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CM 99-22


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  • 5 months later...

I sucked on this on 09-Nov-03:

Limited 10

47 points

20 penalties - a combo mike/no-shoot

9.36 sec

HF = 2.8846

Then on 16-Nov-03, I sucked even worse!

Limited 10

43 points

30 penalties - three (3) mikes!

9.30 sec

HF = 1.3978

The first was a tiny error on one shot that cost me plenty. The second run just plain sucked!

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I went to a match Saturday, did not shoot as my gear isn't here yet. Just wanted to scope out the competition. This was the classifier they shot. Easy to for me to say, as I did not shoot, but I was underwhelmed with their performance on this classifier.

There were 2 Masters in Open and an M in L10. No M or GM runs this day. Fastest was a 17yr old Open Master, on his second try; 5.75 with a Mike and a hostage. Other Open Master shot a 6.46 with a hostage, and the L10 Master shot 6.56 down 11. The first pass was won by a SENIOR, Limited shooter, 6.96 down 2, he is B class.

It just amazed me to see them fold one after the other. They recognized it as a classifier with a HHF and folded like a cheap suit. The 17 yr old could hump on regular stages. Saw him run a 32 round field course in 11.04, down 7, but no body had the gas on the classifier.

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In the context of a match, this course is merely a land mine to avoid stepping on. Just get your Alphas and stay out of the black and white, no matter how long it takes you. Even if your competition burns it down and takes the stage win and all 60 match points, you're still going to walk out of there at most 5-10 points down. There are bigger fish to fry.

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You say it isn't uncommon. Is it that they just choke cause it is a classifier or are they not smart enough to cut it back a notch to avoid the NS's and they get on with the rest of the match.

I know that stage was a low match points stage, but you'd think that of three Master shooters, one of them could toe the line without wetting his pants during his run, and put up a number worthy of the M card they hold.


You say there are bigger fish to fry. What bigger fish, isn't every stage a complete match unto itself? If you aren't a GM, aren't you trying to smoke every classifier you can so you can move UP; I mean, that is the idea, huh?

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Obviously I wasn't there and don't know these guys, so I don't know if this was the reason or not. But as has been talked about on here before, many of the classifers (this is one of them) the HHF's are so high that you have to shoot outside your comfort level if you're going to get a good score. That may have been what they were doing (or not).

Our classifers are so old and have been shot so many times, especially the easy ones to set up. That I think it is nearly impossible even for a master to step up cold and shoot a M or GM score. I know for me anyway, to shoot classifers good enough to move me up in class I feel I have to shoot on the ragged edge or maybe a little beyond it. 98-110% of my ability. Vs. a major match for example where I probably shoot 90-95%.

If you look at the classifers, the easier they are to set up the higher the HHF is relative to the stage. That is just a product of the fact they have been shot many more times because they are easy to set up.

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I understand what you are saying.

It is my understanding that the purpose of the classifiers and the flagging system, put in place by the USPSA, is to place a shooter in a certain classification which allows them to shoot within their range of ability MOST of the time. Maybe I caught these guys on a bad day, a bad classifier, or they viewed it as a non issue 'cause they already have the M card. I don't know. Maybe my expectations were too high. After reading the times and scores from many members of this forum, I surely expected at least a run in the mid to low 5's down about 4 or 5. Even the 17 yr old Master told me he had run the El Prez in 4.22.

Maybe this ties in with another of my posts about the HHF being too high for most shooters to move up when they have to shoot that classifier. Maybe USPSA should rotate the avaliable classifers to avoid shooters practicing only the classifiers so that they can move up in class without having the real skills to shoot to that advanced classification. Kind of class elitism, or reverse sandbagging; holding an M card and only shooting mid A scores on everything other than classifiers...

Interesting, but disappointing in some regards.

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  • 2 months later...

Once again proving that screwing up a classifier is even easier than screwing up the rest of the match :wacko:

Jones, Kevin U Open 47 20 7.99 3.3792

One shot a little off and hitting the bright white card that seems to draw my shots. I suppose I would have been better of firing another shot (assuming that I could get that one in the brown!) since I knew I'd done it and I'd be 5 points better off (procedural plus hit vs miss plus 0), as someone else did, but I only think that way later!

One day, I'll shoot a decent classifier ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well add me to the list of guys who folded like a cheap suit. Balls to the wall hopers from the get go. Ended up with Alphas (out house luck) until I shot the hard cover (what I deserved). Time was 5.2 seconds...woulda, coulda, shoulda been 100 per cent but it looks like I'll settle for a hf of 8.6538. I am not worthy of the card I hold.

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  • 1 month later...

Nuevo? Hardly... But what do I know, I took French not Spanish...

I did a 4.7 secs. last Sat. but had a non-penalty Mike (aka "D"), and three Cs for 54pt (HF=11.48). That's if I'm remembering right. We'll see in a week or so when it posts. I'm with Smitty in the dropping points category but to break 5 secs. on this one it's pretty hard to give up the splits to confirm an A over a C on T2 & T3. T3 is especially tough to not pull the second shot into the no-shoot if shooting sub. .20s. IMHO, "center-of-mass" aiming is tough to get the points that you need these days. If you queried most of the big dogs, I bet they are aiming at the edge of the largest available A-zone. That way, hopefully the worst you'll end up with is an A-C.

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