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2008 Ft Benning 3 Gun

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Whats the story with all the DQ's?

Two of them were on my squad. The CRO decided to start the squad ahead of the scheduled time while 25% of the squad was still at the vendor area, where the MD told us to go. We showed up 15 minutes before we were supposed to get there, just in time for the first shooter. We weren't afforded a walk through, or even the ability to walk the stage. One shooter broke the 180 engaging a target from a port where you could see the target but it was behind the line, something that could have been avoided if he had walked through. The other shooter AD'd over the berm, I think while reloading, not really a walkthrough issue, but I know he was rushed and didn't have a game plan. And yes, the RM and CRO are well aware of my feelings on this, I'm not springing it on them on an internet forum.

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Whats the story with all the DQ's?

Two of them were on my squad. The CRO decided to start the squad ahead of the scheduled time while 25% of the squad was still at the vendor area, where the MD told us to go. We showed up 15 minutes before we were supposed to get there, just in time for the first shooter. We weren't afforded a walk through, or even the ability to walk the stage. One shooter broke the 180 engaging a target from a port where you could see the target but it was behind the line, something that could have been avoided if he had walked through. The other shooter AD'd over the berm, I think while reloading, not really a walkthrough issue, but I know he was rushed and didn't have a game plan. And yes, the RM and CRO are well aware of my feelings on this, I'm not springing it on them on an internet forum.

That is a real shame. Wait all year for a match and then get rushed to save 5 min. and get a DQ. :(

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Whats the story with all the DQ's?

No pattern.

Different stages.

Different offenses:

Breaking the 180, round going off while unloading & show clear, dropped loaded firearms, weapons not left on safe, weapons discharging when being placed in 'transition' barrels or buckets, etc.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2008 Ft Benning 3 Gun Statistican

I'm one of the guys who DQ'd MYSELF. I failed to ensure that I placed the AK in the barrel properly and it fell out on the ground. It wasn't because the barrel was too small or anything else that could have been done differently from a setup perspective. My opinion is that the AMU team took all of last years issues and resolved them. It was a complete lack of attention to detail on my part. I truly believe that was the goal for this years match with the new style of scoring method. FOCUS. ATTENTION TO DETAIL.

I have nothing but respect for ALL of the people who were a part of this match from Linda, Sandra, Robbie, Daniel, Lee, all of the other Army soldiers from the top down and the RO's themselves. I don't know all of your names but this applies to all of you. As for my DQ'ing, the guys on the stage, Daniel's dad, SFC Delohery, Daniel and Robbie couldn't have been more genuine in the way they handled it. I'll assure you that made a BIG difference in the way I handled it.

This was a fun, well run match for the most part. I do believe that there needs to be a little more focus on keeping the squads that are NOT shooting off of the range. We had a squad that wasn't set to shoot for another hour start walking the stage as we were receiving our stage briefing. Therefore not all of our group was able to do a walk through in the limited time available. This was common as the squads piled up at each stage. This was brought to the RO's attention and we (the actual squad set to shoot) were given one walk through each prior to shooting the stage. Not really a huge deal because this is an issue with an easy fix.

One last thanks to the AMU, all of the sponsors who support this sport and the people who so willingly donate their time to make this happen.

By the way, the coin was the coolest idea that I've ever seen.


Bryan Reid

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Well, like you Bryan, I'm sitting at home typing on the computer and not shooting on Sunday morning. I left the range, with my tail between my legs, on my very first stage because I popped the safety off my STI when I threw it in the box on Stage 6. Shame on me because the shooter just before me did the same thing! After only firing about 20 rounds it was a long 12-hour trip back home. You could not have put it more eloquently! What an amazing group of individuals that went above and beyond to make this event happen. It was an honor to meet the AMU group and I will always treasure the coin.


Thank you for every thing. It was great to finally meet you and your staff. You were spot on with the Currents(very giving). Maybe next year I will finish the match!

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I might have missed something but whats with scoring ?? If I'm reading it correctly, a lot

of stages have points greater then 100, 125, 150, is that for bonuses or did stages have different point values

depending on difficulty ?? :unsure:

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I might have missed something but whats with scoring ?? If I'm reading it correctly, a lot

of stages have points greater then 100, 125, 150, is that for bonuses or did stages have different point values

depending on difficulty ?? :unsure:

This is a modified version of IMG scoring (kind of a mix of IMG, IDPA & USPSA) which a lot of folks on this forum have been calling "Horner scoring."

Time plus miss or proceduaral penalties like IDPA or IMG, and plus penalties for lack of accuracy (C or D hits) like USPSA.

Fixed number of points per stage (like IMG) but weighted to the number of weapons used on the stage - ( one gun = 100 points, two guns = 125 points & 3 guns = 150 points). Lowest time after penalties wins the stage (like IDPA or IMG) & gets all the points (like IMG or USPSA). Other shooters are hit factored based on the top shooter in their division for that stage (like USPSA) and get a percentage of total points available.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2008 Ft Benning 3 Gun Statistican

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any pics and/or vids for those of us who coulen't attend???

Yeah, actually, I'd love to see some video of stage 7, because I never got to go down into the trench. . . and I got to listen to shooters go on & on about it for 3 days.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2008 Ft Benning 3 Gun Statistican

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Thread shift!

The 2008 match is now history and in a word it ROCKED! In every regard practice made perfect. No body and I mean NO BODY does what Aaron Hampton and his Army Marksmanship Unit does. If you liked the pond with the dock last year, only AMU would or could or improve on that and install trenches. Sure we missed the sniper tower but the long range stage improved in every regard from last year. Now if we could only shoot a 50 cal next year at least I would be in heaven.

When was the last time you got to rub elbows with an olympic gold metal winner or actually have such a person wait on you? This match also gets the food of the year award and once again proved that Santa can come early with so much treasure that it was actually falling off the prize table.

A big reason for the success of this match was revealed at the awards. Aaron Hampton made sure each sponsor was recognized loud and long and in such a fashion as to make anyone who attended the match who owned a business desire to sign up to sponsor next year.

Perhaps the most meaningful comments to the shooters came from another member of the AMU whose name I can not immediately recall when he thanked all that helped make the match such a success. But he did not stop there. He thanked the competitors in a most unique way by saying that he was proud to serve Americans just like all of the individuals who attended the match and that knowing us made him more motivated to serve his country. Never have I felt so proud to be a shooter, in the company of shooters and so appreciated at any match. Had I not received a prize, hearing those words would have been prize enough.

To all the fine folks on squad one, thank you for a wonderful experience. Congradulations to Larry Houck who despite having to squad with a bunch of misfits like me managed to pull out a win in Trooper Class. To all of those at the AMU, Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!

Charles Bond

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any pics and/or vids for those of us who coulen't attend???

Yeah, actually, I'd love to see some video of stage 7, because I never got to go down into the trench. . . and I got to listen to shooters go on & on about it for 3 days.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2008 Ft Benning 3 Gun Statistican

No kidding. I wish I would not have forgotten my video camera. To get video of all the stages, (especially 7 down in the trenches), the striker ride, full auto sidematch, getting to shoot a 203 and full auto AK, vendors, lots of fun and laughs and great people, shooters, ROs and soldiers, that would have been cool.

We need a side thread so everybody can post links to their video and/or pics. Heck, lets compile everybodies and get it all edited to about 1 hr and throw some good music behind it, I'd buy one.

I agree, the coin and story behind them was a vey cool thing to recieve. Better have ya'lls ready when I see ya again. :cheers:

And thanks again to Linda and everyone who made this happen. I felt like I won the lottery to have been on the waiting list since may and find out Wed before the match that I got in. It was my first Benning, but not my last.

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Well.....another awesome Fort Benning 3 Gun Challenge is behind us and I can not wait until next year already.

I want to extend a sincere Thank You to all who made this match possible again this year. Lt. Col Muggeo,Sgt. Major Fuller,Aaron Hampton,Linda Chico and the scoring staff,The entire AMU,all the sponsors,and any one else I may have missed. Robbie did an absolute fantastic job as Rangemaster. Stages were awesome and challenging once again. The Army just continues to raise the bar and stomps the status quo.

The theme of this years match was heartfelt. I almost shed a tear every time the declaration for each stage was read.

I can't think of a better token for the match than the challenge coins. That was awesome.

Congrats to all the winners! :cheers: And to my squadmates on squad 6......what a great time.

DQ's are always unfortunate. We had 3 on our squad. Two of which were back to back on their first stage of the first day. I sincerely hated to see any of those shooters end their awesome time that they waited all year for.

As for the new scoring system....I had no problems with it. I heard plenty of displeasure about it. After speaking at length with Steffan Wiggins....I would like to propose the Wiggins method of scoring. One A or B hit on target,two hits anywhere or three rounds just fired at the target in rapid succession to neutralize. :D

The prize table this year was one of the best yet. I would have liked to have had the runner up T-Shirt that Hamp spoke of.

I'll have a video up of stage 5 and 6 in a few. Trying to get them uploaded to YouTube now.


Edited by 00bullitt
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What an Awesome match!!!! Linda and her team did an excellent job. The AMU guys were absolutely some of the best hosts that I have ever had the pleasure to spend time with and the courses of fire...Amazing! I have been shooting USPSA for about 4 years but this was only my 3rd 3-gun match and I enjoyed this more than ANY match I have ever shot. The course kicked my butt as I sort of expected it might but shooting such a great match with good friends was an awesome experience no matter where I finished.

Thanks for a great match and a great weekend!!!

I will see you next year!!!!


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THANKS TO ALL those involved with making this match happen AGAIN!!! To0 many names to list but we APPRECIATE what everyone on the Marksmanship unit and the US ARMY does an a daily basis....

I do not see it posible to TOP THE CHALLENGE COIN we received this year....




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What a match! My thanks to all who worked so hard to make it work. What professionalism!

The stages were great. Challenging while fun. (I think my favorite was "the trench" with 6 running a close second) It was obvious that a LOT of thought went into each and every one.

The coin will be cherished. What a cool idea.

Thanks to all the sponsors! Your support for Aaron, Robbie, and their team show us how much respect and trust you have in them.

And, a special THANK YOU! to each and every service man or woman serving this great country that we all love so much. It brought a tear of pride to look at all those young faces that have been or could be put at great risk to protect OUR freedoms.


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Here is a video of Erik Lund on stage 5. This was a stage winning run and one of the cool prop stages where we shot the M203 Grenade Launcher.

This is me (Tod Litt) running stage 6. Stage 6 was the stage with the AK47 shot after climbing out of the Tiki hut.

Another of me on stage 4...the dreaded moving bridge stage.

This is Rob Romero on stage 3. Several of us found out that Benellis are very cold natured.

ETA: another vid and to fix a link

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Another Unbelievable match for the record books, shooting 203 trainer, AK full auto, riding in striker, bailing out of Bradley, and then there was the shooting of great stages and days of hanging with good friends and meeting new ones. As everyone has said and need to continue too, THANKS to all the AMU staff, ranger support, base support, stats magicians, RO's, and Sponsors. There is a reason this match fills so fast and it was illustrated in the stages, efforts and results of this match. It was fantastic to see so many old faces and the new ones that got in.

Challenge coin is way cool and goes in with a distinguished group of others I have, knives were cool last year too, shirts were best yet

I liked the trench better than the boat so don't fill it in just yet, but you can burn the bridge

Thanks again to all it was great and look forward to seeing all the pics


ps: afterthought why was stage one not factored to 100 points as the other single gun stages based on the new scoring system?

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I liked the trench better than the boat so don't fill it in just yet, but you can burn the bridge

Aaron told me that he was going to do just that-burn the bridge which may have been the only match mistake. All of us who had been to all three matches would have likely engaged in quite a bidding war to do just that! Aaron, if you are tuning in keep the bridge until next year and run a raffle with the winner being entitled to set fire to the thing.

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Yep, if the FB3G match staff is looking for a way to raise some extra cash, I'd recommend the following as great producers: shoot the trench stage again for $15; do it in the dark with a surefire for $20; shoot the stages that had lights, under the lights after dark for $15; drive the stryker for $25, put 8 "friends" in the back for additional $50; and raffle chances to torch the bridge. Could probably sell those at $50 a pop easy. Challenge coin was super cool, but so was the knife last year as well. Awesome match as usual. BTW, I have Benelli M2 and STI Eagle 9mm paperweights I'll let go cheap. <_<

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This was a helluva match. I shot Trooper class this year and had a blast. The MRE for lunch was cool. I liked the Enchilda MRE I had. Thanks to all the AMU guys and everyone else who made this a GREAT match. Having a 2 time gold Medal Olympian set targets for you is not something I would have ever thought about, but all of the world class shooters in the AMU who helped run this match were top notch. The whole AMU unit rules. What other match have you heard of that has on site gunsmiths who fix guns during the match for FREE? I've never heard of another match that does that.

My personal favorite stages were 6,7,&8, which I shot on the Sunday. I think I liked 8 the best. I like the long range shooting challenge. Next year I vote for shooting from the top of the tower at the back of the range we used. THAT would be cool. My wish list for props next year includes a Mk19 and an M249/Mk46 Mod 0 :devil: .

The reading of the MOH citations and the dedications of each stage to thos MOH recipients was a great touch. Humbling, to say the least. I don't know how he sustained his injury, but one of the AMU guys that helped out was on crutches. He was on crutches because he had lost his right leg somehow. I was very impressed by his attitude and his willingness to serve. I cannot say enough about the AMU crew. They are definitely a credit to our country and our military.

Once again, this was the best match of the year, IMHO. The problems they had last year were non-existant and it was an extremely well run match. Thanks to Linda and the stats crew for their work and to all the ROs and non-AMU staff for their hard work. Last year, one of the causes which led to the backed up stages was the shooters themselves not helping in setting steal, etc. This year, I saw several ROs get on squads who weren't helping out. Thanks. That can be a thankless job, so thanks, I appreciate it.

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The thought and history and meaning that went into the presentation of the Challenge Coin at this match is the most powerful gift of (Inclusion) I have ever received. The Story that Mr Hampton told about the history of the Challenge Coin And the way the coin was presented by a handshake from a fine young man serving his country.

And that this coin, - This Coin - represented the four years of hard work and commodore building the match to what it is today. That story told so well it made me feel a bit unworthy as a first timer 3 gunner to receive a coin

I was on the outskirts of the main group, hesitant to approach the line of competitors, very much wanting to enter the group and looking on, much like a hungry man with no money would look on the entrance to a café. When a young man in uniform with the eyes more matured than my own approached me with an open handshake and presented me with a coin. I would have said more than Thank You to that young man, but words would not come.

The stage I liked the most was stage 8 :blush: I sure would like a second <_< or third chance at that stage.

Timing out is no fun, but I like the stage.

I do have some video of the trench on stage 7 and I will post as soon as I can get it out of the camera.

<_< I have never been so confused at a prize table before, and I even had a coach to help me. I felt like the youngest shark in a frenzy hearing the words ...!Bite Something!

Thanks again


Edit note Tuesday.= I do not have video of the smoke filled trench 0n stage 7 :blush: it was so smokey and dark that I did not know the lenz cap was on the camera when I ran through. :blush:

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Well...finally home. Got to see "good ol' Ft. Benning again". Met some old friends, old BE.com friends, made some new friends and had one LONG freakin' weekend.

Thursday: Got to Oakland, with no issues, checked the bags in and didn't pay an extra bag fee (I think they just wanted all the guns out of there!). Hopalong picked me up and we were on our way. And that's where it went downhill...quick. ;) Lost the transmission on our car and luckily the fiance insists on AAA. Got the car towed (after sitting on the highway for about 2 hours) to the hotel (about 30 miles) for free, so no issues there. "Checked in" to find out our reservation was moved to another hotel. No problem since they were offering a cab. Got a sweet room thanks to Ms. Kitty's credit card (she got paid back) and got our heads to a bed around 10 with itento to the rescue in letting us bum a ride all weekend.

Friday: Shot the entire match in one day. Had a great squad, especially my RO mates and the guys from Sabre Defence. Fell in the drain on some of the stages, rocked other ones, got screwed on one, and learned that PMAG's aren't 100% reliable (by a LONG shot) and Benelli's don't like it cold. Basically shot the worst 3-Gun match of my life, but given the amount of preparation, I can't complain too much. And, couldn't get a hold of a rental car company. Listening to itento and bluemax arguing about who runs the GPS is probably the funniest conversation I've heard in years!

Saturday: RO'ing Stage 4 was interesting. More than a few "personalities" showing up to an obstacle that really couldn't be negotiated in a "right" way. You either were stable or you weren't, so quit gettin' on the bridge and just shoot the stage! Why is it that folks from other squads ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS get in the way of the squad that's on the stage shooting? Pretty sure they wouldn't like it. Then there was the whining, but again...I digress. Our Army crew was awesome. SFC Upptegraft, SSG Ayala and SGT McPhail are all some of the top International Rifle shooters in the world and showed us that on Sunday afternoon, when we let them shoot from the bridge and they shot the stage in the low 90's with our guns. A certain service academy's shooters 'caused a HUGE backup, but we got it rectified by lunch and while we all scarfed our lunches down, we did finish the day about 15-20 minutes early.

Sunday: Final day of RO'ing. Minor admin error caused us to shuffle, but the shooters were great and took it in stride as we mixed two squads and got them all back on track and on schedule (actually ahead of schedule). One DQ the day before (that was a whole other funny story) and one DQ today. No rhyme or reason on either. Both took it in stride. Finished the day and had fun just BS'ing with friends. Still couldn't get a hold of a rental car company and "hung out" (see sat stranded) at the range for about another 2 hours waiting for a long shot of ride. Well...the ride showed up at 715/730pm and I got dropped off at my hotel around 9:30pm (thank goodness for time zones). Got a decent nap last night and no issues coming home today (God I love Southwest Airlines!!!).


- First time shooting under the Horner scoring method and I do like it but am torn between it and just standard time plus (unfactored).

- When you show up to a stage, have your gear ready. Don't load mags as you're going to the line and I don't care where you go to school.

- Match staff was AWESOME. My only suggestion is to start shooting earlier, have either water on the stages or have a regular water runner for the RO's. Yeah...it was cold, but you still need to stay hydrated.

RO Issues:

- If you're not shooting, stay off the damn stage!

- If you get a procedural, take it like a grown up.

- If you see tape, pick it up and use it. If you don't, and it's not an all steel stage, find some and use it!

All in all, it was a solid match. My first FB3G and not my last. The stages were great as it was....a shooting competition. How novel. Stage designers take note of these and Area 2. Found my hotel for FB3G from now on. Lastly, always have a travel backup plan. Can't wait 'til our next match hop. Just had to cool off from last night was all. :D

BTW...for those that don't know...the prize table is incredible.


ETA: Missed you Benny!

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