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New Palm Scoring software


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Everything ran great. The only real issue I had was that I could not get those little sob's to beam from the master at the start. That delayed the match by 45 minutes. Once I got that figured out it was smooth sailing. Scores were on my laptop by the time I drove down to the clubhouse for the cookout we had after the match.

Any chance of getting the procedurals to follow on each page? Any chance of adding more than 3 pages of 6 targets? I know the limits for level 2 matches and above, but we sometimes like to go crazy with how many targets we have.

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I really don't know why they were so tempermental. I laid them on the bench with the sensors lined up and they would say could not connect. Once I had someone hold one, then I would wiggle the master around until it connected. That seemed to take care of the problem. It sure was a pain realizing that though. After that it was smooth sailing.


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  • 5 months later...
HPPS upgraded to Palm Tungsten C's.

$115 each from this guy's e-bay store. They included upgraded glass and new batteries.

These machines are smoking fast. Startup alone is less than a second compared to the 505's 7-10 seconds.

Screens are clear and bright!

Lots of talk about these yesterday at the Weld match since they were used at Steamboat and HPPS. I was using one of the older 505's at Weld. Man, those Tungsten C's are the way to go IMO. They are faster than physically writing.

Don't they make a clear plastic screen saver for palms? I think we need to get some if they do. The screens on Weld's 505's are getting beat up and hard to read even for me.

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Lots of talk about these yesterday at the Weld match since they were used at Steamboat and HPPS. I was using one of the older 505's at Weld. Man, those Tungsten C's are the way to go IMO. They are faster than physically writing.

Don't they make a clear plastic screen saver for palms? I think we need to get some if they do. The screens on Weld's 505's are getting beat up and hard to read even for me.

Boxwave screen protectors are the best that I've tried.

FWIW, I don't do match scoring or anything of the sort, but I have carried a Palm for the last few years.

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  • 5 months later...

At our local Pikes Peak Practical Shooters match on Sunday we had a palm that quit after 3 stages on a squad. Steve Pitt our scoring guru put it in a cradle to charge and gave the squad a new one. After the match had finished Steve discovered the Palm was dead, as in not working anymore and those scores were lost. This was using Tungsten C s that the club bought refurbished from someone. So first this is a lesson to clubs that this could happen to you if you aren't using paper backup.

Steve and I talked about this tonight and it seems another way to avoid this (paper backup I think is a bit of a pain for both shooter and RO) would be to utilize the built in WiFi to send each score after it is saved on the Palm to a central scoring computer. Any chance you could add this feature Rod? Anyone else had a Palm die on them like this?

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At our local Pikes Peak Practical Shooters match on Sunday we had a palm that quit after 3 stages on a squad. Steve Pitt our scoring guru put it in a cradle to charge and gave the squad a new one. After the match had finished Steve discovered the Palm was dead, as in not working anymore and those scores were lost. This was using Tungsten C s that the club bought refurbished from someone. So first this is a lesson to clubs that this could happen to you if you aren't using paper backup.

Steve and I talked about this tonight and it seems another way to avoid this (paper backup I think is a bit of a pain for both shooter and RO) would be to utilize the built in WiFi to send each score after it is saved on the Palm to a central scoring computer. Any chance you could add this feature Rod? Anyone else had a Palm die on them like this?

Version 1.36, soon to be released, has a new feature to export to the SD card for backup. I've not seen a Palm simply die. Likely battery is totaled. They are readily available on ebay, but you'll need the little torx screwdriver set that some battery vendors give a way.

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So first this is a lesson to clubs that this could happen to you if you aren't using paper backup.

This is a risk and one of the reasons why USPSA rules require paper backup to Level II or higher matches.

There are risks and benefits to nearly everything. My home club (Harvard, MA) has uses Palms without paper backup for several years with no loss of stages due to the Palm. We realize it could happen, but choose to take that risk for local matches. If we lose one stage at a Level I local match every 3 or 4 years, we'll still be ahead on a cost/benefit basis.

There are lots of way to do a cooler system - the problem is that none of them operate on the "low cost, you can afford to buy a dozen of the handhelds" basis - which is why an obsolete platform remains popular.

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I'm now the owner of an Apple iPod Touch (64g) since September and a iPhone 3Gs (16g) since Christmas. I'm highly impressed with both, and both of them do 802.11 wireless. I really wonder if someone could come up with a scoring system interface for these two current-generation platforms. The screens are large (compared to any palm) and bright, you don't need to scratch on them with a cramped, tiny little stylus, and they seem to run for hours and hours on a single charge. (You'd want to go to airline mode on the iphone and then turn wifi back on manually; you don't want an incoming phone call in the middle of scoring a shooter on a stage!!) It just seems to make more sense to develop something on a current popularly-accepted platform (apple or otherwise) rather than continue to tell people to scramble around buying old used decrepit palms that may or may not work from anywhere they can find them.

Do the apples cost a whole lot more? Sure, they do. Everything costs more than old used 4th or 5th generation backleveled equipment. (And the iPhone 3G no-S costs a piddly $99.) But it also seems like an awful lot of folks already have them.

Could you print from them? I don't know. Could you have a stage ipod and have a master ipod that picks up scores from the stages? I don't know. How would you transfer data to and from ezwinscore? I don't know. Those and other questions have to be researched and in the end, maybe we can't force the apples to do what we want. But it just seems like we're pouring a whole lot of effort into old palms that are way past their prime and whose manufacturer doesn't want to hear about anymore.

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I just got an iPhone 3GS and had the same thought. You can get a 3G for $100, but lets not forget that is with a 2 year contract with AT&T with a monthly cost of about $70 a month, a typical club would need at least 5 units, thats $350 a month plust $500 to buy the things, that wouldn't work well.

Perhaps just iPod touches would work, no monthly contract on those.

I'm now the owner of an Apple iPod Touch (64g) since September and a iPhone 3Gs (16g) since Christmas. I'm highly impressed with both, and both of them do 802.11 wireless. I really wonder if someone could come up with a scoring system interface for these two current-generation platforms. The screens are large (compared to any palm) and bright, you don't need to scratch on them with a cramped, tiny little stylus, and they seem to run for hours and hours on a single charge. (You'd want to go to airline mode on the iphone and then turn wifi back on manually; you don't want an incoming phone call in the middle of scoring a shooter on a stage!!) It just seems to make more sense to develop something on a current popularly-accepted platform (apple or otherwise) rather than continue to tell people to scramble around buying old used decrepit palms that may or may not work from anywhere they can find them.

Do the apples cost a whole lot more? Sure, they do. Everything costs more than old used 4th or 5th generation backleveled equipment. (And the iPhone 3G no-S costs a piddly $99.) But it also seems like an awful lot of folks already have them.

Could you print from them? I don't know. Could you have a stage ipod and have a master ipod that picks up scores from the stages? I don't know. How would you transfer data to and from ezwinscore? I don't know. Those and other questions have to be researched and in the end, maybe we can't force the apples to do what we want. But it just seems like we're pouring a whole lot of effort into old palms that are way past their prime and whose manufacturer doesn't want to hear about anymore.

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At our local Pikes Peak Practical Shooters match on Sunday we had a palm that quit after 3 stages on a squad. Steve Pitt our scoring guru put it in a cradle to charge and gave the squad a new one. After the match had finished Steve discovered the Palm was dead, as in not working anymore and those scores were lost. This was using Tungsten C s that the club bought refurbished from someone. So first this is a lesson to clubs that this could happen to you if you aren't using paper backup.

Steve and I talked about this tonight and it seems another way to avoid this (paper backup I think is a bit of a pain for both shooter and RO) would be to utilize the built in WiFi to send each score after it is saved on the Palm to a central scoring computer. Any chance you could add this feature Rod? Anyone else had a Palm die on them like this?

Yeah, we have used paper backup for years in both Memphis and Nashville (form attached). Once scoring is fully entered, we simply write in the summary. Doing so only takes a couple of seconds and is usually done before everything is even taped.

This paper backup also serves the purpose of setting the shooting order and/or allowing folks to see where they are in the order. And some folks like to take the sheet with them after the match.....so it gives them a more detailed record of their match.

So for us, the effort/time it takes to enter the information on paper doesn't really come into play. And so with the insurance of not losing scores, making it easy to see shooting order, and to have something folks to take with them......we see a lot of benefit with using paper backup.


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I'm now the owner of an Apple iPod Touch (64g) since September and a iPhone 3Gs (16g) since Christmas. I'm highly impressed with both, and both of them do 802.11 wireless. I really wonder if someone could come up with a scoring system interface for these two current-generation platforms. The screens are large (compared to any palm) and bright, you don't need to scratch on them with a cramped, tiny little stylus, and they seem to run for hours and hours on a single charge. (You'd want to go to airline mode on the iphone and then turn wifi back on manually; you don't want an incoming phone call in the middle of scoring a shooter on a stage!!) It just seems to make more sense to develop something on a current popularly-accepted platform (apple or otherwise) rather than continue to tell people to scramble around buying old used decrepit palms that may or may not work from anywhere they can find them.

Do the apples cost a whole lot more? Sure, they do. Everything costs more than old used 4th or 5th generation backleveled equipment. (And the iPhone 3G no-S costs a piddly $99.) But it also seems like an awful lot of folks already have them.

Could you print from them? I don't know. Could you have a stage ipod and have a master ipod that picks up scores from the stages? I don't know. How would you transfer data to and from ezwinscore? I don't know. Those and other questions have to be researched and in the end, maybe we can't force the apples to do what we want. But it just seems like we're pouring a whole lot of effort into old palms that are way past their prime and whose manufacturer doesn't want to hear about anymore.

Damn, you beat me to it. Add a winmo device to that list. Many of us have smartphones and have them at the matches. Programs to do this on my Omnia 2 would be a blast. Wish I knew how to program!

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The interface to import scores and stage layouts from the handheld scoring to EzWinScore, and the format for transfer of registration data to the handhelds is an ASCII flat file. Rod Cassidy wrote his program based on revere-engineering of this file format (which is so simple it borders on self documenting - sorry, it's not XML) and got full functionality without any EzwinScore work. The same could be done for other platforms, and USPSA is not taking any steps to protect the turf of any specific handheld software developer. (Just ask Peter Cunningham if you doubt this :) ).

Everyone is talking in terms of "someone should", but nobody is stepping forward offering the time and effort to make it happen. There could be an opportunity here for someone to write an iphone or itouch (iphone without the phone) app. But then, it's always easy for people to say "someone should..." rather than "I will...."

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I think the iPhone is a pretty poor platform choice. There are going to be many more (and cheaper) Android devices available in the future. Heck... there was a microwave that runs Android at CES. Also all iPhone development has to be done on OS X while Android development can be done on Linux, Windows, or Mac.

Thanks for the tip Rob. I just ordered a copy.

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... Also all iPhone development has to be done on OS X ...

I don't see that as a downside. (I doubt Brian Enos does, either: he has a mac!) Hell, I gave serious thought to going apple a month ago when I went through two unrecoverable system crashes in the span of 10 days because of bad microsoft windows updates. And a mac mini (you supply keyboard, mouse, and screen) doesn't cost all that much (starting at $599).

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I don't have an I-phone/touch/other phone...

Can I borrow your's anybody? What if I drop it?

I still see a benefit of the old Palms and such. They can belong to the "club"...like a timer. Affordable.

The newer platforms are probably going to get there, though.

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