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Friday Flame War 07-11-2003


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Got a burr under the saddle?

Let 'er rip and purify your soul in the Friday Flame Fest.

Who says the fireworks were over last week!!!

I hate that my employer figures that the tech staff should just magically know about, understand and be able to utilize any new piece of hardware or software that is produced without them having to spend one penny in training. My training budget was cut entirely this year (it never was much of anything) yet my group is supposed to roll out a bunch of new technology AND teach everyone how to use it without even one training class. ARGH!!!!!!!!!

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I hate the fact that I'm pissed off. I invested a substantial amount of time in completing a report in a timely fashion, only to find out later that its in the wrong format. Its a very complicated subject, but the whole thing really just pisses me off.

Up until this past Monday, my Chi was very healthy, now the CDC probably couldn't find me a cure. I just hate the fact that i'm pissed off. :angry:

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I started jury duty this week and was selected for a trial that will last two weeks. We have a doctor on our team that has been late to the court every time. I hate people that think their time is more important than the rest of the people on the jury. :angry: The good news is that I have finished 1/2 of Brian's book. :D


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I hate that I just turned 30, and feel like I am ten years older until 10:00 a.m.! What is up with early-onset arthritis? Who knew behaving like an idiot as a kid would land me here?

Also, I hate that my AC on my truck decided to go out on the hottest day of the summer!


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I hate it that the majority of the X generation doesn't seem to have the personal integrety to control their own actions and then doesn't want to assume responsibility for those actions which they could not control.

case in point: I picked up the tail end of some TV show that was trying to determine who the father of some baby was, through DNA testing. Great.

Problem was that the slut had been on the show four times before and tested 10 guys previously, and none of them were the father. Well, if the gal wasn't a whore who slept around with every guy in the area, and the guys weren't such horn dogs that they slept with every slut in the area, I wouldn't have to fork over my tax $$ to take care of all these unwanted children.

Ladies, keep your legs closed.

Guys, keep it in your pants.

We'd all be better off.

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I hate it that the majority of the X generation doesn't seem to have the personal integrety to control their own actions and then doesn't want to assume responsibility for those actions which they could not control.

case in point:  I picked up the tail end of some TV show that was trying to determine who the father of some baby was, through DNA testing.  Great.

Problem was that the slut had been on the show four times before and tested 10 guys previously, and none of them were the father.  Well, if the gal wasn't a whore who slept around with every guy in the area, and the guys weren't such horn dogs that they slept with every slut in the area, I wouldn't have to fork over my tax $$ to take care of all these unwanted children.

Ladies, keep your legs closed.

Guys, keep it in your pants.

We'd all be better off.

Darned Skippy, TL! I hate seeing the families at holiday times with the mother with fourteen children she can't support, no job, no plans to look for one, no desire for training, and no desire to better herself or her children. She is also pregnant with number 15. She's begging for help in the house she was given and you can see her 56-inch television in the background. ARRGGGHHHH!!!! :angry: Oh! and did I mention that "Dad" is nowhere to be found? <_<

It torques my chains to see that sort of irresponsibility. It just sucks. I feel bad for the kids, knowing there is probably no help for them in sight and no good role models for them either. What is it all coming to when the best role model you can come up with is a professional athlete/felon???? :huh:

Okay. I'm done. :mellow: I feel better now. B)


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She is also pregnant with number 15. She's begging for help in the house she was given and you can see her 56-inch television in the background. ARRGGGHHHH!!!!

What I hate is that not all of these women are unsuccessful. An old friend of mine's Ex has 6 kids. Each by a different father. Each father including my friend is paying big child support which is OK because he really loves his daughter who is a good kid. Each kid spends the weekends with dad (dad has to provide transportation of course) so mom can have the weekends off. Mom has slept her way to the top at work (4 of the dads are former bosses) and is now a complete workpalce tyrannt. She just bought her 3rd house, drives a brand new Lexus and works the state child custody/welfare/food stamp programs like the pro she is.

And what I really hate..... she's pregnant with number 7! ARRRGGGHHHHH!

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I hate that I finally found and ordered a Bushmaster Superlight Carbine, but the Knight's 1" spacer and GG&G rail I ordered to go with it are out of stock! <_<

I hate that yesterday my left leg went "dead" below the knee. I could barely walk with my foot flapping around and no way to exert any force with my left ankle. It's a little better today, but that's never a good sign when these things happen. Spinal injuries SUCK! :angry::angry::angry:

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My, aren't we all having a bad day. Well, add me to it, you bet. I've had arthritis (genetic predispostion) since age 21!! Talk about chronic pain! :(:angry::( Waaannhh!

Anyway, I'm not actually having a 'bad day' (--yet. The day is young.) but spent over 30 delightlful minutes this morning with a client of mine (construction industry) and we ranted 'n vented 'n bitched most adamantly about building code, the Media, the irresponsible members of our society, people who can't make up their minds and (last but certainly not least) the lopsided machinations of the Eugene City Council. It was a truly great rant. Wished you were there.


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Oh, I'm having a good day! Even my bad days are good days because I have them!

I was just sharing the downsides because of the topic. It would take too long to list all of the good things!

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I hate the fact that my new rifle is trashed.

I hate Beeman Precisioneven more for selling me the mount that trashed my rifle even though I called them twice to make sure it was the correct mount and for special mounting instructions. I hate them even more for being surly and unapologetic now that my rifle is wrecked.

I hate doing crappy on tests.

I hate not knowing if my house is going to sell now or not.

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I hate when different public safety entities have stupid and/or dangerous rivalries (see reports out NYC).

I hate that medicine as a whole has seemed to adopt an "all guns are bad" view.

I hate "entertainers" who can have anything they ever wanted, but then shoot/rob/rape/assualt each other over stuff as stupid as a "rep".

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I hate it that I never see Speedy Bill posting on the BENOS board anymore. Where did you go Speedy Bill? You are the one who taught me to sign my name.

Tom Bergman

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I just got back home after 22 hours on a bus (or waiting at a terminal), and an additional 9 hours riding in a truck. That would make like 2400 miles in 4 days. I'm too tired to hate. Riding Greyhound is different than I remember from my childhood. I think I met the single mom with the 14 kids. We rode the bus together from Milwaukee to Chicago to KC. I'm going to get an aspirin and a shower, and some sleep on something that isn't moving. And if I so much as hear a kid giggle, it's all over...........

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