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Automobile Shopping Carts


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I got this in an email, and since we're all about the hate:


I hate those stupid shopping carts that double as "automobiles" for junior so he/she is entertained as we shop. They're huge and get in my way and Mom never seems to be able to negotiate corners with them. The grocery store is for shopping. It's not a friggin' carnival.

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I hate those stupid shopping carts that double as "automobiles" for junior so he/she is entertained as we shop. They're huge and get in my way and Mom never seems to be able to negotiate corners with them. The grocery store is for shopping. It's not a friggin' carnival.

This is why you should always carry when you're in the market! :rolleyes:

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I hate those stupid shopping carts that double as "automobiles"  for junior so he/she is entertained as we shop.

I'm sick of the whole universe being re-engineered for "the children." It used to be that adults ran the world and children were raised to gradually accept more and more adult responsibilites -- after which they became adults. Now the world is run by "the children" for "the children." All science, literature, art, and culture has been run down into drivel, lest it confuse "the children." God forbid "the children" should ever grow up. If they did, how would human crap like Patty Murray get elected to Congress?

At the grocery store I used to go to, they had miniature kiddie shopping carts, so "the children" (the most important, most cultured and intelligent beings in the Universe) could bash into everything and everybody in the store. I cannot tell you how obnoxious it was.

I can fix those racecar shopping carts in a jiffy with a can of diesel and a match.

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Thread Drift

Interesting topic. My wife and I were talking recently and she made a statement to the effect that our kids should know that they are the most important things in our life. I asserted that they should feel loved and secure, but KNOW that they are NOT the focal point of our universe.

I rambled for a long time on this and then deleted it. Good with a knife, bad with words, I guess. Bottom line: I see a lot of spoiled kids on a daily basis whose folks mistakenly believe that unconditional positive regard is the only appropriate response to ANY of their offsprings behavior.

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I have seen children so spoiled, so untrained, so diabolically manipulative that they intimidated their parents, exploited the parents' weaknesses, made slaves of their parents, never left home and never lifted a finger to contribute to the welfare of their home, their community or the tax base. Let alone take a job, take on responsibility, engage in productive relationships or PAY for anything THEMSELVES. And THIS is our FUTURE...?

"For the children" my ASS!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry: What they needed (and still need) was (is) a BOOT in the ass!!!!!

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Well things don't always turn out like you expect them to. I raised my kids with a spanking when needed, and my oldest son is the exact opposite. His kids needed a bit of reality, and it has been a bone of contention between us.

"We don't spank our kids Dad, we send them to time out". Well, since he is now in public school, and the 5th grade, he got the reality from another child. As the argument grew between the kids, my grandchild said, "Time out" and that was when the other kid clocked him.

Sorry to say, I could not help but smile when I learned about the incident.

No one was injured, except some dashed pride, and perhaps a valuable lesson was learned.

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I have seen children so spoiled, so untrained, so diabolically manipulative that they intimidated their parents, exploited the parents' weaknesses, made slaves of their parents, never left home and never lifted a finger to contribute to the welfare of their home, their community or the tax base. Let alone take a job, take on responsibility, engage in productive relationships or PAY for anything THEMSELVES. And THIS is our FUTURE...?

"For the children" my ASS!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry: What they needed (and still need) was (is) a BOOT in the ass!!!!!

Hey! I thought you weren't going to talk about my . . . "situation" . . . in public! :unsure:

I'm just a slow developer. :unsure:

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Thread drift a little

To go along with the damn 12 items in a 10 item lane. WHY DO PEOPLE STILL WRITE CHECKS????? I can understand not wanting to use a credit card but at least get a debit card. You wont loose money. I HATE IT when someone(Sorry but it is always an older woman) is not only writing a check in the express lan but waits to fill out the entire thing until they get their total. Do they not know where the check is going yet? Do they have a problem signing their name first. Then they always continue to balance their checkbook also while in line. It drives me friggin nuts!!!!

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I got this in an email, and since we're all about the hate:


I hate those stupid shopping carts that double as "automobiles" for junior so he/she is entertained as we shop. They're huge and get in my way and Mom never seems to be able to negotiate corners with them. The grocery store is for shopping. It's not a friggin' carnival.

Pouring on the gasoline....

The best part is when the [Pick favorite noun] (ankle biter, urchin, rug rat, piss ant) is screaming at the top of his/her/its lungs.

...lighting the match

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I'm sick of the whole universe being re-engineered for "the children." It used to be that adults ran the world and children were raised to gradually accept more and more adult responsibilites -- after which they became adults. Now the world is run by "the children" for "the children." All science, literature, art, and culture has been run down into drivel, lest it confuse "the children." God forbid "the children" should ever grow up. If they did, how would human crap like Patty Murray get elected to Congress?

Along these lines...have requested that my wife shoot me if I ever suggest that junior helps me pick out a car/truck/minivan.

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"Pouring on the gasoline....

The best part is when the [Pick favorite noun] (ankle biter, urchin, rug rat, piss ant) is screaming at the top of his/her/its lungs.

...lighting the match"

And the Dante's Test only sent you to PURGATORY?????!!!! Man, you LIED somewhere in there!! ;);):D:D
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Man, I love those carts. If I take my two kids, 2 and 4 to Lowes H.I. I can strap them down and still have full cart to fill up. If I have to turn my back to get something off a high shelf I dont have to worry about someone running off with my kid or one of them woundering off some where. And it's not about the kids it's about the parents that are spending the money.

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I hate those stupid shopping carts that double as "automobiles"  for junior so he/she is entertained as we shop. The grocery store is for shopping. It's not a friggin' carnival.

A month before my Dad died of lung cancer, we went on what would be our last trip to the local Super Wal Mart. Since they had several electric carts, I thought I could strap his O2 tank on the back of the cart and we could shop together, No prob. But as we neared the last 2 carts, 2 teenage girls ran to them and drove off with their mom walking behind them. I asked the attendant if he could find one for Dad, but he told me that they were first come first served, and there were no more to be had. And this worthless individual watched my Dad struggle with his oxygen as he came through the door, but didn't even try to stop the joyriders. So my Dad sat on the hardwood bench at the front of the store while I shopped for his food. It was the final trip, and he was left as a spectator......

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Ditto to the people who park in Handicapped Parking Zones with no permits...!!

We used to have a paid team of seniors who patrolled Eugene, Oregon like hawks... looking for illegally parked cars in Handicapped Zones and they really busted people hard. Talk about a good way to make money for the City (and bust the idiots, too); but no--the City decides it can't afford the hawks out there any more so the City loses money AND the idiots continue to park in the little blue zones....... :angry::angry:

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Do they have the pink zones yet in Oregon. This is something that they have started around where I live for pregnant women and those with kids. Its kind of like an extension on the handicap spots. I can see it for pregnant women but I want the women with kids to park about 10 blocks from the store and have the kids walk the entire way so by the time they get to the store the kids will ride in anything and not be running around like a pack of hyenas. My parents never let my borther, sister or me run around like we had no manners so I don't expect to have to put up with it either.

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You forgot the 9 thousand damn coupons and then the 20 minutes argueing that they were over charged 3 cents on there damn DEPENDS. Here lady is 3 cents now get the F^&*& OUT OF MY WAY!

I have done that once actually. The woman was all pissed about 10 cents and there was a huge line. I flipped her a quarter and told her to leave. The clerk almost fell over laughing.

My favorite grocery store experience was at a health food type grocery store. This is where you get all the super hippies. I was in line behind this woman who of course brought her own canvas bags(which is fine with me). The problem was that she didnt have enough space in them so the clerk busted out another paper bag and the woman flipped out on the clerk for hating the earth and all this crazy hippie nonsense. She went off on this poor kid for like 5 minutes. She was still at the cashiers stand when I was asked if I wanted paper or plastic so I looked straight at her and said that I wanted triple plastic. I really thought she was about to blow up.

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