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Poopy Diapers!


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Normally they aren't such a big deal, but this time it was easier to just give the kid a bath.

I even had to change MY clothes when it was all over with.

He's still on a heart/apnea monitor, and I had to change the leads and wires on that.

The room still smells!

What a mess!

Someday I'll get my revenge when I'm old and he's changing MY diapers! :roflol:


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They have moments when you wonder "What were you thinking!?" But they also have moments when they make you the happiest you have ever been. Enjoy them all. It goes by in an instant.

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I feel your pain. I was changing my son on his changing table, which was located 5 feet from his bedroom door. He was just a baby then. He let go with a violent "goose poop" while I had his feet in the air so I could put the diaper under him. Hit nailed the door! This happened to me TWICE!

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Rvb, been there with the monitor and everything else......Take him to the tub, dont even try and do anything else..... :roflol:

Thank god for empty walmart plastic bags...... :rolleyes:

Hang in there, it gets much better! :cheers:


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Yep. Been there and got the shirt. I have had poop on me and all over the Chinese restaurant we were in one time. Luckily they considered it a good omen....don't ask me why.

I have also had him projectile pee over my shoulder and waaaay up on to our blinds when I was changing him.

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I remember the poopy diaper routine with my son 26 years ago.The wife (now ex) was totally confused when I wiould jump up to change his diaper day or night. :surprise: Now I'm doing the same routine with my grandchildren, Audrey (2 1/2) and Landon (8 months). My daughter in law was confused for a while as I would change Audrey's diaper at the drop of a hat anytime. I babysit them both two days a week to help my son and his wife. Life is good! :cheers:



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Oh man :rolleyes:

I can think back to the un countable times I have been peed on pooped on or puked on :roflol:

Its just one of those things daddys do on any given day.

You will have to deal with a little spray now and again...but you get paid back with a lot of joy :)

And when they are teenagers...you can Blackmail em with that stuff :roflol:

Jim :D

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Hmmmm.........so that's it. All the managers where I work must be babies.....as I get pooped on quite regularly. I think I'll take some pacifiers in with me Monday morning to see if I can at least get them to shut up.


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Thanks for all the funny stories. Guess in perspective to some of your incidents, mine wasn't that bad... yall had me rollin.

And you are all certainly right that "It's worth it!"

(but I reserve the right to complain about poop! haha)


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I was laying on the floor. Mine thought it was cute to come up and sit on my head... with a blowout.

I learned better than to do the hook and look (ya know.. hook your finger in the diaper and take a peek). I grabbed my little cutie up off the floor to take a sniff (instead of the hook and look)... except I let her swing forward and back. Maybe a little too aggressively. Her butt smacked me right in the mouth on the backswing.. blowout.. all over the outside of the diaper..

Not enough mouthwash for that one.. :wacko:

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