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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!



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Long weekend. Wife out of town, so I had to take care of all the critters (2 horses, dog, and cat) and I was the MD for our local monthly club match.

Got up this morning at 4:45 to take care of things before heading into work, Dead ass tired. 3/4 of the way in, and as I come around a blind corner there is a 6 point buck right in the middle of my lane. On coming traffic in the other lane, and a grove of oak trees to the right. The deer was the softest option.

Then I got to inform my wife that I wrecked her truck for her. I'm 40 minutes away from ending my 9 hour work day, that is after the delay from the deer incident, and I just want to go home and crawl into bed.

Stop the world, I WANT OFF!!! :blink:

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OUCH that stinks :angry: Had a friend, Andy, driving his new pickup home from the dealership and hit 4 or 5 deer. He still wont talk about it. As for the deer.......Maybe a little garlic and a nice red wine.

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If you ask people what is the large animal that kills the most humans every year, most people would say large dogs. I've been told the correct answer is: deer. Part of that is that during the rut, male deer go nuts and have been known to attack hunters. But most of it's the not uncommon situation where a car hits a deer, the deer goes through the windshield, and suddenly you've got a big, terrified animal with very sharp hooves thrashing around with you in the passenger compartment. Banging up your wife's truck is not a pleasant thing, but trust me, it could have been a lot worse.

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I got a cosmic warning about roadway deer a couple of weeks ago...

Came whipping around a corner high up in the south hills of Eugene (dense residential, thanks to recent, all-out development) and encountered SEVEN of 'em! :blink: Fortunately I had functional brakes. I've been a tad more careful up there since.

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I always liked deer...in the form of sausage and burgers.

What's really stupid is that deer populations have absolutely exploded but we still have the same draconian hunting seasons. In WA state, HWY 14 is a just a bloodbath in one section. I've driven down the road and seen substantial stretches where the road is literally covered with bloody hamburger. There's other sections of I-90 where I've not seen more than one or two deer kills in 33 years and now there's dead deer everywhere.

I'm sick of the state treating them like pets. It's time to thin the herd.

Glad to hear you're OK.

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In my exhausted state, I forgot to mention the best part of the story (other than I wasn't hurt at all). When the cops showed up to take the report, and finish off the deer, it took THREE, YES THREE rounds from the cops .45acp, and the deer still wasn't dead. Now, keep in mind that the deer wasn't moving when the cop was trying to finish it off. Then, and this really is the best part, after the guy puts the three rounds into the deer, he starts walking around the deer and clapping his hands loudly. I asked "I'm just wondering, but what are you trying to do?" I thought maybe trying to get the deer to move a little bit for a better angle shot, though I could have gotten an easy back of the skull shot with my eyes closed. Anyway, the officer says "I'm trying to give him a heart attack, so that he will expire." No shit, I couldn't make something like that up. So, I'm thinking, here is this deer, that has been hit by a truck going about 40 to 45 MPH, thrown about 15 to 20 yards, crawled 30 yards down a ditch, taken three rounds from a .45, and this guy is hoping that a clap of his hands will scare it enough to give it a heart attack. I think not. Then I thought, I live in a state where this guy can carry a gun, and the "average" citizen can't be trusted to. Scary. :wacko:

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Hmmm... I wonder if that works on all stupid animals. Maybe that's why certain politicos don't want the general populus to have guns: it LITERALLY scares 'em to death. :D

BTW, that is CLASSIC! Next time tell him that you'll take the deer out if he'll loan you his gun... see how close he gets to handing it to you. B)

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OUCH that stinks  Had a friend, Andy, driving his new pickup home from the dealership and hit 4 or 5 deer. He still wont talk about it.


My dad, who live in Tennessee, has hit 5 deer over the past 20 years. Once he was driving a VW bug and that was pretty scarey. He used to joke about his misfortune until the last deer he hit tore up the Scout that he had worked soooo hard to restore. Now he doesn't seem to want to talk about it.


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My best friend in High School was driving to an out of town job early one morning in the dark. He was in one of those Isuzu Pup trucks that were pretty small. As he came around a curve there was a solid black horse standing in his lane and he was unable to avoid by the time it became visible. Due to the height of the horse and how small the truck was, the horse came right over the hood and nearly crushed the entire cab. He was very lucky there was just enough space left for his head and shoulders jammed up against the drivers door. It was not a pretty sight. Both the truck and horse had to be put down.

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If you ask people what is the large animal that kills the most humans every year, most people would say large dogs. I've been told the correct answer is: deer.

I've been fortunate enough to never impact a deer, not that I haven't gotten close though.

Duane'ster, just to add to what you were talking about. I've heard that the deadliest animal (worldly) as far as killing humans is the Water Buffalo. I've also heard that the most dangerous animal to hit with your car is the Moose. Moose's legs are so long that when hit, the body continues through the windshield....even on full size trucks. Yikes! Folks in the NorthEast hit lots of moosies every year.

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Be thankful it was just the vehicle and the animal. I attended a funeral last week of a woman who died as the result of hitting a deer with her car. She was driving on the interstate at night on the way to see her son in college in St. Louis. She suffered head trauma from the animal coming through the windshield. You do not realize how many animal/vehicle collisions there are until it happens to someone you know.

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The problem isn't the people hitting deer and having them come through the windshield. I've had that happen once in 15 years and we do a lot of Deer crashes here in PA. The big problem is the idiot that swerves to miss the deer and runs into another car, tree, or utility pole and gets killed. You have insurance which covers fixing the vehicle hit the damn deer not the tree!

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