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Mr. Anderson.........

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Red pill or blue pill?

I took the red pill. I generally liked Reloaded, except the first 45 minutes. The dance/orgy/rave at Zion was lame. I hope Zion has more to offer than that or most people will want to stay in the Matrix. The action scenes were cool especially the car chase sequence. I think that Hugo Weaving really steals the show as Agent Smith. The debates on control/free will and destiny/choice are a cut above most action movies. The machinations of the Architect and the ultimate purpose of the One did come as a surprise but I was not surprised at all at Neo's choice.

It is interesting that fear of technology drives so many sci-fi blockbusters. The Matrix and Terminator films are so similiar in their view that the machines we create will eventually gain awareness, that they will be hostile, and that they will be more powerful but the puny humans will triumph due to our spunk, creativity, and emotions, particularly love and compassion. See what Open class will do to us! Stay in Limited and save humanity!

Finally I'm very jealous of my wife. We're both trial attorneys and the day after we saw Reloaded, she had a trial in which a witness was named you guessed it .... "Mr. Anderson." Every question began with a dead pan "Mr. Anderson." She told me she could hardly keep from cracking up in Court.

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Absolutely loved it! Saw it last Sunday. I have many questions and will probably have to see it again to catch some more of the dialog. The Albino's rocked! Zion was totally cool, except for the rave/sex scene, it was lame and added totally nothing to the film. Seemed like it lasted 15 minutes, although it was probably more like 4 or 5.

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"Overdone" I think they tried to put to much in it and made watching it tedious. The effects and fights scenes were very good. Many pointless scenes and dialog. If you are going to make an eye candy movie, at least keep the pace up.

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It's made being an Anderson even better than alphabetical order.

All my employees address me as... "Mr. Anderson" :)


Glock 18, full auto strong hand oly of the back of a semi.

smg with c-more

Berettas galore

one sw99

not as much gunplay, as the matrix powers have made bullets fairly irrelevant.

I loved it, going again son.

Has anybody figured out why neo has powers in the real world? (stopping the robots)

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"Its like wiping your a$$ with silk"

I very much enjoyed the movie!! I saw again last night and now I really can't wait for Revolutions!!!

While the Zion scene was fairly long, it did serve to show the link between Neo, Trinity and the rest of humanity which will hopefully save them all.

Very interesting theories popping through the rattle trap I call a brain right now. Too spoiler rich to discuss though!!

Not enough gun play, but is there ever really enough?


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As to Neo and Robots... perhaps Neo has gone 802.11b .. wireless =)

Actually, I think as Smith was able to imprint himself on Bane, Neo carries part of the Matrix with him. The machines are all connected to the Matrix and so is Neo giving him the same element of control outside the digital realm of the matrix. The question is, why did it tax him so?


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Has anybody figured out why neo has powers in the real world? (stopping the robots)

LOL...I haven't seen the movie yet. But...isn't it obvious...expecially on Brian's Forum???

Neo is aware. He has left behind the trappings and limitations of the mind.

It just is.


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That seals it. I'm NOT the one, after all. (my wife was right) :)

Flex and I have discussed before the similiarities of the matrix and shooting, there are parallels.

I also confess I have used some matrix visualization at matches.

The scene in the first one where Neo gets shot at the end, then exhales and is "regenerated" is good for me before a stage as a tension reducer.


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The SMG looked like the H&K UMP, I was hopeing for more gun play but the fight scenes made up for it. A few questions, if Neo is supposed to be the the key piece to the existence of the Matrix, why are the agents trying to kill him? How can the next cycle end when there isn't a key master to let the new "One" into the source?

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Hugo Weaving is a wonderful actor. Check him out in a little Aussie film called The Interview. Weaving won his second Best Actor award from the Australian Film Institute - the Australian equivalent of winning a Best Actor Oscar - for his work in that film.

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I liked parts of it, especially the reality debates, but in general thought it drug and was too cheesy. The love and disco scenes could go altogether. It was nothing compared to X2!


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My question is if we are living in the Matrix, why would The Matrix allow a movie to be made about The Matrix making all of us aware of The Matrix???

Generally liked Reloaded - love the fact that there are so many questions left unanswered ie why does Neo have powers in the real world, what is the role of "The One", what the hell is going to happen to Mr. Smith etc. etc. I don't think we know the whole story (as the producers see it) yet. That's classic - the movie set will go down in history.

I really enjoyed the first one - it was absolutely awesome. Second could have been better but I have to admit - for a sequel it was rock solid (OK BE - it ain't X2 - but what is?).

And is it me or is Trinity hot?


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And is it me or is Trinity hot?

Trinity is way hot! :wub:

I haven't even seen the movie yet (just the original), and I know that Trinity is hot! I even have her original action figures (1:6 scale), both "in" the Matrix and "out."

Wait . . . I probably should not have admitted that. :unsure:



No, I definitely should have kept that to myself! :rolleyes:

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I saw it yesterday and I really liked it. I have an opinion about Neo that you may not want to read if you haven't seen the movie yet. Hell you may not want to read it anyway :D

Someone else suggested that Neo was still in a version of the Matrix when he defeated the robots. I agree. The spoon that he receives from the Oracle is a hint that this is so. This Matrix overlay would serve the purpose of containing rogue humans and programs both.


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They may have been in an "alternate" Matrix, but something is still a bit off - that is to say that there is still a lot more to the story.

If you haven't seen the movie - don't read anymore.

If during that scene Neo thought he was in the real world, he would have no inclination to try and utilize his "Matrix" powers. He say's "I can feel them" which he wouldn't be able to do right? The thing is, his mind set wouldn't have led him to contemplate such a feeling (because he "knew" he was in the real world and not the Matrix) - but he did, and he acted upon those feelings - hence he is still "The One" and there is more to come.

Neo will discover (if all this is true) that they are in an alternate Matrix, that the prodigy may still be true and that yes indeed - Trinity is hot.


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I saw it this afternoon and it was really good! Ordinarily I prefer more shootin' and less foitin' and less car chasin', but that big brawl that Neo has when he first encounters the new and improved Agent Smith was awesome.

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Ok, you guys want a transcript of the conversation between the Architect and Neo inside the mainframe? I can paste it in this thread if you want. Somehow it gives a hint of Zion being another Matrix to resolve the "problem" of "Choice". ;)

But...why in all the programs' advancement will a designer make a system with no hardware reset switch? Why let a program, one that you have no full control (Neo) at that, do the "upgrades" you made? :wacko:

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