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1st day of class...

Dave Gundry

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Today I had a class, during the intro to the class spiel, I actually had a professor say the while several people do carry weapons to school, he would like any students that carry to unload their gun before they come to his class, furthermore stating "that's the way you should carry it anyway". He did mention he "is familiar with firearms, I [he] was an eagle scout".

You should have seen the look on my face - damn near walked out of the class right then and there. I would have if I didn't need the class to graduate this fall.


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Just smile and nod your head at the appropriate time.

You can't keep an Idiot from being an Idiot....no matter what you do.



Good advice especially when he holds your grade in his hands. Now after grades have been posted...... :devil:


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Don't forget the word "concealed" in the term "concealed carry". What he doesn't know won't make him uncomfortable. Just be happy you are on a campus that will allow carry at all.

And don't forget that wonderful time at the end of the course where you get to provide an evaluation. No time like that to mention that guy is a nitwit.

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In all my years of schooling, only had one teacher cause me to leave class on the first day and take another course. Thank God it wasn't the last semester!

Only you know how important passing is vs getting an A. Either way, don't allow him to control your actions. You'll undoubtedly have many opportunities this semester to let him know what you really think of him.

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"Those that can't do teach."

The classroom is probably the last place on earth this buffoon has any power and this was a feeble attempt to strut his stuff. Keep your nose to the grindstone, ace the course, and take your degree and get out there and do some good.

Its been many years since I attended college (B.S. Engineering in '75), but the memories of some of those professors still haunt me. An interesting coincidence, none of the jerks were engineering profs. They seemed to teach things like history, English and literature.


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He did mention he "is familiar with firearms, I [he] was an eagle scout".

The scouting program, with the exception of the police explorer program, absolutely prohibits the use of a handgun in any scouting activity - so his "eagle scout" background does not imply any familiarity with a defensive sidearm.

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Agree that 'concealed' is the key. Loaded, cocked, locked & holstered. Know it's there and leave it alone. He's trying to rattle you. Don't let him.

Also know that, if bad crap comes blazing into that classroom this semester, you are (1)prepared, and (2)able to defend/save others. Allow yourself to feel a little superior in that capability ... then get your brain back onto whatever he's yammering about up front.

When the semester is over, you can do whatever you like to vent but, by then, I'll bet it won't be worth the energy or ammo <_< .

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Don't forget the word "concealed" in the term "concealed carry". What he doesn't know won't make him uncomfortable. Just be happy you are on a campus that will allow carry at all.

And don't forget that wonderful time at the end of the course where you get to provide an evaluation. No time like that to mention that guy is a nitwit.

I'm with Kimel. Allow him his blissful ignorance and move on.

As for class, remember that it pays to get A's, but C's get degrees.

(I've got 4 down and 16 coarses to after Thursday. I feel your pain)

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Don't forget the word "concealed" in the term "concealed carry". What he doesn't know won't make him uncomfortable. Just be happy you are on a campus that will allow carry at all.

And don't forget that wonderful time at the end of the course where you get to provide an evaluation. No time like that to mention that guy is a nitwit.

I'm with Kimel. Allow him his blissful ignorance and move on.

As for class, remember that it pays to get A's, but C's get degrees.

(I've got 4 down and 16 coarses to after Thursday. I feel your pain)

You know what they call the guy that passed med school with a C avg.....Dcotor.

You learn most of what you need to know out side of school.....school just gets you to the job to learn it.

Like others have said, keep it well concealed so there isn't any ifs ands or buts and get your grades. At the end of the semester when evals come around, make note how the school allows you to carry and he is part of the school.

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He did mention he "is familiar with firearms, I [he] was an eagle scout".

The scouting program, with the exception of the police explorer program, absolutely prohibits the use of a handgun in any scouting activity - so his "eagle scout" background does not imply any familiarity with a defensive sidearm.

I doubt he was an Eagle Scout. I feel that he brings shame on the entire organization. As an Eagle myself, I would question him as to when he recieved this honor, and who he or his family paid off so he could attain it.

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I disagree.

Take him on.

Tell him:

"I'm sorry but I can't compromise your safety and that of my classmates by relaxing my defensive posture.

However, if it makes you feel better I will keep the pins in the grenades while in class.

I might even remove the claymore from my locker.

However this will be a hardship because my scoutmaster still has me working on my merit badge for explosives and booby traps." :devil:


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It's not me that I'm worried about - just worried about about someone else thinking they should 'unload' their gun before class, possibly not in a safe area or safe manner. I've been taught that once it's loaded, you don't take it out of the holster until you either need to use it or are going to clean it. Just thinking in terms of minimizing the inherent risks involved while maximizing the usefulness of carrying a firearm. Don't want some schmuck to poke a hole in a bathroom stall and possibly do some damage...

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I went to graduate school at Indiana University, and had my carry permit at the time. The state law allowed carry anywhere except on commercial aircraft. The university had a "rule" banning concealed carry. Their rule was wholly illegal, but I needed the degree from that place, in the area I was studying.

Modern American universities are kingdoms to themselves, and love to lord their power over the kids that study there. Makes me sick.

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What I cannot understand is the perspective that disarming law-abiding citizens makes anyone safer!?! Has it not been proven too many times before that schools are gun-free zones that attract psycho killers who want to kill unarmed sheep?

You probably should do what others have said - don't say a word, carry concealed and take your credit.

However, complying with what the prof requested would likely get you in trouble or even arrested (unholster your concealed pistol and unload it on campus). That is a safety issue and an absurd request that I would consider reporting to the campus police and filing a complaint.

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