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Which Matches Are Best?

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Well for the first match, I'd get me a time machine and go back in time to the Smith and Wesson Invitational IPSC match, formerly known as the Miller Invitational. It is the only match I've ever gone to that I could have had a great time, even if I didn't get to shoot. Next would be any big match that Old Bridge, New Jersey held... either Area 8 Factory Gun Championship or any of the Coalition of New Jersey Sportsmen benefit matches. Third would be the North East IDPA Championship in Cortland New York. That was the most fun match I've been to in all of 2003. Fourth, well I think I would have liked to try one of the SOF matches that they used to have in Vegas. Heard lots of cool stuff about them, but never been. Never had enough equipment, though I think I'm close now! Fifth would probably be the World Shoot as I would imagine that would be an awesome experience.

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From my limited experience, in no particular order:

The Smith & Wesson (IDPA) Winter Championships because they're held indoors in February when there's almost nothing else to shoot and it's a fun match besides.

Any U.S. Nationals --- based on the fact that I had a blast at the 2003 FGN, my first ever Nats, even when I didn't think I'd survive the heat --- which everyone on my squad who'd shot the match in '02 said existed in my imagination only.

Any big match that Dave Miller and the crew at Topton put on. I've had a blast there at 2 section championships and 2 area matches in three years.

Any of the tactical matches that Old Bridge, N.J. puts on --- after the last two years good one day matches, they're going to a two day format this year.

And the one I wish I'd gotten to the last two years: The Buckeye Blast --- I'm still hoping to make the one in '04.

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I'd hit the Area matches and the Nationals. Since there's 8 areas, ya gotta pic 4... I've been to 1 and 2 and they are both absolutely outstanding matches. I've also heard that Area 4 puts on a good match. I don't know anybody personally that has shot any of the others... but you definitely have to shoot your own Area match, so there's your 4 plus the Nationals.

With the addition of the points series championship it just adds that much more incentive to shoot the areas and nats.

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Any U.S. Nationals --- based on the fact that I had a blast at the 2003 FGN, my first ever Nats, even when I didn't think I'd survive the heat --- which everyone on my squad who'd shot the match in '02 said existed in my imagination only.

Nik, there was NO HEAT at the 2003 FGN period (well, maybe there was a little on the last day but not like the year before :D ).

Anyway, hope to see you back to Nats, and also to your first Buckeye Blast. Even though the date was moved, I can guarentee you some type of weather you have never seen before!! After all, it is a tradition!! ;)

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if it were me and money was no object (yea right).

race gun nationals

factory gun nationals

infinity open (awsome prize table)

buckeye blast (awsome people not to mention match)

area 5

realistically i would probably stay within a 600 miles from home. my dream list for next year.

race gun nationals

only if east of mississippi

factory gun nationals

only if east of mississippi

mi state match

buckeye blast


tri state

area 5

area 6

area 8

kentucky state

indiana sectional

wisconsin sectional.

9 to 10 hours in a car is long enough for me. flying is too expensive. note these are all uspsa matches.

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In this order.

Fl Open (THE best USPSA match around IMHO)

Infinity Open (Seems like a pretty awesome match too, if they could only stop throwing stages out)

US (insert your division) Nationals (Just cause its Nationals.......)

American Handgunner/STI World Shoot-offs (all man on man on racks? I'm there!)

Steel Challenge (again all steel and raw speed? I'm there!)

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*in the US if time and money were not an issue* is simply contradictory. If time and money were not an issue, you should shoot matches outside the US to broaden your horizons. In USPSA, even with all the variety we have here, it's still all the same if you compare with IPSC matches in Europe, for example...

If time and money *were* issues:

1. FL Open


3. Factory gun nationals

4. Race gun nationals

5. Area 5


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Florida Open

Frank’s match is always an excellent opener

Space City Challenge – Houston

High round count –lots of props

Area 6

Just to visit Charleston

Area 4

Clark’s Range – get to watch the greatest revolver shooter there has ever been.

Mississippi State

Growing into an excellent match plus the Eldorado Steakhouse has the best beef in the South.

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What matches would I travel to if I had no time or money constraints? and why?

Kyle Lamb's NA Tactical Championship

If you've been you know, if you haven't, it is a totally awesome match with inventive situations that require a mix of shooting, athletic and problem solving ability.

3-Gun Nationals (I want a do over!)

Not my favorite type of match, but the people there and the chance to shoot against some of the best in the business.

Limited Nationals

The best action pistol shooters shoot his match, I am not one of them, but I like to see how i stack up.

Area 8

Some of the best stage designs I have seen come out of the dementia found in this Area 8

Tri-State Championship

They have had some wicked stages (and to those who know, Its a double)

Summer Blast (Great match Larry you sandbagger)

MGM Iron Man

Any match that takes a trailer load of ammo to shoot just has to have possibilities

This one is a bit biased, Old Bridge, NJ Tactical Challenge or any regular monthly match. Yes, I am part of the crew. I just wish I could shoot our matches without having to work them!java script:emoticon(':rolleyes:')

smilie I'll let others tell you about what we do, wouldn't sound right coming from me.


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Time and Money are not the only restrictions, right? For some of the listed matches, like the Nationals or the World Shoot, doesn't one have to "qualify" to get a slot?

Which of the identified "great" matches can one just sign up for and show up? Area championships?

Can I ask the question in a modified form: In 2004, if time and money are not limiters (but everything else is real world), which matches would you sign up for?


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Here's my picks:

1) VA Summer Blast- cause it's in my backyard and it's a good one too.

2) & 3) Area's 6 & 8- they were both the tops last year (that whole area 8 financial thing not withstanding)

4) I just gotta get to Frank's for the FL Open

5) The Nationals

I guess it comes down to the round count/ stage design/ field of competitors (it's nice to be measured by the best) :D

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Lucky for you, Little Buddy (turtle), money won't be as much of a problem! You just need to take care of the time!!


As for me:

Florida Open - One of the best matches of the year

Area 2 - Never been

Bay Bridge Charity Classic - Never been to SF, CA

Area 8 - Best stages

Nationals - Because it's the Nationals

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Now that would be cool to get Phil to our charity match. You have another chance to shoot at the same range in our section championship, July 16-17. More stages, more rounds. Last time we hosted the c'ship we had Taran and K.C. up from SoCal and they embarassed us locals.

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I just switched from money to comp time, "oh captain, my captain" so I guess we're golden! It's going to be a gooood year!


2003 National Limited Master Point Series Champion :o

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Yep. I'm filling out our Area 6 and Summer Blast apps now. Should have them out by tomorrow.

Poor Heatseeker....gettin' bumped out of the Point Series to GM :lol:

Now you can win the Production Title this year!

Oh well. Soon you'll be right there with him. It's too bad Ron couldn't get another "Other" in the Points race. It would've been pretty tight b/t him and Sir Lawrence. Wait a minute... I think the Rocket is shooting Production all of 2004. Hmmmm.

.............THREAD DRIFT............... SORRY!



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hmm lets see... now that is if i save up enough money, hahaha - anyone in houston willing to hire me?

US handgun champs. (definitely)

Area 4

Area 3

Area 7

Tx Open (good stages, very challenging match)

Space City Challenge -Houston (high round count for 6-7 stages)

maybe others if i get around to em.

bah! money

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