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Now that I have finally thawed out...

Though the weather didn't cooperate AGAIN for DTC, I know one thing - I will never miss this match, no matter when it is held. The stages and props were awesome, all of the staff is always top-notch, the prize table was great and I have never seen a group of people work harder to make a match run as efficiently as possible despite all the obstacles. Did I have a good match? Lord no, I couldn't feel my hands most of the time and I'm very thankful I didn't drop my gun. But I still had a great time - if I'm going to freeze my butt off, freezing it off with good friends is the way to go. I'll be writing my thank you e-mails to all the sponsors today too - Steve did a great job on the prize table.

I have worked this match the last few years - back in January I asked Robert if he had enough staff volunteers I would like to just shoot this year. Before I left the range yesterday I found Robert, thanked him for a great match, profusely apologized for not working this year (I would have shot with the staff in great weather!) and begged him to let me work next year. Lesson learned! :blink:

Having RO'd major matches with both paper and palms, I could not imagine trying to score this match on paper. The howling wind, snow, sleet and mud would have been way worse than the delays caused by the palms and printers. Are the printers a pain? Yeah, a bit. Did the cold temps maybe play a part in some of the palm problems? Probably, I know my camera wasn't happy with the temps either. Palm scoring is the way of the future, and though it needs improvement, I am willing to work with the few issues to keep moving in that direction.

See y'all next year! :cheers:

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I had a great time at the match! It's always good to see old faces and meet some new ones.

Thank you to the staff and Ro's. That was some tough weather for you guys and gals.

Nice shooting, especially for shooting Sat and Sun.

Thank you... I found my gun didn't like the cold. Had some problems that I'd never seen before, but it was still a great match.

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Gotta agree with TheGirl. The match is top notch and while we got slowed down here and there because of printer issues, I thought it ran smoothly given the conditions. I just can't figure out who ticked off Mother Nature! Thanks to the match staff, RO's, and sponsors. Thank you to squad 23 for making the weather tolerable. You all kept my spirits up!

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I am so tired today I cannot even hold a knife for fear I might serve up one of my fingers. I left the range feeling good about the work that was done. I was mr. do whatever need to be done,sadly, I did not get to finish the match due to major balance issues,(cough, cough.) As I walked the range, helped where I could, I never heard a bad comment about the match, the stages or the RO's. It was a tough, challenging match. Hats off to Robert for the enormous amount of time it takes to plan and execute this size match. Steve did a first rate job with the Prize table offerings. Mother Nature has a twisted sense of humor, and she got us good this year. I look forward to coming back whenever this match is held as it is one the best if not the best around.

Please if you would send a thank you note or email to the sponsors who gave it up to hang with us over the weekend, donate prizes and show that great support that drives our sport, they would appreciate it and feel good about their contributions.

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I worked as the CRO on stg 6 - and all I can say is that I was so tired when I got home last night I literally fell out of my truck. I figure 200 something 10-12 yard sprints in the mud, snow, frozen mud and actually dry ground on Friday flat wore my arse out. Guess I'm not 20 something anymore. ;)

Porter busted his butt for this match and the rest of the DTC series as well - he didn't build his match to be the most popular match in the country behind Nats for nothing!

RO staff busted their butts in some hideous conditions. The shooters that toughed it out and stayed - and busted their butts with tape that didn't stick, horrid conditions, and everything Mother Nature could throw at us are to be commended. The shooting community is truly the best group of folks out there, period.

Yeah, the palms weren't perfect - printer issues, cold issues with the batts, etc - but anyone who thinks handling paper and pen in the weather would have fixed it isn't thinking it through 100%. I've RO'd matches (like last year's DTC) in similar weather with the traditional method of paper and carbon copies and remember seeing several scoresheets go flying over the berm, ink freeze in the pens, and pens that wouldn't write on the paper because it was too damn wet.

Pluses and minuses both ways...

Regardless, this will definitely be one of those "I was there" matches and I can't wait to see what Porter comes up with next year.

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Match results will be up when they're up. Chill out. If you want to see the match results sooner, show up at the match... :rolleyes:

What I remember is:

HOA - Max

1st Open - Paul Clark, Jr. (2nd overall)

2nd Open - William Drummond (3rd overall)

3rd Open - Dave Re (4th overall)

Limited - Manny

Production - Phil Strader

L-10 - ??

Single Stack - Jacob Daude

Revo - ?? (was there a revo division winner?)

And, yeah, Phil... Tammy Sharp said her score on stage 1 (which was listed as a high 7 second run) was a mistake and it was being fixed in stats. I never saw the updated score, though :)

Really didn't want to travel 1,200 miles round trip to watch a match since I can't shoot too well due shoulder surgery. :( It really would be nice if the scores were posted on the match web site or at USPSA in a timely manner. It really isn't that difficult. It is a match that a lot of people like to follow.

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I shot on Friday in really great weather and the stages were great. My new gun did not cooperate but it was allot of fun. I stayed the weekend to watch our shooters compete and hand some cool stuff out to the shooters. I cannot tell you how much respect I have for the RO's Staff and Shooters who shot on Saturday. I went out there to check on things and could only manage 30 mins top. I was frozen. When I saw the snot coming from Shreds face I knew it was time to leave :goof: - Much respect for you guys shooting in 34 degrees 200MPH winds and sideways snow. WOW!!!

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Match results will be up when they're up. Chill out. If you want to see the match results sooner, show up at the match... :rolleyes:

What I remember is:

HOA - Max

1st Open - Paul Clark, Jr. (2nd overall)

2nd Open - William Drummond (3rd overall)

3rd Open - Dave Re (4th overall)

Limited - Manny

Production - Phil Strader

L-10 - ??

Single Stack - Jacob Daude

Revo - ?? (was there a revo division winner?)

And, yeah, Phil... Tammy Sharp said her score on stage 1 (which was listed as a high 7 second run) was a mistake and it was being fixed in stats. I never saw the updated score, though :)

Really didn't want to travel 1,200 miles round trip to watch a match since I can't shoot too well due shoulder surgery. :( It really would be nice if the scores were posted on the match web site or at USPSA in a timely manner. It really isn't that difficult. It is a match that a lot of people like to follow.

So, are you volunteering to step up next time to make sure they get posted promptly in a manner that makes you happy?

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ALL, the match results for the 2010 Double Tap Championship have temporarily been posted under Local Match Results of club NT23. Robert has been at the range all day helping with a Manny Bragg class (giving back his time yet again), thus the reason for the delayed results. The match results will be posted to the Major Match section as soon as USPSA and Robert get things straightened out.

Temp DTC 2010 Results


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Match results will be up when they're up. Chill out. If you want to see the match results sooner, show up at the match... :rolleyes:

What I remember is:

HOA - Max

1st Open - Paul Clark, Jr. (2nd overall)

2nd Open - William Drummond (3rd overall)

3rd Open - Dave Re (4th overall)

Limited - Manny

Production - Phil Strader

L-10 - ??

Single Stack - Jacob Daude

Revo - ?? (was there a revo division winner?)

And, yeah, Phil... Tammy Sharp said her score on stage 1 (which was listed as a high 7 second run) was a mistake and it was being fixed in stats. I never saw the updated score, though :)

Really didn't want to travel 1,200 miles round trip to watch a match since I can't shoot too well due shoulder surgery. :( It really would be nice if the scores were posted on the match web site or at USPSA in a timely manner. It really isn't that difficult. It is a match that a lot of people like to follow.

Please stop whining.

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Well, another year, and another Double Tap Championship in the books for me. I would like to take the time to examine this match from both sides, both as a competitor, and as the CRO on Stage 2 - The Rock Quarry.

First as a shooter -

As anyone who has been in Texas this winter knows, our opportunities for shooting have been very few, and very far between. Since December I have only been able to string 2 weekends in a row of actual shooting, and only 3 matches since the middle of December. So of course I had been watching the weather, and doing my dry fire practicing at home getting ready for the match. Fortunately for me, because I was going to RO, I got to shoot the match on the Sunday (3/14) before the match weekend. The weather was chilly but otherwise beautiful.

The props for the stages were top notch this year, and the overall feel of the stages were exactly the types that I like. Enough quick movement and hoser targets, with some nice distance shots thrown in to keep you

honest. The hellaport stage with the car (Drive in Theater I think was the name) was one of the most interesting I have done at a match. I could have sworn that when I stopped, I was going to have 2-3 hits in the NS's on the sides of the windows, but fortunately I was clean on that stage. I think my favorite stage was the bowling ball down the chute. I had decided early on to ignore the drop turner. I had a great run, and my timing on the swingers was as perfect as I could have hoped for. Of course, I actually had the time to throw a couple of rounds at the drop turner, but who knows what impact that might have had on my timing on the other targets.

I was having a great match until the final stage, stage 12 with the self timer. I ended up with a mike on one target which was my only penalty of the match. Overall I was very pleased with my performance, and I had to see how the weekend would play out and where I would finish. (actually trophied with a 3rd place B-Class in Limited)

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Now as an RO -

I am sure many of you heard or experienced the travails from last year's weather, well I was also an RO at last year's DTC. I also RO'ed at Area 4 at DT in October in the rain and muck, so I definitely thought that

the weather would finally show Robert some mercy. I watched the weather reports all week leading up to when we left Dallas on Thursday. It went from 30% of rain, to absolute snow storms and winter weather advisories. Friday morning we got to the range and it was chilly, but the sun was shining and everyone was ready to go. Jim Chambers and I worked together last year at the DTC, and I was really pleased to be paired with him again this year, we seem to work really well together. Our stage had the brontosaurus platform, which really helped to set this match off as something special. Friday's squads were on the small side and Jim and I were able to run them through our stage pretty quickly, even with enough down time to collect brass, as I wasn't sure

what the rest of the weekend would hold for us.

Jim and I ran 2 palms on the stage and this seemed to really keep things moving, as we could print, while we were actually starting another shooter. Now I have been working with the Palm scoring since Lee acquired the program, so I am very comfortable with them. We only had a couple of glitches, but otherwise things ran fine. Of course the highlight of my day on Friday was getting to run Max Michel through my stage. You know something interesting, I never realized how much pressure there is on an RO running someone like Max. Before I had him on my stage (which was his last stage of the match), all I was thinking was please Max, don't do something to make me have to make a call I don't want to, I don't want to be "that guy" Smile Smile

Of course as you could expect, he was blazing fast, 13.01 and 3 down. Just a quick side note, I know I am not telling anyone anything they don't already know, but Max is an incredible person. Our sport is very fortunate to have people like Max in it, and I am certainly glad to have competed with and talked with Max.

We left the range knowing that Saturday was going to be brutal. I did learn my lesson from last year with the cold, I brought just about every piece of cold weather gear I owned. Saturday weather did not disappoint,

sustained 30mph north wind with blowing snow. So I bundled up and headed to the range. Hey, if the shooters are going to show up, then so will I!! As the wind chill hovered in the teens, gun issues were the name of the game early. I saw one poor guy use his open gun like a bolt action rifle. Every shot required a rack of the slide with a round on the ground. So he used 62 rounds on my stage. I have never seen the cycling of

open guns like I was able to see in the morning, it was almost half speed. The snow never quit all day, we saw all types, large flakes, sleet pellets, round snow tubes, small flakes. I think in the cold, we need to

add a range command "de-jacket" before "Make ready", as most shooters had to shed at least 3 layers of jackets, hats, and gloves. The footing was ok at the start, but that clay really collects on your shoes, and by the

afternoon it was treacherous footing. We only shot 6 squads on Saturday as opposed to 8. And considering the conditions, there were actually some very good performances and good times compared to Friday. Had a

couple of "yikes" moments and 1 DQ on my stage, but mostly went off without a hitch. We actually had very good performance from our Palm scoring and printing, and we got off the range about 4pm on Saturday.

Certainly Sunday had to be better, right??? Well, it stopped snowing, but it was still blowing at 30mph from the north and as the sun came up, it melted the ice and snow on the ground, so that once again, we had MUD!!

Two people fell on my stage on Sunday, full body on ground spread eagle, but I was very happy that they both maintained excellent safety discipline and they both got up and were able to complete the stage. Only had one "OH $%^&" moment where a competitor trapped me downrange of his firearm, but after spending a few minutes collecting myself finished out the squad. Our last shooter was done about 2pm, and then I set out trying to collect some brass, at least the brass not squashed into the mud.

We left the range about 6pm and headed back to 6 inches of snow in Dallas, seems to be the major theme here this year.

Robert puts on a great match, and he really spends a lot of effort in setting it up, having an awesome prize table and really treats the RO's well. Now, if he would just work on controlling the weather, he would

really have something!!

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Wow! I have heard complaints about a match before but not one like that. The match staff busted their butts as well as the shooters. We all fought through the weather and I am sure I am not the only one moving slow today after a weekend like we just had. Maybe we should have live feed updates where you people can see the score sheet right after the shooter signs it. The best way I have found to get current scores in a timely manner is to go shoot the match.

Edited by Sgtsvi
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I've never seen someone so out of touch with what the meaning of "timely" is. As a competitor, I would like to be able to examine the results online soon, but certainly wouldn't expect them Monday morning. As a non-competitor, I should have no expectations at all.

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Wow! I have heard complaints about a match before but not one like that. The match staff busted their butts as well as the shooters. We all fought through the weather and I am sure I am not the only one moving slow today after a weekend like we just had. Maybe we should have live feed updates where you people can see the score sheet right after the shooter signs it. The best way I have found to get current scores in a timely manner is to go shoot the match.

Well, I shot the match on Friday, and the time it took to post the final results would be my only complaint about the whole match. But I'm a computer programmer and can do such things in my sleep, unlike shooting. I personally don't know why there aren't live feeds either. Shooting sports seems to be a bit in the dark ages as far as technology is concerned for scoring. It's a minor complaint, I thought everything else was great.

Now, glad to see the people from Oklahoma that kick my butt every week do so well. Makes me feel much better when I actually beat one or two of them. Now, off to practice. I only have to half my times and shoot the same score in order to beat Manny in Limited. (I don't think I can even move that fast without even shooting, lol). I'm going to work for at least a 25% improvement in times for next year. I bought an air soft gun at the match to work on those target transitions in a manner that won't bore me to death.

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I have been cold in my life, or so I thought.

The stages were excellent. The weather, not so, but probably the last hundred posts have described it far better than I could. If my schedule allows I will return next year EVEN IF the match doesn't move. I will just bring MORE CLOTHES. I had some gun problems, probably due to the cold, or maybe due to the shaking I was doing.

I want to thank my squad mates on 23 for their indefatigable great attitudes and good cheer. Porter and crew did a fantastic job in unbelievable conditions. Yes there were a few problems with the Palms, but there is no way that paper would have been better.

It was also good to meet so many people from the forums at the match.


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4 guys from our squad called it quits by Sunday morning.

I must say, Saturday was a girl dog. Gun ran fine, though - no bolt action exercises.

After making it into Houston around 1a.m. Monday morning, I felt a little sluggish all day.

Anyways, I'm glad I went, I'm glad it's over.

Thanks to the whole match staff for an outstanding weekend, weather aside. :bow:

Edited by Team Amish 1
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I worked as the CRO on stg 6 - and all I can say is that I was so tired when I got home last night I literally fell out of my truck. I figure 200 something 10-12 yard sprints in the mud, snow, frozen mud and actually dry ground on Friday flat wore my arse out. Guess I'm not 20 something anymore. ;)

Well, your welcome, I was the guy that let you walk :D

Thanks for the hard work, along with all the other ro's, score keepers, etc. You all had it far worse than the shooters.

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