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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Mafia Wars

Merlin Orr

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You Facebookers REALLY need to read this. It will make you think a little more about what you post.


While FB is going to "rework" its new EULA that they proposed (as mentioned above), the original is still pretty bad when it comes to ownership of material and privacy rights.

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<br />Ok, I have received two requests to join Mafia Wars...What exactly is it?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Just an online game. You can have your own "Family" or just be a member of someones. Join my family and it helps me to win fights with other families. If I join yours the same.... The more soldiers the more strength you have. You don't have to play to be a member. You can also join multiple families and help them all. If you do start your own family every family you join - joins yours back. Win Win.

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Yes please, those of you who read this and are on FB, just install the Mafia Wars app and then join our team, those of us who play could really use you. I know I for one need some more people so I can qualify to "buy" specialized stuff in the game.

Ken Hebert

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  • 1 month later...

If you get an invite, and don't want to play, please join anyway. All you have to do is go through the initial start of the game. You don't have to visit it again. It will help us out.

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