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Going on a cruise...


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My brother is stationed on the USS Abraham Lincoln (http://www.cvn72.navy.mil/), and invited me along for a Tiger Cruise - basically, that means meet the ship somewhere and ride around for a few days, learning about life onboard, what goes on, etc. I've been planning this out for several months, waiting for details to come together, etc. While, the time has come - I leave tomorrow to meet the ship @ Pearl Harbor, and will pull in to San Diego on 10/8... and will be somewhere in the Pacific Ocean in between ;)

They do have Internet access - but surfing the forum is probably going to be tough... so, have a nice week :D I'll try not to think about you guys too much :D Seriously, though - I might not be able to post pics from the ship, but I'll update a time or two if I get a chance. But you can bet there will be lots of pics afterwards :)

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Went with my brother on the Independence back in the late 80's, the same ship my dad's squadron did carrier quals on in the late 60's. It is an amazing experience, especially the airshow!!! I was also glad I had the experience so that I knew to take a Cruiser when picking orders myself........

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I was fortunate enough to get a incentive flight on a F-16 while stationed in the ROK. I can only imagine what it must feel like to be on a Navy ship out at sea. I wasn't even aware the US Navy did that until I watched the documentary "Carrier" on PBS. Have a safe trip and send along a big thanks to your brother for his service.

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Way to go XRE! I had the pleasure of a Tiger cruise when my son was returning from a Mediterranean cruise aboard the USS Enterprise CVN 65. If only I had purchased my first camera before I went....

It was quite a rush to be standing on deck as the ship pulled into port. ;)

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Left side, and right side are good ones, too... front and back... :D Call it a "boat" all the time... Restaurant :lol: heh heh... I suppose they have a wait staff, too, right??? :roflol:

I'll be sure to thank everyone I see for you guys :D

Unfortunately, Dale, we won't be allowed to "man the rail" upon arrival in San Diego - but I don't know if that means we won't be allowed on the deck at all, or not...

Be sure to use terms like "wall, floor, ceiling, mop, rope, bathroom, upstairs, downstairs, stairs, water fountain, restaurant", they really like that!



PS: Enjoy the pogey bait...


and get your food from the kitchen.....

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If only I had purchased my first camera before I went....

I just finished up sorting out my kit for the trip... Man, if I could show you all the gear I'm leaving behind in the name of travelling light <_<

The funny thing is, they tell you to bring all this stuff, and then tell you that space is at a premium, so pack light and small... :rolleyes:

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If only I had purchased my first camera before I went....

I just finished up sorting out my kit for the trip... Man, if I could show you all the gear I'm leaving behind in the name of travelling light <_<

The funny thing is, they tell you to bring all this stuff, and then tell you that space is at a premium, so pack light and small... :rolleyes:

You're bringing the widest lens you own, right? That's my only tidbit of advice from having shot on some permanently docked retired naval vessels.....

Have fun!

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You're bringing the widest lens you own, right? That's my only tidbit of advice from having shot on some permanently docked retired naval vessels.....

Is that my 14mm or my 15mm fish? :lol: I have the 15mm packed right now... if I leave the 14mm behind, I can also fit the 50/1.4, which might come in handy, given that I'm not taking any light with me (even a small light kit ends up being too big for this trip, unfortunately... I mean one SB-80 + a shoot through umbrella and a stand, batteries... yuck...). Turns out, my bro's roommate is the "photo officer" on the ship... Maybe I can borrow some gear if I need light... :lol:

I will definitely get as many pics as they let me take, anyway... I doubt we'll be anywhere near deck level during flight ops, but I'd totally love to get some shots of the various operations. There's talk of waist only launches, which might allow us on deck while they launch... That remains to be seen, though. I should have plenty of reach for the environment, w/ a 70-200 + 1.4, so... ;)

Anyhow, up early, then flying all day tomorrow... :)

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Unless things have changed a lot you will be a lot closer to flight ops than you might feel comfortable with.....

CLOSE YOUR MOUTH when you see the compressed air forming around the aircraft flying by.

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Unless things have changed a lot you will be a lot closer to flight ops than you might feel comfortable with.....

CLOSE YOUR MOUTH when you see the compressed air forming around the aircraft flying by.

Dude, you forget - I'm a concussion junkie! :lol:

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Yo yo... we cleared Hawaii today around 1100 Hawaii time. We're cooking along at 20-ish knots, on track for San Diego. Shot some pics, met a bunch of folks, toured some areas. Needless to say, satellite Internet is dog slow, so... I'm limited in my forum capabilities, but... well.. :D I have plenty to do w/o browsing here... ;)

Air show tomorrow, baby... :cheers:

So far, only been "lost" once, and its only because "you can't get there from here"... otherwise, finding my way around... and they're pretty much letting us wander about smartly, so... heh.. the fools! :D

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Air show should be uber cool. Double plug before the landing where the pilot picks up the fourth cable. :)

Oh, and I would recommend not eating the pancakes for breakfast....they might taste like jet fuel. Don't ask how I know.... ;)

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Heh... Pancakes tasted fine, Dale ;) And... sonic boom is loud, but top fuel rails are louder than afterburners (but that doesn't at all make afterburners uncool!)

The airshow was cool, but the "locals" were disappointed that live ordnance wasn't dropped - they just dropped dummy bombs. I didn't get the quintessential "sonic boom" picture - in the flyby, the big "poofs" happened well to the aft and the fore of the ship, so... Oh well. Got some wicked contrails, though....

Today, though... waist launches and recoveries with the bow open for "tourists"!!!! That makes the whole trip worth it, right there. F/A-18s taking off and landing a couple hundred feet away. Bad ass!!! They did a demo of a JETI run (Jet Engine Test Instrumentation) on the fantail this evening for us. Basically, that involves strapping a jet engine into a test harness and blowing a lot of fuel through it. Loud, hot, and totally way cool!!!

Right now writing to you from my bro's office in the bow of the ship, listening to waves break against the hull. Tomorrow, they fly the air wing off, and we get a little peace and quiet... Then we hit port on Wednesday... ;)

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Cool! As an Army guy, I never had a chance to do anything like that. But my last duty assignment was a Defense Dept job and I spent a few days on the USNS Comfort working on a special (medical) project just prior to it's departure to support Desert Storm. You really cannot appreciate the size of these things till you do something like that.

Edited by Graham Smith
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