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Parking lot hogs


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I ride a motorcycle most days and I really hate coming out of some place to find that some jerk has parked their huge SUV or truck well into my parking space and usually knocked my mirrors out of alignment getting their fat ass out of the vehicle. I guess their attitude is that since my bike only uses a third of the spot they're entitled to the rest. I don't mind sharing a spot with another bike, but I shouldn't be getting door-dinged with the buffer zone the bike leaves in a spot. Need to find me some "decorative spikes" to mount to the mirrors... :devil:

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Yeah, that would be annoying! I can't count how many times I see some idiot using three spaces for one vehicle....they're in two spots side-by-side and the front of the vehicle is sticking 2ft into the spot in front of them. Not only are most people moderately disabled drivers, they can't park to save their @ss and don't seem to care.

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A friend of mines dad rolled into a store parking lot one day planning to run in quickly for something. The only close park was being hogged by some Beemer that had been double parked. At the time he was driving his "work" truck which was a 78 Chevy 3/4 ton with about 300,000 miles on it. He gets mad and promptly wedges the truck in next to the BMW's drivers side so close that his mirror was just about over its roof.

When we come out of the store the owner of the car is writing a nasty note to leave on the truck before she climbs in the passenger side of her car. As we get closer my buddy's dad says she looks familiar...... The woman turns out to be a cousin on the mom/wife's side of the family..... :lol:

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I like the holster idea! I also need to find a small sticker that I saw on someone's bike a while back: "If you value your own life as much as I value this bike, don't f**k with it."

I also have a beater pickup and I've been known to wedge next to expensive cars hanging over the line. Now that is fun! I've had one lady bitch at me before and I just said that I'm inside my lines, so what's the problem? :roflol:

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Once upon a time, there was a military policeman in Germany. Parking at the PX in Frankfurt could be a right bi%$h on the weekend, and parking hogs were not appreciated. This young MP got sick to death of writing up incident report after incident report of who parked too close and who hit what, and came up with a plan.

Aforementioned MP came into possession of of a nice little paper to hang on the windshields of aggregious offenders. Front and center of this paper was a picture of a gleefully smiling Mickey Mouse wagging an oversized middle fingered salute with the following caption in large bold red lettering:

Thanks for parking so close!

Next time, leave a f^%king can opener so I can open my door!

I hope you don't f%^k like you park, you'll never get it in!

As long as the paper could be placed on the offender's windshield without getting caught, it was a hoot to watch passersby giggle and point. It was many times better when they did this and the non-tactful parking idiot was present. How many times did I nearly bite a hole in my lip to keep from laughing? Too many to count. I think I may still have a copy of it somewhere...

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I happen to be one of those parking lot hogs with the big 3/4 ton fuel bill each month. I try to park in the back half of the parking lot just because it's easier, and I hate having all the compact hybrid rice grinders laugh at my twelve point turn to get into a 9' stall. But I get even when I haul ass up behind them when they're not paying attention and then they look in the rear view mirror and see a big gold bowtie and nothing else. They sure can change lanes fast.

On the other hand, my big truck will pass anything but a gas pump. Ha Ha.


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Many years back, a friend of mine parked his new car in the "back forty" part of the parking lot. When he comes back, yep, someone parked so close he could barely get in his car. He backs up, then gets out and kicks the door panel in on the offending vehicle. One kick. He was not a small person. He has mellowed out somewhat since then.

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I used to drive a ton truck with a steel flat bed on it. I was in a parking lot one day and one of the last models of the Toyota Celica comes flying into the spot on my passenger side. Girl and guy get out and kinda stare at me while they are leaving their car. When I got out of my truck I walked around to the other side and saw what they were upset about. In her haste girl had slammed her door open into the bed. The outer part of the door was mashed back flat with the body of the door. I didn’t feel the door hit me and of course if that old bed had gotten a scratch it fit right in with the thousands of others. Car had thirty day tags too. I looked and I had actually done a pretty good job parking, but the spots were small. There was 2” or 3” between the rear tires and the lines on either side.

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I also have a beater pickup and I've been known to wedge next to expensive cars hanging over the line. Now that is fun! I've had one lady bitch at me before and I just said that I'm inside my lines, so what's the problem? :roflol:

Nice!!!! :lol: It'd be worth having to crawl across your truck and out the driver side door just to be with you when you did that... :lol:

Invariably, its either some asshat in a big truck... or some overly self-important prick in a BMW or Mercedes... My wife and I went out for a nice dinner last night at a place that has a relatively small parking lot with "California sized" parking spots (Eddie Vs at the Arboretum, for the Austinites). We counted four parking spots wasted, even split between the pricks and the asshats.

It should be 5000% legal to slice tires in that situation. <_<

Edited by XRe
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I was headed into a store with a REALLY full and tight parking lot a couple years ago. As I was looking for a spot I see an Audi TT with temp tags parked sideways across two spots, a smallish car pulled in on one end of the TT and parked less than two inches away. I wedged my truck in on the other end, smiled at the other guy grinning at me as I got out and headed into the store. The TT had less than 6", he absolutely could NOT get out. I came out about 20 minutes later, the other car was still there and the TT guy was waiting at his car, pacing and muttering. He was PISSED, looked at me and my truck and my truck as I walked up (slowly LOL) but didn't say a word. I couldn't help it, asked him how he liked the new Beetle, 'EXCUSE ME!?!?!' he said. I kept a straight face, told him that although I wasn't a fan of the new Beetle cosmetically his looked like something a straight guy might drive with the shiny wheels and all. He screamed at me to just move my F'n truck, told him I would when I got good and damn ready, if he wanted to keep door dings off his 'Beetle' the back of the lot was the place to do it or leave it at home and have his 'partner' bring him. He turned bright red, got in his car and waited. I hope the lesson we shared, that even though he might truly be a dickhead there is ALWAYS a bigger dickhead out there, has benefited him since.

I don't have any patience for people that take more than they should, drives my wife nuts but writing the license plate down and leaving them an inch is something I just can't resist. If they vandalize my car I have a license plate number.

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I was headed into a store with a REALLY full and tight parking lot a couple years ago. As I was looking for a spot I see an Audi TT with temp tags parked sideways across two spots, a smallish car pulled in on one end of the TT and parked less than two inches away. I wedged my truck in on the other end, smiled at the other guy grinning at me as I got out and headed into the store. The TT had less than 6", he absolutely could NOT get out. I came out about 20 minutes later, the other car was still there and the TT guy was waiting at his car, pacing and muttering. He was PISSED, looked at me and my truck and my truck as I walked up (slowly LOL) but didn't say a word. I couldn't help it, asked him how he liked the new Beetle, 'EXCUSE ME!?!?!' he said. I kept a straight face, told him that although I wasn't a fan of the new Beetle cosmetically his looked like something a straight guy might drive with the shiny wheels and all. He screamed at me to just move my F'n truck, told him I would when I got good and damn ready, if he wanted to keep door dings off his 'Beetle' the back of the lot was the place to do it or leave it at home and have his 'partner' bring him. He turned bright red, got in his car and waited. I hope the lesson we shared, that even though he might truly be a dickhead there is ALWAYS a bigger dickhead out there, has benefited him since.

I don't have any patience for people that take more than they should, drives my wife nuts but writing the license plate down and leaving them an inch is something I just can't resist. If they vandalize my car I have a license plate number.

LESSON OF THE DAY: Don't piss off Howard! :roflol:

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A guy driving a truck sees the double parked car and parks so he blocks it.

When he returns theres a dwarf standing next to the double parked vehicle looking pissed.

WHen the truck driver starts to unlock his vehicle the dwarf walks up t him and sayd "Hey! I am NOT happy."

The truck driver says "Ok. So which one are you?"

Thats when the fight started.


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I really hate coming out of some place to find that some jerk has parked their huge SUV or truck well into my parking space

I'm on the other side of that coin. I drive a big SUV.

What *I* hate is when there are little-itty-bitty cars in all the full-size parking spots, and the only spots left are the "compact" ones. People wank at me for wedging my rig into a compact spot; I tell them, hey, I'll stop parking in the small ones as soon as you stop parking in the big ones.


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