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2009 Blue Ridge Mountain 3-Gun -- April 24-26, Park City, KY

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Thanks to Andy and his staff for making a first time 3 Gunner feel welcome!

And a BIG thanks for the Stage DQ's...yep I got one on my very first stage... :surprise: ...I won't/didn't make that mistake again

Thanks to Squad 7 for their patience with a first timer! And to Alamoshooter for talking me into it in the first place!

"limbs deflecting shots"...I should have thought of that one... :cheers:

See ya'll next year...in much better shape, too!

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From the owners, management, and staff of The Rock Castle Shooting Center at Park Mammoth Resort, we would like to extend our appreciaition and thanks to everyone involved in The SABRE Defence Blue Ridge Mountain 3 Gun Championships. First to Tony Holmes, for introducing us to Andy Horner which made this match possible in the first place. Next to Andy Horner, for believeing that we could help him put on a great match in this early stage of our business. And then there's the crew from SABRE! The match was a success because of your support and hard work. We would like to thank all of the folks at Barrett for your sponsorship support, and for the great whole hog dinner. Everyone is still raving about it.

Thank you to all of the match sponsors. We were able to spend some quality time with most of your attending represenatatives. We look forward to working with all of you in the future, on so many different levels.

Thank you to Mike, Brett, and all of your Range Officers. We were blessed with your abilities to oversee a safe match. Very well done to all.

And to the competitors, we enjoyed spending time with all of you, and look forward to seeing all of you at future matches. Thank you for your professionalism, for your participation, for the hard work and fun, and for not shooting the gas well with the Barrett. I can tell you that the car has seen better days. We look forward to working with all of you in the future.

And finally to the volunteers and the young men and women from the 4H Shooting Sports Programs. Thank all of you for your hard work and efforts.

Negotiations are under way for the 2010 match and beyond, and we are very excited about the future. We value all of your feedback, opinions, and help in making a bright future for the Rockcastle Shooting Center. You are all friends, and welcome back at any time.

Nathan Noble

Owner/ C.O.O.

The Rockcastle Shooting Center at Park Mammoth Resort

(270) 792-3196


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All I can say is WOW! I have 7 local 3 gun competitions under my belt. Ths was the first big event I attended and it will not be the last. I need to thank the best squad there " Squad 15" we had a blast and everyone worked so well at setting stages and helping one another when tings were not going so well.

Andy and all of his team along with his family, you did the best at setting up 3 great days of shooting and commaradare .

I hope to be able to attend next year's shoot along with many more.

I could do without so many ticks, and I really need to workm on my shooting and my fitness.

See ya all next year

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From the owners, management, and staff of The Rock Castle Shooting Center at Park Mammoth Resort, we would like to extend our appreciaition and thanks to everyone involved in The SABRE Defence Blue Ridge Mountain 3 Gun Championships. First to Tony Holmes, for introducing us to Andy Horner which made this match possible in the first place. Next to Andy Horner, for believeing that we could help him put on a great match in this early stage of our business. And then there's the crew from SABRE! The match was a success because of your support and hard work. We would like to thank all of the folks at Barrett for your sponsorship support, and for the great whole hog dinner. Everyone is still raving about it.

Thank you to all of the match sponsors. We were able to spend some quality time with most of your attending represenatatives. We look forward to working with all of you in the future, on so many different levels.

Thank you to Mike, Brett, and all of your Range Officers. We were blessed with your abilities to oversee a safe match. Very well done to all.

And to the competitors, we enjoyed spending time with all of you, and look forward to seeing all of you at future matches. Thank you for your professionalism, for your participation, for the hard work and fun, and for not shooting the gas well with the Barrett. I can tell you that the car has seen better days. We look forward to working with all of you in the future.

And finally to the volunteers and the young men and women from the 4H Shooting Sports Programs. Thank all of you for your hard work and efforts.

Negotiations are under way for the 2010 match and beyond, and we are very excited about the future. We value all of your feedback, opinions, and help in making a bright future for the Rockcastle Shooting Center. You are all friends, and welcome back at any time.

Nathan Noble

Owner/ C.O.O.

The Rockcastle Shooting Center at Park Mammoth Resort

(270) 792-3196


Thanks for having us Nathan, you guys were great hosts. In my three years of shooting I would have to say that this was the most challenging and technical match I have shot, and that includes Ft. Benning and DPMS. IMHO, in a couple of years this will be the match by which all other matches are judged by. Great job Andy and the rest of the match staff, most of all thanks to the R.O.'s (especially the ones who shot 10 +1 stages in two days) for working your butts off and blazing a clear trail for the rest of us!!

I also have to add that, thank GOD my lovely left hand shooting wife Marcey, pointed out to us (while peering through the optics on the Barrett) that the target looked BLUE, of course you can guess what our response was!!! I am afraid she might have ended the match for all of us had the trigger been pulled!!

Edited by jeremyp270
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I could do without so many ticks, and I really need to work on my shooting and my fitness.

See ya all next year

One of the Guys on my Squad had shorts on! I watch one of the other guys put 7 ticks off of him! OMG :unsure::surprise:

Long pants and lots of bug spray!!!!

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Ticks shmicks, the four and a half foot long king snake easing across the trail on stage ten and the alleged snake that both the RO and I stepped over on stage three had me listening for "freon leaks" for the last two days.

Apparently ticks are just a bonus for shooting 3 gun considering their presence in large numbers at most major matches.(in the east anyway)

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No video confirmation of these snakes but some hard working RO's for sure...

Here's some randomness from the stages...

Hell.. I wore shorts for a few of the days, ticks were not that bad, I "off'ed" the boots hard before I started.

However... had I seen that snake on 10, there would have been some "extra" shots on that stage for sure.

I guess he wandered over the trail when I was on deck.. never saw him.. thank God!

Here are some of the vids from the crew from Maine. The picture in picture on some of the vids is my hat cam, placement wasn't quite right, but you can get the idea of what I was trying to do..


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Slight drift....

5-6 years ago I was working a stage at the Area 6 Championship in Charleston when a snake decided to cross the range while I was running a junior shooter through. I didn't see it at first but the gallery alerted me in a quick and loud fashion! I unloaded the shooter, borrowed his blaster and a mag of ammo, and sent that reptile to the Happy Hunting Ground.

That was the first (and likely, only) confirmed kill with one of SJC's Open Glock varients and we still joke about it being named the "Snake Charmer".

**We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

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Great match...loved it....didn't like the fact that not only did shoot bad, I found out my scope on the rifle went bad after the first stage I, bad news is....I found out 5 stages later (oops). But hey, I had a blast. And staying basically right ont he range....can you beat that?

Hats off to Andy and his crew, the NRA and the Nobel family.....we'll be back next year for sure. To shoot and to sponsor.

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I didn't know they had fine literature with them. I went home every night since I live only 50 miles North of the range. I missed out on a lot of the fun, but I never had to show up in the morning w/ a hang-over!

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I would like to thank everyone for helping the match go well this year -- all the staff, sponsors, competitors, and other supporters.

As many of you have noted, we had a GREAT prize table because of the generous donations from our sponsors. Please take the time to contact the match sponsors, especially any whose products you received, and let them know that you appreciate their support of the Sabre Defence BRM3G and 3-gun competitions in general. Emails are good, but a letter or hand written note works well too. Don't forget to support them with your future purchases and recommendations to other shooters also.


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  • 4 months later...
Did you see me?

And yes...you should. It was well run.

See you in the spring?

I dunno what you look like:)

Thinking about coming in the spring, my inlaws are up the road a bit in Indiana.

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