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Bill Drill times


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Excuse the double post, MY enthusiasm got the better of me on this one...

And while we are awaiting JJ's reply, how many of you M and GM shooters feel that you can lay down 5 splits of .08 in a row?

This is all great and all but generally a .11-.18 in a match is actually pretty darn good.

Even just playing around I can't get under a .09

.07-.08 for more than 2 shots.......way to go

M class


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Excuse the double post, MY enthusiasm got the better of me on this one...

And while we are awaiting JJ's reply, how many of you M and GM shooters feel that you can lay down 5 splits of .08 in a row?

This is all great and all but generally a .11-.18 in a match is actually pretty darn good.

Even just playing around I can't get under a .09

.07-.08 for more than 2 shots.......way to go

M class


I hear ya Martin... it's like well good for you, but what's the point? It just started as a string under .08 or more correctly I said I've had several splits at .06 and under .09.

Barely B


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Excuse the double post, MY enthusiasm got the better of me on this one...

And while we are awaiting JJ's reply, how many of you M and GM shooters feel that you can lay down 5 splits of .08 in a row?

This is all great and all but generally a .11-.18 in a match is actually pretty darn good.

Even just playing around I can't get under a .09

.07-.08 for more than 2 shots.......way to go

M class


I hear ya Martin... it's like well good for you, but what's the point? It just started as a string under .08 or more correctly I said I've had several splits at .06 and under .09.

Barely B


Well actually, the topic is titled Bill Drill times and to be a BD, you really have to hit all A's, but we got side tracked with your incredible split times and it degenerated into you doing a BD of 1.00 or less...we will admit it is too much to ask that you score all A hits, but you do need 6 on paper to qualify, otherwise, it is easier and faster to get an MP5 to shoot 6 with splits under .08...

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Excuse the double post, MY enthusiasm got the better of me on this one...

And while we are awaiting JJ's reply, how many of you M and GM shooters feel that you can lay down 5 splits of .08 in a row?

This is all great and all but generally a .11-.18 in a match is actually pretty darn good.

Even just playing around I can't get under a .09

.07-.08 for more than 2 shots.......way to go

M class


I hear ya Martin... it's like well good for you, but what's the point? It just started as a string under .08 or more correctly I said I've had several splits at .06 and under .09.

Barely B


Well actually, the topic is titled Bill Drill times and to be a BD, you really have to hit all A's, but we got side tracked with your incredible split times and it degenerated into you doing a BD of 1.00 or less...we will admit it is too much to ask that you score all A hits, but you do need 6 on paper to qualify, otherwise, it is easier and faster to get an MP5 to shoot 6 with splits under .08...

I vote for the MP5 :D

At the least I want to repeat the string times. The draw is asking a lot from me. I don't know if it's within my ability to do a surrender draw in less than .7 let alone what we need .55-.60

Edited by JThompson
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Excuse the double post, MY enthusiasm got the better of me on this one...

And while we are awaiting JJ's reply, how many of you M and GM shooters feel that you can lay down 5 splits of .08 in a row?

This is all great and all but generally a .11-.18 in a match is actually pretty darn good.

Even just playing around I can't get under a .09

.07-.08 for more than 2 shots.......way to go

M class


I hear ya Martin... it's like well good for you, but what's the point? It just started as a string under .08 or more correctly I said I've had several splits at .06 and under .09.

Barely B


Dude you da man with those kinda splits............just pissed I can't do it ..................Ha ha ha ha ha ha

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Sam is another forum member from Wyoming. He hasn't been real active on the forum or with his pistol shooting lately for several reasons, such as concentrating on precision rifle. Sam is about the quickest guy out of the leather around here and I have some of the better splits. Between the two of us we might have a chance...well right up until the notion of hitting something got thrown into the mix.

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You guys sure no how to depress a guy. I can't move, can't draw, can't remember how I want to shoot a stage, and generally do stupid things. But the one thing I thought was halfway competitive was my splits and transitions (actually shooting the gun). The fastest split I've ever seen with any kind of hit is .12 and in a match I'm .15 and up. It's enough to make you want to quite and take up golf. :blink: Who am I kinding I hate golf.

My hat is off to you guys that are dedicated enough to get to this level. And please, please, please if anyone get even close to 1 sec BD please post video.

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You guys sure no how to depress a guy. I can't move, can't draw, can't remember how I want to shoot a stage, and generally do stupid things. But the one thing I thought was halfway competitive was my splits and transitions (actually shooting the gun). The fastest split I've ever seen with any kind of hit is .12 and in a match I'm .15 and up. It's enough to make you want to quite and take up golf. :blink: Who am I kinding I hate golf.

My hat is off to you guys that are dedicated enough to get to this level. And please, please, please if anyone get even close to 1 sec BD please post video.

Don't worry Dave... I don't go any faster than you in a match unless it's very close.

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You guys sure no how to depress a guy. I can't move, can't draw, can't remember how I want to shoot a stage, and generally do stupid things.

Welcome to the club. FWIW, I have only hit two or three sub one second draws in a match (as far as I know), and my splits are in the high teens and low .20s. In fact, my performance improved a bunch when I took the emphasis off of the "classifier skills" and started paying attention to things that matter.

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You guys sure no how to depress a guy. I can't move, can't draw, can't remember how I want to shoot a stage, and generally do stupid things.

Welcome to the club. FWIW, I have only hit two or three sub one second draws in a match (as far as I know), and my splits are in the high teens and low .20s. In fact, my performance improved a bunch when I took the emphasis off of the "classifier skills" and started paying attention to things that matter.

I agree with Ron... depending on how far and what the first target is I am over a second... by far in some cases. Most of my drill work is done at 25yds to a 10" plate. My average is around 1.3-1.4 if I want a hit every time. Lot of work to do...... Three weeks ago it was 1.6 so I'm going the right way. I used to practice everything close and found that I was learning sloppy because the targets were so easy. When I moved back to 25 my flaws became visible in a hurry.

Edited by JThompson
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You guys sure no how to depress a guy. I can't move, can't draw, can't remember how I want to shoot a stage, and generally do stupid things.

Welcome to the club. FWIW, I have only hit two or three sub one second draws in a match (as far as I know), and my splits are in the high teens and low .20s. In fact, my performance improved a bunch when I took the emphasis off of the "classifier skills" and started paying attention to things that matter.

This reminds me of a saying in golf, driving for show putting for dough. Driving the ball 380+ yards is nice, but you don't see any of the top PGA players doing it on tournament days.


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Yeah but don't you think having the ability to drive the ball 380+ yards helps you in tournament golf by itself?

The further you stretch your limitations, the more consistent you become when doing anything less.

Agreed... whe you can drive 200 and not crash going 75 is easy. ;)

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I'm not about argue with a couple of GMs about shooting skills. I'll concede that I've only shot USPSA for two seasons, about 50 local matches and one major match, but I've never seen a stage where raging 0.08 second splits were what separated the winners from the losers. Come to think of it, I've never seen a stage where glacial 0.15 seconds splits separated the wheat from the chafe.

The only stage where 0.08 second splits would be great is on Can You Count, in my humble 71% opinion. :)

Merry Christmas fellas.


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I SUCK, I can't pull a Bill Drill under 2.0. I can't pull a Bill Drill under 2.4 on demand that I would bet on, but I beat my fair share at the matches. I don't put much stock in the Bill Drill as a test, but it damn sure can teach you a lot about your own shooting. It is about learning, not testing, IMHO.

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When you were shooting Production, were you able to crank out single digit splits? I'd love to see some 0.08 and 0.09 second splits, but I'd have to somehow drop my current best split by half. I've seen 0.17 seconds once or twice while doing Bill Drills. I mostly see 0.18-0.22 second splits.


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- slow splits...could be the above, or a combination of...requiring the shooter to muscle the gun back on target. could be the grip and stance need work.

One thing I've noticed is that, when all else is correct - good strong hand grip tension, etc - lighter trigger pulls definitely result in faster splits on drills like this for me. Just FWIW... ;)

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I've not seen it in person but I have heard that Pete (I am going to massacre this, sorry in advance!) Milionis can bang .10 splits with a production gun, the times I saw for the goofy 'draw and bang 5 reload and bang 5 classifier' were just SICK. .10 and under is definitely doable by the elite and some of the more autistic (term very loosely used) in the lower classes. The fastest splits I have EVER seen in person were from a guy that I believe was a B class shooter, local guys will know Arman and know he could pull LOW .10's every time on time, I was on the timer several times and saw sub .1 splits. That guy HAS a finger that is unhuman, rumor is that he is somewhat active now somewhere in TX. Just look for a really nice guy, INSANE splits, good match finishes, I miss shooting with him.

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I've not seen it in person but I have heard that Pete (I am going to massacre this, sorry in advance!) Milionis can bang .10 splits with a production gun, the times I saw for the goofy 'draw and bang 5 reload and bang 5 classifier' were just SICK. .10 and under is definitely doable by the elite and some of the more autistic (term very loosely used) in the lower classes. The fastest splits I have EVER seen in person were from a guy that I believe was a B class shooter, local guys will know Arman and know he could pull LOW .10's every time on time, I was on the timer several times and saw sub .1 splits. That guy HAS a finger that is unhuman, rumor is that he is somewhat active now somewhere in TX. Just look for a really nice guy, INSANE splits, good match finishes, I miss shooting with him.

So now I'm Autistic eh... err maybe an idiot savant perhaps? :D

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You should never settle for anything being "good enough."

It is good, though, to know what's "good enough for now"... You could likely make much larger gains in the overall game by getting the rest of the game up to the level of your splits, Jim ;)

I don't have my notes in front of me, but I recall my fastest 7 yard Bill Drill being in the 1.65 range. I haven't run them in a while, though - recoil control and fast splits at close range haven't been high on my list of practice priorities lately...

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