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Having to DQ My Wife

Gregg K

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At a match yesterday my wife went to take off from a barricade and tripped on one of the legs sticking out from the barricade. She did a header into sharp gravel and bruised her knee and hand. The gun went sliding in the gravel. I helped her up and asked if she was OK then I recovered the gun, that was aiming downrange, cleared her gun told her to holster and that she was DQ'd. Sorry honey, I love you but you dropped a loaded gun. Boy did that suck having to do that.

My badge of Impartiality is shinning bright, maybe I can use its light to find the couch. :lol:

She took it well and scored for the rest of the match. We need some legless barricades at that club for sure.

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It would be most unplesant to DQ any one much less your wife.

My wife and I never RO or score each other to avoid any chance or question of impartial treatment.

I DQed at our last match....First time ever in 20+ years of shooting <_<

It was a good friend who called it...and I earned it...broke 180 :blink:

Hope your Wife is ok!


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That does suck. Fortunately for you it was a clear cut DQ and you both know it. She shouldn't condemn you to the couch for that. If she does it would likely be from embarassment rather than real anger. :)

At the very least it should be a short time. Maybe just nap time rather than bed time.

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At the very least it should be a short time. Maybe just nap time rather than bed time.

She had a good comeback for one of the guys that said that I would be sleeping on the couch. She said that she had already been punished enough and would not kick me out. She really was a good sport about it. Her pride was hurt but she said maybe it was for a reason. She shot first and we had a lot of new shooters that were a little old and watching her take a dive may have slowed one of them down that would have really got hurt. The match director at the same club broke 3 ribs when he tripped on a barracade leg a few months ago.

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I have never had to DQ anyone (much less my wife) but in an IDPA match a few months ago I agreed with the RO that she should receive a cover penalty and that made for a REALLY long trip back home. :unsure:

The match director at the same club broke 3 ribs when he tripped on a barracade leg a few months ago.

You folks really need those legless barricades soon! :surprise:

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At the very least it should be a short time. Maybe just nap time rather than bed time.

The match director at the same club broke 3 ribs when he tripped on a barracade leg a few months ago.

Sounds like you should REALLY come up with redesigned barriers. I'm sure some of the folks on here could send you pic's of their barricade designs if you need them. Guns going down range and someone breaking ribs needs to addressed before something catastrophic happens!!

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My wife and I never RO or score each other ...


While I am usually good friends with the majority of the folks that I shoot with, they usually know when they have messed up and stop themselves before the RO has the opportunity to stop them. I make it habit to hand off the timer before my son shoots, not because of favoritism or impartiality, because I do not want him to assume that I am being harder on him than I would on any other shooter, or to think that I would let him "get away" with anything that I might call another shooter on. Having an "unrelated" as the RO will make it more like a major match for him and save me the personal strife.

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I've had quite a few shooters D.Q. themselves while I was R.O.ing them and I've D.Q.ed myself while friends were R.O.ing me. It sucks every time. I even had a friend D.Q. herself yesterday by breaking the 180. The only part that made me feel bad about the whole issue was having to call a D.Q. on a friend for breaking the 180 on a stage that I had earlier expressed 180 trap concerns about.

My wife is contemplating getting into this IPSC thing and if she does and she D.Q.'s while I'm R.O.ing her I'll sure as heck call it and visa/versa. Safety is first and bruising a friendship/relationship a little to make sure noone gets hurt or killed is worth it in my book. Besides, a true friend would understand.

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My wife and I never RO or score each other to avoid any chance or question of impartial treatment.

I would have liked to hand off the timer to another SO except this was an out of town club that was short on SO's and I was asked to run the squad and there was not another SO to be had. When she scores me she is extra hard on me so that no one thinks that there is any favoritism. It's good for me because if I can get through her everyone else will be easy in comparison. :D

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Been there...done that...got the t-shirt AND the trophy!!!

Three years ago, I bought my wife a new S_I open gun...all decked-out complete with a 1.75lb trigger. She went right to the match without first practicing with it (my fault for not pushing her to do so). Anyway...you guessed it...Beep goes off, and after she loads (table start...unloaded), gun goes BANG, and sends one into the overhead baffle boards. She is visibly shaken, and looks to me. I give her UASC, and get her holstered. She knows what is next, and a silence falls over the gallery (as it usually does with a DQ), and I hear through my electronic ears, a guy saying in a whispered voice to another shooter: "Did that sonofabitch just DQ his wife?" To which the other guy replied "Yep...sucks to be him.". My wife understands that safety is paramount (she is a CRO herself), and took it in stride helping to paste and reset the rest of the day. It is not a bad thing to RO your kids or significant other as long as you tell them UP FRONT before taking up shooting USPSA, that we are all about SAFETY, and that it must NEVER be compromised. It just means that you need to look at the bigger picture and realize that it is more important that we all go home to our families safe rather that worrying about bruising someones fragile ego. It is not about being a harda$$, but rather about maintaing the safety record and integrity of our sport.

DVC ;)

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The bottom line is we all are going to DQ at one point or another... it would suck having to do it to the sig-other.

I'm glad nobody was seriously hurt... Get some legless barricades, and in the mean time, include a reminder to everyone on stages where they are used.

Edited by JThompson
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David LOVES telling his DQ me story - he swears he wasn't sure which was worse, watching his wife hit gravel or watching his beloved limited gun hit gravel (and slide!) Thankfully, he did ask me if I was okay as he was going for his gun ;)

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David LOVES telling his DQ me story - he swears he wasn't sure which was worse, watching his wife hit gravel or watching his beloved limited gun hit gravel (and slide!) Thankfully, he did ask me if I was okay as he was going for his gun ;)

That was the first time she shot my gun in a match. I asked her if there was something about my gun that she didn't like and she said, no why? I said well you threw in the gravel so I thought there was something you didn't like about it. :lol:

I did check on her first to make sure that she was OK. As the saying goes " I was born at night but not last night". :goof:

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DQing your wife is rough!!! I had to do it to my eight year old for the first time a couple of months ago. I felt pretty bad, but he got over it pretty fast...it is amazing what ice cream can do!!!


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My wife does not shoot but my daughter does. In my club family does not shoot in the same detail period. I have gotten my first DQ but Luanè not. As things stand now I will hopefully never get to DQ her and that is a good thing.(Teenagers are so unforgiving). She is a young RO at 14 and will RO me at the coming Nationals this weekend. Because she is so young she will be assisting and just doing the scoring. Still quite a responsibility for such a young person but I believe that she is up to it.

I would not be happy shooting around barricades that have been known to trip competitors. To my mind it is a unsafe condition that needs to be rectified before someone gets seriously injured or killed. The media takes childlike delight in reporting around incidents around shooting that could place us in a bad light. 180 Traps are one of my pet hates and I have learned the hard way that if you bitch and moan enough about it something gets done. If you keep quiet nothing will be done. The once I did not have the guts to press through with my concerns I got to bleed because of it. At our upcoming Nationals the one range where the 180 rule might be a problem the 180 is clearly marked on the range and competitors are warned. The idea is not to trap competitors but to make sure everyone is forewarned. Our sport is about enjoyment and safety and not about seeing how many people you can send home early.

Because of the barricades history for tripping people I gave it a good amount of thought but I had to concur, a DQ was warranted but to me it was not a foregone conclusion. I had to think about it a good bit. I know about a case where a piece of range equipment malfunctioned and knocked a gun out of a competitors hand. The end result was that he got himself a re shoot. Tripping over a barricade leg is IMHO not the same though but knowing about previous injuries at the barricade make me sympathetic to the competitor since it clearly demonstrates a problem, not enough of a problem to prevent a DQ though.

I firmly believe that the RO does not DQ a shooter, the Competitor does that all by him/her self.

Edited by Johann the Horrible
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DQing your wife is rough!!! I had to do it to my eight year old for the first time a couple of months ago. I felt pretty bad, but he got over it pretty fast...it is amazing what ice cream can do!!!


Oh, no! That is bad behavioral training for an eight year old! He will continue to get DQ's! He knows now what to expect next!

-And he won't get those really those nasty 180's, but 'accidently' trip, and kind of carefully, or as it says in the rules, 'firmly' put the gun on the ground! :lol::lol::devil::lol:

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DQing your wife is rough!!! I had to do it to my eight year old for the first time a couple of months ago. I felt pretty bad, but he got over it pretty fast...it is amazing what ice cream can do!!!


Oh, no! That is bad behavioral training for an eight year old! He will continue to get DQ's! He knows now what to expect next!

-And he won't get those really those nasty 180's, but 'accidently' trip, and kind of carefully, or as it says in the rules, 'firmly' put the gun on the ground! :lol::lol::devil::lol:

You are probably right!!! Eight years old and he is already smarter than his dad. The next ten years are going to be LOOOOOONG.


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I understand all feelings but agree that nobody gets DQ'ed. They earn it or DQ themselves. The RO just delivers the message. Don't kill the messenger!

That's the real fact of the matter.

But another good one - a group of myself and 3 buddies drove up to a match. Two of them are ROs and we all squad together. One has to DQ the guy who drove all of us to the match for over running a target and breaking the 180. We gave both of them a hard time, but it was all taken in stride. I think it was harder for the RO to give the DQ than the shooter to accept it.


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I saw a guy get DQ'd on the second stage of a 3 gun down in Elko, NV one time. He got pretty ignorant and he tried talking his two buddies into leaving and driving back to Utah. They said heck no so he put on his CamelBak and RAN back to the hotel which was about 10 miles from the range. We were all laughing our a$$'s off. His buddies actually turned out to be pretty good guys. STILL MAKES ME LAUGH!!!!


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I never RO my wife and I certainly don't want her scoring me. I'm glad your wife wasn't more seriously hurt, Gregg.

Gary J.

David and I have the opposite view - I trust him more than any other person on earth - so why wouldn't I want him to be in charge of the safety of myself and others in, what could be, a fairly dangerous situation? There are many times I have ASKED him to take over as RO the shooter before me because I didn't trust the person with the clock.

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