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Hi, all -

I'm DELIGHTED to be able to announce that the 2009 Area-1 match will be at Parma, ID on June 18-21, 2009, hosted by the Idaho Section.

The match will be at least 10 fun-filled stages, in the "typical" Area-1 shooting format - you shoot a couple of half-day periods over the 2-1/2 days of the match. You'll be able to pick your schedule preference right on the entry form. We'll do cash payouts for division winners, and prizes by random draw. Title sponsors for the match are MGM Manufacturing and TechWear USA.

For those who haven't been there, Parma is set in rolling hills about 45 minutes from the Boise airport. There's tons of stuff to do in the locale, from musuems and cultural things (and more golf courses than you can shake a stick at) to mountains and whitewater rafting and hot-air-balloon adventures. Heck, they have a river running right through the middle of the city, with 25 miles (!) of riverfront greenbelt. We're thinking it's a great place to bring the family for a week-long vacation.

Why, you ask, would you possibly want to spend a whole week there?

Well, we've timed the match to be a "book-end" for a week of shooting fun. The weekend before Area-1 is the world-reknowned "MGM Ironman" multi-gun match. Come for one, shoot the other! And in between the two matches we're working to pull together some interesting side activities. A competition class hosted by a world-class GM? Possibly an RO class. And who knows what else... Fun-shoots? Zip-line games? Details to be announced, but suffice to say that we're working to make this year's Area-1 2009 a "destination". Bring the family, there'll be plenty of ways to keep them entertained while you're burning up ammo with a big grin on your face. Stay tuned for details.

Information and match entry forms will be up on the match website - I'll post the URL soon. In the meantime, tell your friends that the dates are set, and start making your plans.

As always, if you have any questions or need more info - or if you want to be a part of the match team - feel free to contact me directly.


PS - and, yes, we know the dates are the same as the Area-5 match. Gary Stevens and I have chatted and, given the economy, we don't think there are a lot of people likely to have a conflict between the two, but if anyone wants to shoot *both* matches, let us know. We've agreed to do everything we can to accomodate those requests.

See ya there!

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Am I the only one that's unhappy about this? I can't possably shoot both the Ironman and Area 1 if they're one right after the other. Being as far out as it is and as tough and intensive as the Ironman is on you, equipment, ammo requirements and capitol. How people expected to take a week and a half off to be there for both even if they wanted to? Have you already talked to Mike Gibson about how this is going to affect his match? Those of us that were planning on shooting both matches as now screwed and will have to choose one over the other.

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Am I the only one that's unhappy about this? I can't possably shoot both the Ironman and Area 1 if they're one right after the other. Being as far out as it is and as tough and intensive as the Ironman is on you, equipment, ammo requirements and capitol. How people expected to take a week and a half off to be there for both even if they wanted to? Have you already talked to Mike Gibson about how this is going to affect his match? Those of us that were planning on shooting both matches as now screwed and will have to choose one over the other.

I can see your point. Especially being ready with ammo to shoot both matches and the physical demands of Ironman, This match is going to make it hard on some the of people but what is the ratio of people that would've shot both matches this year? we will see. They wanted to make it a week long vacation for most of the people but the logistics for most of those people to stay a week is going to be hard.

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Frankly, given the way the diehard 3-gunners talk about the Ironman, if anyone should be concerned, I should think it would the A1 match that would be concerned about impact to their match due to this arrangement, not the other way around ;) (no offense, Gary :) ).

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I'm not worried about it at all. the Ironman is not as hard on equipment as everyone thinks. Frankly having it after the Ironman is going to be like a vacation anyway. Shoot 1500 rounds the first weekend, then relax and come shoot 300 in the same number of stages. Besides there really isn't a huge overlap in the competitors that shoot the Ironman and the Area 1 Pistol match. If it was the A13G that woudl be a different story.

I'd be all over it except I'll be in Tulsa for the Pro-AM the weekend of the Ironman. Sounds like an awesome plan, a great range and I'm sure they'll put on a terrific match.

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Well there's a minimum of 5 of us in our Area that would have shot both. And last year we had multiple weapons go down on us through out the 3 days. The hill stage we had someone go through 3 shotguns up top and I don't know how many times someone called out 'we need a shotgun' or the like. Hell, on the very last stage I had my pistol go down hard and after 24K rounds up to that point, it never had a problem. Guys were loosing parts, other parts broke, support gear was trashed but that's all the fun of it. Hard to fix or replace without the time to order them if you need to or hand off to someone that can do it for you. Granted all we'll need for Area 1 is our pistols but it would suck bad if something happend to your pistol during Ironman and you took a weeks worth of vacation from work to shoot both matchs and it was for nothing. That's not an issue for me since I shoot Production but might for someone shooting Limited or Open and you need a smith. And you would be right about Area 1 being a walk in the park after something like Ironman.

Edited by EmanP
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Regrettably I won't be shooting or working it this year. As of Friday afternoon my entire Summer (mid-May through mid-August) is >90% booked solid at work. Given the economy I guess I should be real happy to be employed but it is really going to bite not shooting any majors this year. Even my local match participation is going to be hurt, again.

Best wishes for a super match to the whole gang down there that are putting on the match. :)

Now if only I could hit lotto so I could retire and do more shooting! :wacko:

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Well there's a minimum of 5 of us in our Area that would have shot both. And last year we had multiple weapons go down on us through out the 3 days. The hill stage we had someone go through 3 shotguns up top and I don't know how many times someone called out 'we need a shotgun' or the like. Hell, on the very last stage I had my pistol go down hard and after 24K rounds up to that point, it never had a problem. Guys were loosing parts, other parts broke, support gear was trashed but that's all the fun of it. Hard to fix or replace without the time to order them if you need to or hand off to someone that can do it for you. Granted all we'll need for Area 1 is our pistols but it would suck bad if something happend to your pistol during Ironman and you took a weeks worth of vacation from work to shoot both matchs and it was for nothing. That's not an issue for me since I shoot Production but might for someone shooting Limited or Open and you need a smith. And you would be right about Area 1 being a walk in the park after something like Ironman.

I understand your concerns and I am sorry you won't be able to make it to both matches. I am sure whichever one you pick will prove to be a great time.

If you do decide to try and make it to both and are worried about your gun going down, I have replacement parts for STI, SV, Glock, Para, and CZ. If you are shooting a Springfield or SandW, I'll have to look around some, but we will get you taken care of.

THREAD DRIFT ON - With all of that being said, just like the guys that loaned out the SG's at the Ironman, it is a pretty safe bet that anyone on your squad at a pistol match would bend over backwards to get you up and running. Last year at the A1, after my extractor broke one of my fellow squad mates loaned me his backup gun so I could finish the match. I had never met the guy before that match. Thanks Frank!!! - THREAD DRIFT OFF



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Thanks for the offer Travis. I'm not really worried about my Sig going down. I always bring a back up just in case plus I've got nearly enough spare parts to gut it and rebuild it. Plus I bring enough tools to gut and fix anything and everything. I was just voicing a general idea to those with guns on the more finiky side. I would also have to agree with you on the thoughtfulness and generosity of the people that you meet in match's and that ilk of shooter.

So far Aristotle, TJ has committed himself to going to both and taking the entire week off. We'll see what Alex, Joe, Tim, Craig, Doug, or Wayne might do just to name a few. Matt doesn't shoot anything but his pistol so it's safe to say he'll be at Area 1. I'm still thinking if I could do it, even if I wanted to. It's an 8 hour drive by the way and should take most of the day or more for those shooting the ironman. That's a lot of gear to haul around, load and unload. It's far enough where you will probably want to stay the night after awards and stuff are done since you don't want to have to leave at 7PM which just adds an extra day to that whole week off for those wanting to do both.

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I am stealing this from the 09 MGM Ironman thread. Busyhawk has got quite a schedule leading up to the A1 match. Check it out.

Just a thought:

The week prior to the Iron-Man is the 2nd Annual Washington State Steel Challenge in Ephrata WA. on the 6th of June (Saturday). About 3 hour drive from "SEA-TAC" Airport.

4 days later is the sign-in for the Iron-Man in Parma ID. Parma is about 45 mins from Bosie ID or 5:40 from Ephrata, WA.

The very next weekend is the Area 1 Pistol Championships at the same Parma Range! I for one will be at all 3 and RO at least two of them to help pay for my habit! Nothing a truckload of ammo won't take care of!

OH, I almost fogot to mention the Johnson 3 Gun is the very next weekend in CO. May as well keep going:-)

So far I only have one other shooter (idiot/insane preson) to travel with me. Come join the carivan!


Road Warrior

AKA Busyhawk

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