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This thread inspired me to vent a bit... I sure needed it. Here goes....

Commercials that annoy the shizzle out of me and elevate my blood pressure to critical mass for God only knows what reason:

Vince, pushing Shamwow... Everytime I hear the salesman's voice I start to grind my teeth and tense up to the point of near self induced epilepsy. "Look, we can't do this all day, so for the next 20 minutes..." Of course, 30 minutes later, he's pitching the garbage in my living room again. A$$knuckle.

Any of the commercials from Soyjoy cause blood vessels to rupture in my cranium. Crappy music, crappy graphics, and non existent logic. 'May induce frolicking"... Yes, I would like to frolic over to the dingus' house who created this nonsense and kick him in the sack. My wife actually mutes them when they come on, lest I suffer another bout of PTSD and shoot up the house.

Any of the Red Bull commercials... "gives you wings"? huh? You mean it gets co-eds so horned up that they need to practice reproductive biology instead of studying theory for the exam the next day? I'm throwing out the bullshit flag on that. It's caffeinated carbonated koolaid for cryin' out loud.

The Secret deodorant 5 reasons to show your underarms gibberish. Apparently, this one is so annoying to other folks as well, that it has been parodied on youtube multiple times. Search for it, some of them are quite snarky. I love it. At least I know with this one, it's not just me losing my mind.

There are hundreds more that insult my intelligence and reduce me to a being with the IQ of a puddle of melted jello, but I am out of words for the moment after writing this. If you've got more, please feel free to add them here, but no debating them on their lack of merit.

I think the only thing that could make any of the above worse is if they precluded them with one spoken word... "CONTACT". I'd probably suffer an embolism and expire.

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Or anything with 'offer applies with enrollment in _____'/'cancel anytime' in the fine print or the speedy talker at the end, or the sales commercials with the little countdown timer in the corner of the screen, or any of the get rich quick/predatory lending schemes, etc.

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After having taken several marketing classes I understand those commercials... I don't like them but I understand them. What's really bad is that they really do work on most consumers. One of the things that I thought was just odd was that the more annoying the commercial is the more effective it is. It has something to do with product recognition or something. I have seen the market research.

Also the buy in the next 10 min, limit 2 per customer, limited time offer. Those are all ploys to induce the idea of scarcity. If you think the offer may expire or that they may run out you will be more likely to buy then, cause the studies show that if you take 24 hours to think about it the "smart" part of your brain kicks in and smacks the "kid gotta have it now" side back into submission.

I watch commercials with a very different eye now that I have had the classes. If you want to get some really fun knowledge I recommend you take a marketing class. You might be surprised at what you learn :roflol:

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I won't watch TV without the remote within my reach so I can fastdraw and hit mute.

How about the one that invites you to mail in your gold jewelry in anticipation of "more money than you could possibly imagine" being sent to you in return... after the fact. Sucker.

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And for that special part of the male anatomy!

After about 50 back to back airings of "you know, male enhancement" I really, really miss the good ole' days of Smilin' Bob!


Before we only had commercials for ED. Now I'm hearing commercials on radio for PE, and they're not talking about PhysEd. :wacko:

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My pet peeve is the ads with images that are on-screen for less than 1/2 second with a hand-held camera to boot! Nothing stays still long enough to get a decent look before the next image shows up, and what's it's shaking so badly you can't focus on it before it's gone. Supposed to make you really pay attention, I suppose, so you don't miss anything! BS!! And it gets progressively faster as the ad goes on!

Add to that the ever increasing volume of some rapper's idea of "music" and I'm ready to pull the last 2 hairs out of my head!

I agree with Steve on the "remote within my reach so I can fastdraw and hit mute" part too!


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The SiG Lady is especially NOT-fond-of seeing Billy Mays SCREAM thru a commerical selling some ghastly, cheapo product on Cable TV in saturation rotation!! Damn' ear-splitting delivery of his is insulting! :angry2::angry2:

I have no idea how I missed that turdlet in my original rant....Possibly because the ^%$#ing soyjoy noise had caused a recent cerebral hemorrhage .I'm with you 100%on that one.

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This is where I get to be smug about not paying for cable. I don't know who Billy Mays is and I've never heard of "SoyJoy," so it sounds to me like you folks are paying for the privilege of viewing these masterpieces of advertising. :D

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I am one of the archaic ones still running Rabbit Ears for the "free" TV :rolleyes: 'Bout all we really watch is PBS and Home Makeovers (wife's favorite show). Now DVD/VHS is a whole nother story.

How many 3 year olds do you know who like John Wayne as much as (gag)Bob the Builder? :cheers:

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