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no primers


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Does anyone know what is going on with primers, powder and bullet heads. I have checked everywhere for primers and no luck. Emailed Winchester/Olin no response. Did the (SAVIOR) of the world OBAMA put some regulation out that went under the radar. This is getting ridiculous trying to find guns, reloading equipment. It is getting like last year finding gasoline, or is the industry trying to make the prices jump to put more money in their pocket.

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There are a few threads on it going around... we think everyone just panicked and bought them all out. I just love that now the prices will rise because everyone freaked out....

Thanks :unsure:

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A friend of mine spoke with Winchester. The rep said they are churining out primers 24/7 but people are buying them up as soon as they hit the shelves. He thought the shortage was mainly due to hoarding and that supply will eventually be plentiful after the hoarders have thier fill.

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I have heard from several different people that a military contract was the reason primers are in such short order. I still think that hoarders are to blame, buying every primer they can find when it hits shelfs. Has anyone heard anything about this?

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Pretty much a newbie to this game...but i was wondering what it would take to reload a primer?

If the dent in the cap is knocked out, is there any way to mix your own primer filler?

I've been keeping all my old primers and now have a large ziplock full.


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The cycle of toilette paper,,

When I lived in the barracks, the bathrooms were always out of toilette paper. So the first time supply had some people would grab a role and stash it in their rooms. So a limited supply or just a percieved limited supply encouraged everyone to grab a roll for personal use as soon as it showed up. Well this went on for some time until the 1SG finally got fed up and stocked every single stall with a roll and a spare roll, then did a shakedown inspection and threatened anybody caught with government issued toilette paper with grievous bodily harm. He also threatened Supply with the same harm if bathrooms werent stocked. Because of the threats and the reassurance that some supplies would be ready and waiting when nature called people stopped stashing rolls, and there were always rolls in the bathrooms. The interesting thing was supply didnt order any more paper than it had in the past.

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Pretty much a newbie to this game...but i was wondering what it would take to reload a primer?

If the dent in the cap is knocked out, is there any way to mix your own primer filler?

I've been keeping all my old primers and now have a large ziplock full.


That's funny if you're not serious! If you are serious, well then, ..... just throw them away!

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Pretty much a newbie to this game...but i was I've been keeping all my old primers and now have a large ziplock full.


That's funny if you're not serious! If you are serious, well then, ..... just throw them away!

It's all brass. Recycle it with your scrapped brass.

eta: It's not practical, and is rather hazardous, to try and reprime spent primers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that the sustained shortages that we are now experiencing are due to market manipulation. I spoke to a dealer yesterday who is expecting a limited shipment of small pistol primers. He told me that his wholesaler has millions of SPPs in stock but has been sitting on them (in order to drive up the price). We saw the same type of thing last summer with gas when refineries would only produce limited quantities of fuel in order to claim that there was a shortage while the oil tankers were stacked up waiting to unload crude. How much do you think it costs to make a rifle or pistol primer? Probably a fraction of a penny so there is an enormous markup when paying $30/K which people are now considering a fair deal.

I think if the internet chatter shifted from "I'm going to buy everything I can get my hands on" to "I'm going to shoot what I have for now and wait a while to buy more" you would see inventories at our favorite dealers go back up and prices settle down.

We've all heard the stories of people camping out at discount stores waiting to slap down their credit card to buy the whole shipment of ammo off of the truck. If hype driven demand dropped off even for a short time, it's likely that someone will show up at your next match selling primers and ammo out of their trunk at great prices to get out from under their credit card debt. These price bubbles now pop up in any market whether it be real estate, tech stocks, toilet paper, and now unfortunately, ammunition. The concerns regarding new regulations are justified but it does not appear that new laws will blow through DC as easily as previously feared (as long as we keep up the fight).

I didn't mean for my post to sound like a soap box sermon but just wanted to share my thoughts and see if any of you are thinking the same. Don't get me wrong, I believe in capitalism and a smart businessman should be free to make an extra buck but the consumer has ultimate control over the market. I think that the competitive shooting community suffers the most from market manipulation and artificial inflation since we actually SHOOT the ammo and reloading components that we purchase while promoting the safe and sporting use of firearms.

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For those who can't wait for sanity to return, I just opened a primer trading thread in the classifieds. I know it won't help those who are really low, but it may help folks who have one type but need another. The idea is to trade at larger matches that draw from a larger geographic area - more shooters with various stock to trade or with regional differences in supply.


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For those who dont know, as of April 2 2009 primers are now a commodity. Google primers as commodity.

The big few may be holding shipment/s in order to "starve out" the supply.

Demand then being high, and no supply, the big few may be out to set price at a much higher level.

I've had an order for primers on backorder for 5 cases since November.

I just cant fathom that no primers are available anywhere in any real quantity needed by the competitive shooter- there has to be a bigger reason . . .

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For those who dont know, as of April 2 2009 primers are now a commodity. Google primers as commodity.

The big few may be holding shipment/s in order to "starve out" the supply.

Demand then being high, and no supply, the big few may be out to set price at a much higher level.

I've had an order for primers on backorder for 5 cases since November.

I just cant fathom that no primers are available anywhere in any real quantity needed by the competitive shooter- there has to be a bigger reason . . .

That was an April Fool's Day joke. :rolleyes:

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I believe that this event was and is a result of hording. People are panicing and not using common sence, ever since the new administration took over the White House I have been flooded with negitive emails about the end of America and how evil our new President is. I delete all of these emails, I love this counrty and I believe that we will prevail and that we as gun owners/shooters need to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. So quit hording and keep a cool head. We are Americans we voted, they counted it's a done deal.

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So quit hording and keep a cool head.

It's only hoarding if you are out and someone else with more foresight has a better supply than you do. If you're the person who stocked up on a season's worth, it's simply prudent inventory management.

People are panicing and not using common sence,

Buying a decent supply of a commodity in short supply when you get the opportunity is common sense. Letting yourself get down to the last 5,000 in the current environment is about as far from common sense as you can get - unless you are willing to sit out the season to make sure that you don't contribute to the problem.

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So quit hording and keep a cool head.

It's only hoarding if you are out and someone else with more foresight has a better supply than you do. If you're the person who stocked up on a season's worth, it's simply prudent inventory management.

People are panicing and not using common sence,

Buying a decent supply of a commodity in short supply when you get the opportunity is common sense. Letting yourself get down to the last 5,000 is about as far from common sense as you can get - unless you are willing to sit out the season to make sure that you don't contribute to the problem.

I have one seasons worth of relaoding components on my shelf right now, I am praying that everyone comes to their sences and next season I will be able to resupply withour breaking the bank.

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I don't mind any of us maximizing our purchases to spread out the hazmat fee or stocking up on a season's worth in these times. I do, however, hope that the asshats on Gunbroker who are asking 3x the retail value choke on them. Neither they nor those willing to pay 2x the retail value are friends of the shooting community.

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We already covered this, there is no shortage of primers. All the primers you

may want are on GB right now waiting to be snatched up !! <_<

Read this article:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123984046627223159.html

Bubba Sanders, owner of Bullseye Supply LLC, in Brandon, Miss., said he has "a number of doctor clients whose financial advisers have told them to invest in ammunition. Beats the hell out of money markets and CDs. You can double your investment in ammunition in a year."

WTF, invest in ammunition ?? What are they seeing to come ?? :angry2:

You can get bullets from a number of Mom and Pop bullet companies out there, you can get brass free at the range or

from some scrap collector locally, You have many different chioces of powder, but PRIMERS ?? Primers only come from the

big 2 or 3 contractors like ATK !!! :huh: I have an idea !! We all start an ammo company just for competitive shooting, by

competitive shooter's ??

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Bubba Sanders, owner of Bullseye Supply LLC, in Brandon, Miss., said he has "a number of doctor clients whose financial advisers have told them to invest in ammunition. Beats the hell out of money markets and CDs. You can double your investment in ammunition in a year."

WTF, invest in ammunition ?? What are they seeing to come ?? :angry2:

I saw that article and to me that sounds like the same "financial advisers" who advised clients to buy tech stock at their peak in '01 and realstate at its peak in '07. Gee, invest when prices are high and inventory is low? Sounds backwards to the typical "buy low and sell high" concept. So they will assume the prices can't go anywhere but up?

So like tech stocks and housing, I'm waiting on the ammo bubble to burst. Typical political caveats asside, the "hoarders" and "investors" will eventually get their fill and the manufactures and retailers will regain inventory. I continue to buy from retailers with the integrity to continue to sell at their typical mark-up... all that means is I have to get in line and wait.


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