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My son and the AMU

Brian Payne

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Tyler was offered a position as a member of the Army Marksmanship Unit. It came as somewhat of a suprise to me, and it was announced at the start of the awards ceremony at the DPMS Tri-gun Challenge. I wish I had it on video.

A nice conflict of emotions. I have always been very proud of all three of my sons, and I can't really say that I am now "more" proud of Tyler, than I was prior to this great opportunity. But I am very happy that he can do something like this and start a bright future.

I am guessing that Tyler will no longer be known as Brian Payne's son, I will be known as Tyler Payne's father. I find that very cool :cheers:

Edited by Brian Payne
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Congrats to you, and your son.

I don't know you but I am sure I would like you if we ever met!

I recently had the honor of giving my son his first salute as he entered the USMC. So I am aware of the emotions you are feeling. Again, congrats Pops! God speed to Tyler!


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I think it's pretty safe to say that ALL of the MN shooters are proud of Tyler!

He deserves it! :cheers: (at least now we have an excuse when he beats us)

The verbal abuse will still continue, however. :D

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Congratulations to you and your son. No doubt you had more than a little to do with his accomplishment.

Tell him to fee free to contact any of us here at the East Alabama Gun Club (20 minutes from Ft. Benning) (Mark K, ironequilizer, Algator, Lanzo, Noshootranger) if he needs anything. Am am an alum of the USAMU, and they treat new guys pretty good, in terms of helping them get situated on post and the community. But we have lots of current and former Army vets in the club, with contacts on post, that can help occasionally.

Again, Congrats.

Mark K

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I shot on the same squad with you and Tyler at the BRM3G and I really enjoyed meeting and shooting with both of you. Please give Tyler my congratulations. He's lucky to have a great father and I'm sure you'll enjoy continuing to watch him grow and I bet you'll miss taking the road trips together to all of the 3 gun competitions. Take care and I hope to get off the waiting list and see you at FB3G!


Edited by DMAC
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Congratulation to both of you.

If you're like me it feels better to be known as someone father than for yourself. I had a small brush with this at this years IRC. I've been shooting that match for 6 years and have been in the top 6 for the past 4 years but the TV folks never came near me. This year my 13 year old daughter was shooting the match with me for the first time. On the first day, first stage the Shooting USA crew came up to me to ask if I was Rachaels father and would it be ok if they filmed her for the TV show. That was the best!

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Mark K,

I REALLY appreciate this. He is a man grown and more than capable of taking care of himself, but it is still nice as a parent to know that things will work out. I may be in touch.

Congrats to both of you. Great Accomplishment! T-VS

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Tyler was offered a position as a member of the Army Marksmanship Unit. It came as somewhat of a suprise to me, and it was announced at the start of the awards ceremony at the DPMS Tri-gun Challenge. I wish I had it on video.

I was there to see it......!!!!!

It was a proud moment for everyone there when Sgt. Hampton made the annoucement.....!!!!!!!

Couldn't have happened in a better place.............Good luck Tyler ;)

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