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The Day The Pants Failed


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I tried to organize a Thong match a couple of year ago during the blistering hot days of summer, but unfortunately, there was only one entry........Me

I keep suggesting a Super Soaker war after match teardown during the summer, but so far no one else seems to keen on the idea.

If we ever do it, I'm loading mine with ice water from my cooler. :D

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I remember seeing a stage description once that was "clothing optional". Thank the good lord nobody chose that option...........

It was a stage simulating leaving the shower. So, your gun and any extra ammo needed were placed in a night stand and you had to carry anything you needed in your hands........


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So, who will be first to organise a USPSA match at a nudist colony? (Pardon me, a "Naturalist Camp") And how long will it take for us to remember to leave our earplugs in when someone takes off their belt? (Velcro works on more than just an inner belt.)

I'll gladly be the official photographer, just as soon as the Sweedish Bikini Team signs up for the match.

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Two questions, Duane.

Is it yours?

Can I play with it?

Y'know, I hear that a lot. :P

No, it belonged, if memory serves me correctly, to Alchemy Arms, who were letting me play with it for awhile. It's long been returned. My eardrums thank me.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Over the next few days, you may hear unfounded rumors of another trousers failure incident.

Do not believe these rumors! There was no ripping of pants. In fact, there weren't even any pants there to rip.

These scurrilous allegations must be disregarded and forgotten immediately.

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Der we were, practicing in sub 40 degree weather, BT and I were downrange pasting and we heard a sound like a slow rolling springtime thunderstorm.

We both turn around to see the the the "glistening " is the only word that even comes close, the glistening jewels encased in a white velveteen shroud, poking out, yea, prouldy prancing , from betwixt the Rhino's legs. We could only stare open -mouthed until he finally covered, realizing that we were about to prone ourselves before him on the cold ground.

"Rise up and fear not ye mortals!" he shouted.

And then the posing began...

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Brother, I thought these kinds of things only happened once. May I suggest that the Rhino Man may intentionally weaken the stitches so that his exhibitionistic side can be explored both figuratively and literally.

I might have second thoughts of driving to Ohio to shoot with you guys is Rhino is going to let the Jewels swing thru the air without prior warning...

I sympathize with you Twix...Der you was, starrin at de Rhino's parts wavin in da breeze, no warnin or nutin, ya prostrate yourself on da col col groun, till de event if finis and der parts is back under partial control...musta been a tuff sitcheashun...

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I go outa town for 2 months and look what happens!!! First you wondered why I was reluctant to go to IDPA matches with you, and now I have second thoughts on practice!!!

That settles it. Kevlar sewing thread for you, pal!!!

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Or as they say way down South

Mistah Rhino, done pack too many bisquits away in da' past, an it done made er pow'ful tite fit fo his breech's. Prolly lotsa' years uh ham rinds, garden okra, pretty much ery'thin can be grown, outriders of cracklin bread an thick brawn gravy.

Mistah Twix suh, I'se know you be pow'ful col' suh, an' ef yo' wants me t'tell you de trufe, suh, I b'lieves wha hoppen ta Mistah Rhino, waz er sorter accident, de fust time, suh. But, er, de' nes time, suh, twern't no accident, 'cause Mistah Rhino kin'er like enjaz's lettin' hiz pat's bez unem'cumb'd, suh.

Iffen hiz pants rips aga'n suh, I'd sho' nuff be closin' bof eyes suh, kwik lik, whiles I be reachin' for dat fas' feedin' gun you's allays carries, suh. It be strang' lik, 'cause Mistah Rhino suh, don en' git col en' stat a-shiverin' lik mos foks does. Pow'ful strang' suh, pow'ful strang'

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I was there when it happened the first time and unfortunately the second time. The first time was at an IDPA match. The second time was at our normal Tuesday practice session. Rhino shows up in loose enough fitting cargo type pants. We shoot for an hour or so and then he unleashes junior and the boys as he sits on his range box. God I wish he would double wrap those things. Heck it is winter ,wear long underwear!!

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K, rhino, from one large dude to another:

If you're prone to pants rippage, don't go commando.

Also, you might consider something with a flexible crotch. I know JT makes cargo pants for paintball that have a stretchy and breathable crotch, but I don't know if they make 'em in our sizes... might be worth investigating.

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This guy might be able to help you out. look

And if that wont help I may have a stratigy to save the few remaining pairs you own.

IF you anything like me you pants ride well below your waist. The only thing keeping them up is the tension on the waisband provided your overhanging belly. Crack exposure is an imminent threat.

Hike them bad boys up! Get that inseam where it belongs. Your legs pivot at your hips. Having that inseam halfway to your knees does you no good. Match the pants geometry to that of your body's and all will be well.

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