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Joe D

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Everything posted by Joe D

  1. Most folks don't really understand how a Glock barrel locks up. If you will notice that the stock barrel returns to the same spot vertically every time. With slide forward press the barrel down. The barrel will "spring" back to the same spot every time. I have checked this with a dial indicator. The only variation is the lateral barrel movement at the rear. I will compare several Glocks before I purchase to find one with the tightest fit in this area. My wife's G34 is exceptionally accurate. 5 shot quarter size groups at 25 yds are common. A 1911 will benefit from a properly fitted "match" barrel. It is a waste of money with a Glock. BTW the lead bullet issue with stock Glock barrels is just another internet myth/wives tale/urban legend. We have fired thousands of lead bullets through our Glocks. Use quality bullets and don't try to drive them at insane velocities. Most shooters do not take the time to develop a load that is accurate. It requires checking various OALs, bullet weights and brands, powders and powder charges, crimp tension and a host of other things.
  2. I would buy some in a heart beat. Metal tubes and plastic frames seem to work well for STI. All one would need is a steel mag release.
  3. Here's a group one of my G35s shot while working up a load. This is just an average group. Both of my G35s will shoot better with "pet" loads. Group was shot at 25 yds. All I use are stock barrels.
  4. My G35 shoots a little softer than my wife's G34 when loaded to a 130 PF. I use a 180 gr bullet, she uses a 147.
  5. Keep your stock barrel. It is more accurate than you are. 25 yd. group shot from one of my G35s with a stock barrel.
  6. A friend and I were trying to decide which would be better for IDPA ESP. I contend that the .40 loaded to a 130 pf would be the better gun. I know my Glock 35 shoots softer than my wife's G34 when loaded to the same pf. I would think that the Eagle in .40 would be more reliable too when loaded to a 1.200" OAL. I don't recall seeing anyone shooting a .40 STI in ESP, but have see a few in 9mm.
  7. Some of the Stages I designed for the Alabama IDPA Championship match had more than one way to shoot them. I pushed the MD to let me put in the stage info on one of the stages "Start at position P1 then shoot them as you see them." Guess he was not quite ready for that yet. Maybe next year.
  8. Just another dumb IDPA rule. One can get all the stage "looks" one needs on your way to tape.
  9. I would purchase a G35 rather than a 34. The 35 allows you to shoot Production, Limited 10 and Limited, IDPA SSP and ESP. The 35 can be downloaded to shoot just as softly or more so than the 34. Reloading cost goes up about $5 per thousand with the .40.
  10. I too don't know what the IDPA vs IPSC issues are. Does not make sense to me. Anyone that pulls a trigger in competition is my bud. Knowing that there is some conflict between the two groups one does not need to fuel the fire. Taran Butler wearing his IPSC outfit to the IDPA Nationals shows poor judgement on his part to me. Not sure if he did, but that's what I heard. I think by now everyone knows how Bill Wilson feels about USPSA. He needs to get past that, but that is a different can of worms. Most folks that shoot with me know my feelings about Bill Wilson. My wife and I shoot both IDPA and IPSC. We tend to focus on IDPA more due to the large number of matches in Alabama. In Atlanta we shot more IPSC. I guess if I could shoot only one match it would be IDPA. We have started getting some of the IPSC shooters at our local IDPA matches. I hope they felt welcome. Most of them shot in my squad the last match.
  11. FYI, a slot works just as well. Much easier to do. Just get one of the diamond cutoff wheels from Harbor and cut a slot on an angle where you want the new hole. OTOH the same results can be achieved by doing it another way without cutting a slot or drilling a new hole.
  12. It is all in the grip angle and bore axis. Sure wish someone would offer an STI/SVI with a Glock grip angle.
  13. The "Glock Knuckle" ruined my career as a Hand Model.
  14. My wife's G34 has grouped 5 shots at 25 yds, from a rest, that could be covered by a nickel. This was done with 147 gr Rainier RN bullets using 3.0 gr of Titegroup. I suspect you are over crimping your bullet. BTW don't waste your money on an aftermarket barrel. You gain nothing, but loose reliability.
  15. Guess I am one of the odd balls that likes a big fat FO front. I use the HiViz molded front with the big dot. I shoot it like an optical dot. Just put it in the center of the target and pull the trigger. All Heinies will shoot loose in the dovetail. I much prefer the Novak rear. The steel is much harder. The front almost fills the rear notch at arms length.
  16. Or fit the trigger bar and connector properly and you don't need a stop.
  17. I guess I too am one of the oddballs. I use a large (.135") front fiber optic. The dot fills up the rear notch at arms length. If I can see all of the dot then my sights are aligned. I shoot it like an Open gun dot. I just put the dot in the center of the target. I tried one of the thin front posts with the tiny tube, but found it too slow for me. I guess to each his own.
  18. Just curious as to what the total cost was with shipping both directions.
  19. The stock Glock 3.5 is hard to beat. The only other one that is better is the old Glock Works connector. I do not use the Ghost connectors. Too many quality issues. I would use a Scherer before a Ghost. I have never seen the need for a trigger stop in a Glock. Glock has at least three sub-contractors for trigger bars. Not only are the finishes different, so are the nose profiles. Going from a "short nose" to a "long nose" will decrease your trigger pull by as much as 1 lb.
  20. Walmart has an Under Armor clone shirt for $6.93. Does a good job of wicking.
  21. Boo, have you tried 147 gr bullets in your G34? I will try and find a target I shot from a rest using my wife's G34 a few years ago. I posted it on Glock Talk, but the time limit got it. I put 5 shots into a group at 25 yds that could be covered by a nickel. Yes, I do have witnesses. Both of my G35s will group under 1 1/2" at 25 yds. Yes, I am a fan of stock barrels. I am very picky when I purchase a new Glock though. There can be a pretty big difference between guns as to how well the barrel fits. Try different bullet and powder combinations before you give up on the stock barrel. I use Titegroup in 9mm, .40 and .45ACP. Remember we shoot at a huge target. A gun that will group 2" at 25 yds is more than accurate enough. The load I use in my wife's G34 is 3.0 gr of TG with a 147 gr bullet OAL is 1.125" - 1.130", WSP primers. It does not seem to care whose bullet I use. It shoots Rainier, West Coast and Zero equally well. I was using a West Coast bullet when I shot the tiny group. You will like TG. It costs about half of what the VV powders do. Please don't think I am questioning your shooting ability, but are you capable of shooting small groups off of a rest. It is harder than most folks think. The gun has to recoil the same every time. Your elbow is the pivot point.
  22. Joe D

    Plunger Springs

    No, titanium is soft compared to tool steel. If you wear/polish through the titanium nitride coating toss the part.
  23. Joe D

    Plunger Springs

    The titanium plunger does nothing to the trigger pull except lighten your wallet. The light weight steel striker seems to last a lot longer than the titanium one. The original Glock plunger spring had a .010" wire diameter. You can purchase a spring assortment from Brownells that was several 12" lengths of .010" wire diameter spring.
  24. I think state matches should have a high round count. Sometimes match directors forget that people come to shoot. I have never heard anyone say, "Boy, I hated that match. I had to shoot way too many rounds." I think state level matches should also be a little more difficult than the typical local match. Secondly IDPA is not, let me repeat, not training. It is just a game. If IDPA is supposed to mirror real life then we would have 4-6 round stages. I remember a match announcement email I received a few years back that ended by saying bring 26 rounds. Did I drive the 60 miles to shoot a 26 round match? Yeah, right. Our last Alabama State match required 175 rounds to shoot. Several of the stages had more than one way in which they could be shot. Many stages required 18 rounds. There were lots of movers and movement. I do not care for "Standards". I do not understand why some match directors feel the need to have them. If I wanted to stand in one place and shoot a limited number of rounds I would start shooting Bullseye again. Then again I think the Classifier is a total waste of time. I see too many "Paper Masters" that shoot the Classifier over and over again to become a Master and shoot at best in the middle of the Experts in matches. We need to get rid of the Classifier and have a Classifier stage in every local match. I know that will sound too IPSC for some. Are you listening Bill??? Heck, I will be happy to design the 20-30 Classifier stages needed for you. Give me a $1 a head and I will even keep up with the data base.
  25. I think Storm Lake makes the Wilson barrels. BTW you can shoot lead in stock Glock barrels. Been doing it for years.
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