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Silhouette or True Blue for Major 9


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I haven't used True Blue, but Silhouette works very well for me. Burns clean and 7.5gr under a 125gr JHP leaves enough room in the case to not have any spillage when loading.

Used both and Silhouette is softer and cleaner. No problem with spillage for 121 or 125 gr.

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I load 9major and have been using VV 3n37 and changed to Silhouette;

Cost is less for Silhouette.

VV loads show more primer flatness than S.

VV almost fills the case and causes spillage.

S fills the case about 3/4.

S does not seem to change with temp change.

S seems to me, to be softer shooting.

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I've heard silhouette is reverse temp sensitive. Anyone else have this issue?

I have chrono'd my loads at 40 degrees and shot major matches in the summer. PF may go down 2 pts, but that may be the chronos. I don't notice any problem with temp.

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I've heard silhouette is reverse temp sensitive. Anyone else have this issue?

Funny you should mention that. I was loading minor for my son (N320), and major for me (Silhouette) all at the same time. Even chrono'd them the same time.

His minor was 131PF, mine 172 PF. 86 degrees that day here in FL.

Went to Ga State (40 degree morning) - he chrono'd 131. Mine was 176 !


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I've heard silhouette is reverse temp sensitive. Anyone else have this issue?

at area 1 (100 degrees plus! :surprise:) a fellow 9 major shooter and i found our fps slowed from what we had chron'ed at home. we both went from 172+pf to ~168pf in the heat. if it wasn't for the fact that we both had very similar drops i would have just chalked it up to my sloppy reloading... :rolleyes:

i still will use silhouette as it works well for me.

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I've heard silhouette is reverse temp sensitive. Anyone else have this issue?

at area 1 (100 degrees plus! :surprise:) a fellow 9 major shooter and i found our fps slowed from what we had chron'ed at home. we both went from 172+pf to ~168pf in the heat. if it wasn't for the fact that we both had very similar drops i would have just chalked it up to my sloppy reloading... :rolleyes:

i still will use silhouette as it works well for me.

Good - so that means you saw the same as I did, but in the reverse form, and it wasn't my loading either.

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