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New Palm Scoring software


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Local club president sent an email to me about Stage Score www.stagescore.com

I've never used Palm Scoring so no idea how this is different than what is currently used, or if it is different, but I think it is.

No affiliation with the company or anything.


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I'm going to look at this! Any alternative (that actually works) to the hundreds of dollars per palm ASS-score (that's really what it's called!) is certainly welcome! And their trial actually let's you score a decent-sized match.

Thanks for pointing this out! :cheers:

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$275 program, $50 per palm, RECONDITIONED, and $50 per year, UNLIMITED users . VS A couple thousand $$ and find Palms on your own AND user fees for each individual.

Hmmmm, We may have to look at this one!


Corrected to 450 per Palm not 450. Damn fat fingers!


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$275 program, 450 per palm, RECONDITIONED, and $50 per year, UNLIMITED users . VS A couple thousand $ and find Palms on your own AND user fees for each individual.

Hmmmm, We may have to look at this one!


That's a typo - not 450 per Palm, should be $50 each.

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We used it again today at local rgpsc match (www.rgpsc.com). Flawless! Nobody sat in the shed posting scoresheets. Match scoring finished and finals printed before the stuff was even put away. Folks not even familiar with the interface figured it out without with any help! Hey, I may be the author, and may be a little bit involved, but this stuff works! www.stagescore.com. Try the demo, download the free trial. Get the kids out of the stat shack and out shooting!



edit for typo

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We have downloaded the trial package and will run our indoor 'practice' match tonight using it. We will still run back-up paper scoring just in case.

I'll post a report after we see how it works. Our plan is one palm for the 20 or so people that shoot the indoor. we have two squads, but score at the same time, 2 stages in one bay, should be able to make it work.

There is a bit of a learning curve, but no real additional work for stats, just a different order. Enter the stages into the Palm, enter your shooters into EzWin, upload squads to Palm, download stages.

Squads enter scores, beam each individual stage or squad to the master, hotsync and run. If you have local internet access, you can verify your competitor list at the range and post final scores in as little as about 5 minutes!

By the way, I am anything but a computer person. This is one of the simplest systems I have seen. Do get GOOD Palms, the IIIe is just too, way too slow. My m130 is too slow, we will be running on the m500 Palm that is suggested.


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This looks intersting. I downloaded the trial, but how do you setup new shooters? I can't figure it out. I'd definitely be interested especially if they can keep up the software and they can get approved for level 2/3 matches.

The competitors are downloaded from EzWin (Export Registration, then HotSync). Squads can be assigned in EzWin prior to export or on the Palm. There is a provision to add walk-ins at the time of export. Names can be assigned to walkins in EzWin when the scores are uploaded (HotSyc, Import Scores - under Match / Palm.

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NMCOpen has used this software extensively, and certainly knows all about it. He is a great source for information. Another great source is the "contact us" page at www.stagescore.com if you have any questions, concerns, or comments. We are all just shooters. Some of us also write software. Any ???, just ask, we'll get the answer out right away.



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I have used this at our local match. It is very easy to learn. For someone new to this, it only takes one or two stages to teach them as well. So far it has been user friendly, and has expidited the end scoring as well as the on stage scoring.

I hope Rod does good with this project. He has put a lot of homework into it. I may be wrong, But I beleive it either has or will have very quickly, USPSA Level II approval.

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. Do get GOOD Palms, the IIIe is just too, way too slow. My m130 is too slow, we will be running on the m500 Palm that is suggested.

There is only one area where I can objectively state that the Cunningham program is superior - speed. Other details are a matter of personal preference. The IIIxe is fine for USPSS, but you need at least a m500 for StageScore.

The two programs use the same transfer file format to/from EzWinScore, however, they have a substantially different user interface. USPSS takes you through a full screen for each target whereas StageScore uses a "simulated scoresheet" layout. One interesting bit of trivia is that Rod Cassidy had the trial version of USPSS but decided he wanted to write his own before he used it, so he never ran Cunningham's program (since he did not want to copy the design).

Approval was restricted to Level I at this time since USPSA does not run a software testing service, and is not in a position to speak to the qualify of this software. Approval at Level II and III matches will be considered once a track record develops.

Peter Cunningham just sent me a new version of his program which has improved handling of disappearing targets and fixed time stages (requiring that every no penalty M be entered to decrease the chance of a data entry error). I plan on continuing with USPSS for my use, and expect it will also be the choice at the next nationals.

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  • 1 month later...

Our club (Cajun Action Shooters) used the 500's today for the first time.

It does take 3-5minutes to gain a full understanding of how to score using the unit.

other than that.

It was GREAT!!!

Makes taking score with pen and paper on NCR score sheets feel like something a caveman would do.

Then again, it's so easy, even a cave man could do it.

A+ on the electronic Palm Scoring!

(P.S.) I spend about half of the match as the score keeper, since I DQed and could shoot anymore :wacko:

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we used stagescore for the first time at our local match. With 4 squads we used 6 palms: one master, one back-up and one each per squad, as each squad finished a stage the results were uploaded to the master and back-up. Gave the shooters a 5 minute how-to lesson and we were off. Scores were ready within minutes of last shooter. Ran Flawlessly and will only get better. NO MORE PAPER!!! Best buy of the Century for club management!

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We have run 4 matches so far. first was with the trial version, bought it the next day, second had some issues, third and 4th were 100% Successful.

What is missing is an easy way to populate the match. EzWinScore really falls short in this area. Having continuously go out to the list and scroll through it is just not user friendly. What is needed is a direct entry into Ez, start typing the shooters name, first or last, or his shooter number and the info should appear.

That said, we need to be able to pre-register our shooters from a simple internet form, have that form populate a database and import that into EZ.

Way above my extremely limited computer skills, but that would make match administration simple.


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We use this at each of the two matches a month with only minor growing pains of training new users. Not sure how well it works on the back end, but it is pretty cool. ;) Rod is still massaging this system, now able to incorporate shoot throughs and other small details. I think this is the future of match scoring as we will see it.

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our club computer guru maintains a list in EZWinscore of all shooters who have shot with us, as well as all club members. As people sign in, he is inputing their name and class into the "list" on EzWinscore. When registration is complete he imports the list to the Master Palm and we manually assign the squad list, beam it to the other palms and we are off. It was too easy.

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I try to install it and I get "error creating a file C:/windows/system32/msvbvm60.dll"

Then, if you continue anyway, it doesn't want to work... If you don't continue, it won't install.

grrr... now I get to do some debugging...


Email me from the contact us on the website. rod@stagescore.com

We'll get you squared away.



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We have run 4 matches so far. first was with the trial version, bought it the next day, second had some issues, third and 4th were 100% Successful.

What is missing is an easy way to populate the match. EzWinScore really falls short in this area. Having continuously go out to the list and scroll through it is just not user friendly. What is needed is a direct entry into Ez, start typing the shooters name, first or last, or his shooter number and the info should appear.

I just don't get that. If you're in competitor registration, click on the select from master tab, click on the letter of the guy's last name, then scroll down and find the guy you want, click on him, click on his division, click the register cmdbutton, and then click the save cmdbutton. 6 mouse clicks. You're done.

I know you want to just start typing a last name and have everything fill in magically, but what about when you register so-and-so "Smith" or some other common name. Now what? I can envision a drop-down menu appearing that you have to scroll through and pick the guy you want, but.... that's what you have to do now. I don't have anything against your idea; I just don't see it as any more user friendly than what we already have.

But as I've told other folks before, I don't determine what goes into the system; I just guide them along like all the rest of us. You really want that feature, contact roger@uspsa.org (Roger Maier) or area7@uspsa.org (Rob Boudrie) and see what they think.

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We used this today for the first time at our club, Pikes Peak Practical Shooters.

It seemed to work fine on our squad, I had a bit of instruction on it from Rod before but nobody else on the squad had used it. People seemed to pick it up fine and we moved through the stages just as fast as any other match. And the scores were done once the shooting ended.

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We have run 4 matches so far. first was with the trial version, bought it the next day, second had some issues, third and 4th were 100% Successful.

What is missing is an easy way to populate the match. EzWinScore really falls short in this area. Having continuously go out to the list and scroll through it is just not user friendly. What is needed is a direct entry into Ez, start typing the shooters name, first or last, or his shooter number and the info should appear.

I just don't get that. If you're in competitor registration, click on the select from master tab, click on the letter of the guy's last name, then scroll down and find the guy you want, click on him, click on his division, click the register cmdbutton, and then click the save cmdbutton. 6 mouse clicks. You're done.

I know you want to just start typing a last name and have everything fill in magically, but what about when you register so-and-so "Smith" or some other common name. Now what? I can envision a drop-down menu appearing that you have to scroll through and pick the guy you want, but.... that's what you have to do now. I don't have anything against your idea; I just don't see it as any more user friendly than what we already have.

But as I've told other folks before, I don't determine what goes into the system; I just guide them along like all the rest of us. You really want that feature, contact roger@uspsa.org (Roger Maier) or area7@uspsa.org (Rob Boudrie) and see what they think.

Can't argue with what you say Bill.

What I am really after is a way to automatically load from a webbased form that gagthers the info so all I have on match day is the walk-ons. I am looking to pre-squad the match. We generally run around 50-60 shooters, sometimes more, sometimes less. Our match has to buld on Sunday morning and be torn down that same night.

Anything I can do to reduce the match day work load is good.


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