STI requires that you wear their logo at the match, additional advertising. Would I spend an extra 2-300 to buy a gun with a contingency? Nope. Would I choose one similar product over another because of it, you bet. Caspian's two biggest issues were magazines and lack of complete guns from the factory. How many shooters started in Limited with an Edge as their first "race gun". Factory availability of a completed firearm is important. The second is the magazines. The magazine ban hurt Caspian big. STI and SV took a big chance by selling "replacement parts". It was obviously an end run around the law. Many IPSC shooters committed felonies to stay in the game. STI and SV had very little choice in the matter though because they didn't have any other products. It was either sell tubes or fold. Caspian on the other hand has lots of customers other than IPSC shooters. Mainly firearms manufacturers that use their parts in their complete guns. Caspian didn't need to push the law to make it through a crappy 10 year period. I'm not going to fault them for it and I do a lot of business with them.
  12. Not sure that he said that he said he was planning to use it for competition. Just that he wanted to put it on his open gun. That said it's easy enough to get a score with a suppressor. If he's using major ammo it will be supersonic. That has normally been enough to trip the timer when I shoot mine. If not we just have the RO tap the timer at the last shot. It's close enough for most folks.
  13. It should function however you're not going to like the recoil. The LCD that you need to buy with the Trident to make it work on a 1911 increases the recoil. It makes for a very jerky recoil impulse. That said, it should be kind of cool. The optic will clear the suppressor tube so not much else should change. I have fun with mine. It makes a great tool for breaking in new shooters. The suppressor reduces the noise and reduces, or at least makes more visible any flinching issues. I use a suppressed G17 with an .22lr conversion kit to start, then move up to the suppressed G17 in 9mm. A combination of iron sights and laser sighting address any sight picture issues. I've taken folks that were failing to qualify and had them in the high 90's with just a couple hours using these two guns.
  14. 16 shooters, double elimination with best 3/5 for the finals works out to a max of 47 runs, assuming no reshoots. Figure the best you're going to do if any reset at all is involved is 3 min per run avg with a max of 4 min. avg. Works out to 141-188 minutes. That's going to be a minimum of fuss with good helpers and everyone coming to the line ready to go when they're supposed to. About the only way I've seen the shootoff's work well is at a range like Frank Garcia's where they have a Pneumatic reset steel shootoff bay. And even that seems to drag on forever.
  15. Sorry, I have to be the wiseass. To get a slot to the United States Postal Service (USPS) Nationals: first become disgruntled, then ask your postman for a slot. Couldn't resist.
  16. I think you could put one on the 35 in .40 cal but I don't think the 9mm caliber change is going to be legal (I hate this rule BTW). Although to be honest. There is no way to tell lf a Glock frame is made for 9mm or .40 once the slide and ejector is switched. You would be the only one to know.
  17. The P7 is on the list. Unless there is one I'm not aware of it looks ok to me. The only downside is the reduced capacity magazines. You'll only have 8 rounds in each compared to just about everyone else running 10. Makes some courses (almost all of them) really tight.
  18. Yep, that's what it means. Flip or twist mounts are good. Just has to stay on the gun.
  19. I'd stay away from the Caspian Glock slides just yet. My understanding is that there are some dimension issues that make them a little difficult to fit just yet. I know Caspian has been working with a smith on this and hopefully the next run will be up to their normal kick ass standards. I'm not sure about the LWD slides. I've been trying to get ahold of JR for a couple weeks now but haven't been able to connect. Stay away from the 34 for anything open related. The slide was internally lightened in a bad spot and will break under heavy major use. All of the SJC guns that I've seen have been outstanding. I borrowed one for a GSSF match last year and posted my best time (by about 11 seconds) without ever shooting the thing before. And this was over my 34 open gun.
  20. Sorry, but I'm gonna take the other side on the team split. I don't see enough participation in Revolver or Modified at a US National level to justify sending a team. I'm not saying that Junior or Lady should get a team either, I didn't look at the numbers. But when their are only 40 guys at a Nationals (and if Memory serves that is high) I don't think sending 10% of them to the World Championship on my dime is a good use of USPSA money. And Modified isn't even recognized in the US. There are even less people set up for that. Sorry Kenny.
  21. I remember calling the company a few years ago when they were starting up. I talked to John for almost an hour on the phone. It was the weirdest thing. I grew up reading magazine articles about this guy and here he was spending his time with me. A lot of it was ideas for product development. I kept wanting to say, "You're John Pride, I know nothing." Very nice guy though. I may have to try one of their dots, and I'm not even shooting Open now.
  22. Nope, nothing was listed, the security is only set at medium, and I'm using Verizon FIOS which is pretty much the main ISP in Oregon. Dunno what's up. I must have Gremlins in the computer.
  23. Don't know, I don't think I've ever been to the site before. Not sure why it would be blocked or how to fix it.
  24. Oh, that is just weird. It comes up for me cloaked but not in a straight window. WTF?
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