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Waiting List...


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Spoke to the USPSA office this am (wanted to make sure that my info went through before the offer expired).

They're having some problems keeping the info updated, so that's why the clasification page didn't show my L10 slot was confirmed/paid for.

They also are working on fixing the payment - the slots are supposed to cost $270 ($295 minus the credit of $25 put out when getting on the list), but I, and others, according to what I was told, were billed $250. They'll "get back to me" on that.


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I was hoping to fly under the radar and get away with the $250!!!!


Spoke to the USPSA office this am (wanted to make sure that my info went through before the offer expired).

They're having some problems keeping the info updated, so that's why the clasification page didn't show my L10 slot was confirmed/paid for.

They also are working on fixing the payment - the slots are supposed to cost $270 ($295 minus the credit of $25 put out when getting on the list), but I, and others, according to what I was told, were billed $250. They'll "get back to me" on that.


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I think the $275 already paid is pretty good good faith money to hold the slot till registration.

Is there a application to mail or email in ? I only saw a link for Staff aplications.

Edited by Joe4d
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Whoa! I was down to 19 for Open/Production and today I went the wrong direction, back up to 22! What's up with that?

There were issues with the payment page. May have been 3 shooters who'd paid but weren't registered.

Just a guess.

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Well the suck can begin now. The cut off day for slot processing was after a national holiday. And apparently my post office sucks even more than normal. But still the mail went out post marked on the 26th. BUT! mail being post marked on the 26th wasn't good enough as Sedro-Wolley decided it had to be at the office by the 26th and not postmarked buy the 26th! Oh and to add insult to injury, they would have accepted a phone order using my credit card but no where on the slot form is that mentioned so I didn't even know it was an option. *crap* :angry2:

So now my option is to sign up for the waiting list. BUT the waiting list was opened 10 DAYS BEFORE the slots were voided so those of us caught in the middle got screwed. Why was the wait list open before the slots were voided?? If it'd been opened after the slots were voided then those that had something happen to our slots could have at least gotten on the list with equal footing as everyone else. One. Thing. After. Another.

So now I go and sign up for the wait list and pay my $25 online. If they have an online payment engine then why wasn't that available for those wishing to pay for an earned slot as well? *crap again* :angry2:

So anyway. I pay my $25 and then go and check the Classification page and see this message at the top of the page.


You have accepted a slot for the Open, Production 10 match.

$25 of your $270 registration fee has been paid. Due to an error on the web system, you were not charged the current price. We will have instructions on how to pay the remaining $20.00 up here shortly. Your match registration is confirmed based on the payment received.


So I have to call up and find out that it's another of the many computer glitches and I still do NOT have a slot but now I don't even know what number I am on the list! *frustrating!*

Yes I have emailed Matt, but he's on vacation for the week... <_<

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Would my thought process be flawed if I suggested that only slots NOT wanted by US shooters go to international shooters regardless of who and status?



Should a D class L10 shooter get a slot in front of Eric G or Saul K just cause they do not live here? It would only hurt the competition. Plus it is a slippery slope, every year Area II is over booked should we keep you Area I folks out so we can shoot OUR area championship?

Hi Dave,

I would say yes to both your questions......the D class shooter could win D class and Area II shooters wanting a slot to Area II should get one ahead of the better shooters in Area I ;)

There are supurb shooters in every area of the USA......Wouldn't hurt the quality of the compitition at all......In my opinion.

# 107 on wait list.

Bill Filiaga

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It would be nice to know if it is completely full now, and if the wait slot people are actually waiting on cancellations now.

I'm not going to make plans/reservations if I have to count on 29 people not showing up, but if there are more slots still floating around waiting to be released that would be nice to know as well.

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I am the most impatient waiter on the planet, stuck here in #82 limited and #158 Open. I'm making plans to go even if I don't get a slot, just taking the wife and having a good time in Vegas. Will take in the spectal see what it is all about.

I think this year being in Vegas is a whole new game, people will go just like me because it is Vegas. I have heard stories of other years where folks just showed up at the match paid and shot, my guess is that won't happen this year.

In another month if the numbers are not rolling down, it probably won't happen for 81, is what I am figuring.

My plan for next year is to get my CRO, then I will work the match even if I don't shoot it.

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I got this email this morning

Since releasing the initial bulk slots (100 for each match) we have not released any more. I do anticipate further releases but there are things that need to be done before I can take a new accounting of how many slots we can release. As we get closer to match capacity, the margin for error decreases. I am not quite at capacity yet, and we are working to get those accepted slots processed and out the door. At that point I should be able to make a new release and move the list up a little further. Hopefully that will be able to happen within the next couple of days. Sorry about the delay, but I thank you for your patience.


Matt Pickhardt

USPSA Sponsor Coordinator

Nationals Coordinator

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Yep, this list is going bassackwards

I fixed a bug in the code last night which was marking some entries as "Accepted" rather than "waitlist paid". Correcting the entries with the improper display resulted in them going back into the queue of "Waiting" people and impacted the statistics displayed to the user.

The good news (for those of you on the waiting list) is that there are a number of people who have signed up on the waitlist but not paid for slots. As soon as I get the OK from USPSA HQ, I'll set the system up to disable these (and remove them from the waitlist count) after they are unpaid for a period of time to be determined by USPSA (a few days at most). Once this happens, I expect everyone will see a jump up a few places.

I am absolutely certain there has been no "manual insertion" of people into the waiting list. The database records are timestamped, sequenced numbered with a record ID, and there is a separate log of manual actions taken by USPSA staff. The system, by design, makes it very hard to "sneak something in". Absolute consistency in how people are treated has been a goal of USPSA as well as myself, and we have succeeded - though it sometimes disappoints people who feel they should have an "exception" to published policy.

The upside is that system is as transparent as possible - the downside is that things like glitches in the display code are hard to hide.

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