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Citibank cancels CDNN account - for selling guns

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I don't know where else to post this, But I got this off another forum and I thought I would share this with you guys.

From www.nssf.org/news/fromBP.cfm?BPseq=704


REFUSES TO PROCESS TRANSACTIONS . . . Citi Merchant Services and First Data Corp. are refusing to process any credit card transactions between federally licensed firearms retailers, distributors and manufacturers -- a move which will severely limit available inventory of firearms and ammunition to military, law enforcement and law-abiding Americans.

The first company to be affected by this decision appears to be firearms distributor CDNN Sports Inc.

"We were contacted recently by First Data/Citi Merchant Services by a June Rivera-Mantilla stating that we were terminated and funds were being seized for selling firearms in a non-face-to-face transaction," said Charlie Crawford, president of CDNN Sports Inc. "Although perfectly legal, we were also informed that no transactions would be processed in the future, even for non-firearms. I find this very frightening."

To voice your concern to Citi Merchant Services and First Data Corp., please contact June Rivera-Mantilla at 631-683-7734 or her supervisor Robert Tenenbaum at 631-683-6570.

To change to an NSSF-affiliated credit card processing program, contact Payment Alliance International at 1-866-371-2273 (ext. 1131).



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We discussed with Mr. Crawford said termination due to the sale of firearms in a non face-to-face environment. Keep in mind that a violation of the Gun Control Act occurs when a gun offer online is sold to an individual in another State; the act prohibits selling a handgun to a resident of another state. Shipping across state lines is also banned, yet guns for sale online reach people across the country. We at Citi Merchant Service are unable to monitor or track adherence to these Gun Control Laws.

Wow. Somebody might want to let the BATFE know that the largest(?) online gun retailer has been breaking the law for a few years and thousands of guns have been sold illegally :rolleyes:

Before I read the article, I initially thought they were just being anti - but now I see they are just being ignorant. If you're going to blame laws and acts, you might want to read up on them a bit first. Their legal dept dropped the ball on that one.

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wow... :wacko: this is the industry I work in and I was unaware of this. I work hand in hand with engineers at First Data every day (FDR), and this never crossed my desk. I'll sniff around a bit and see what I can find out if anything.

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Their letter states what actions are illegal, violations of the Gun Control Act, but they stop short of accusing CDNN of any illegal acts. They instead indicate they are unable to track adherence to these Gun Control Laws.

This is not a case of a bank/credit card company limiting liability, otherwise they would not allow gasoline purchases. We are unable to ascertain the end purchaser is not building Molotov cocktails in their garage. They would not allow purchases at Walmart since they are unable to ascertain the end purchaser of that ski mask is not a carjacker. They would not allow grocery purchases since they are unable to ascertain the end purchase of all those fatty, sugary treats will not force these treats upon minors resulting in childhood obesity.

This is Citi's overt attempt to shut down the gun industry and hinder the legal purchase and possession of firearms by individuals.

I hope that word of Citi's actions gets spread far and wide and since we are unable to track the adherence to local, state, and Federal laws of their executive officers, we will not be able to do business with their sorry a$$.


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I had a citi card long ago and canceled it because they hosed some gun shop in AZ (or maybe it was Nevada). It was a NSSF alert then too. In other words, this isn't a new practice for them. After I canceled my card, I got a call three days later from Citi saying mea culpa and we restored services, please come back. Apparently enough people called and canceled that someone up the food chain in management had a change of heart (read that as got scared). Given their recent wall street trouble, I'm not sure this is the wisest corporate move.

My .02, if you have a citi-card or deal with them from the business side, call them and tell them exactly why you are canceling your account. Then go get yourself one of these or the one listed here....(if you must have a CC).

Edited by carinab
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Remember how certain members here were fanatical about bringing down Jim Zumbo after his comments about the AR? This situation described above would be a much better expenditure of that same level of energy to make things right. It's this kind of back door attack (also see micro-stamping, lead bullets killing California Condors, the ever increasing lead prices) that does way more harm to the gun community.


Edited by ExtremeShot
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Hey folks,

When you get those credit card apps in the mail from ShitiBank, be sure to send a copy of that CDNN letter with a cover letter explaining why you will not be accepting their offer. It is the least we can do since they are nice enough to include a SASE with the offer!



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What B.S.! "Unable to monitor or track adherence..." Since when did accountants start moonlighting as detectives? I'd bet CDNN could produce records proving transfer of firearms to FFLs in other states as required by law. How many of Citi's other customers could prove compliance with all applicable laws? I used to work for Citi...no love for them then either! I'll take extra care to make sure they don't inadvertently get one cent of my money.

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Remember how certain members here were fanatical about bringing down Jim Zumbo after his comments about the AR? This situation described above would be a much better expenditure of that same level of energy to make things right. It's this kind of back door attack (also see micro-stamping, lead bullets killing California Condors, the ever increasing lead prices) that does way more harm to the gun community.


Well put. If allowed to go unchallenged, this action by CITI could turn into a complete nightmare for our rights.

Imagine if other private companies used the excuse: "we cannot confirm your adherence to all gun control laws and terminate service on that basis."

Its time to stand up to CITI.

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I think I get about 2 offers a mo. from these slease balls trying to sign me on to one of thier cards. Each offer contains a postage paid envelope and a toll free ph# to respond to the offer. I think I will, in a polite way, start to use both. Enough folks join in on this effort could create a work load large enough to make them question the wisdom of this policy.---------Larry

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I think I get about 2 offers a mo. from these slease balls trying to sign me on to one of thier cards. Each offer contains a postage paid envelope and a toll free ph# to respond to the offer. I think I will, in a polite way, start to use both. Enough folks join in on this effort could create a work load large enough to make them question the wisdom of this policy.---------Larry

This is the letter (with a copy of the CDNN letter) that I will be mailing back to them:

To: Citigroup, INC.

From: A concerned Consumer

Thank you for your offer of credit services. The offer is quite attractive. However, since your policy towards certain customers was brought to my attention (see attached) I have formulated a new personal policy. Since I have no way of being certain that the Executive Management of Citigroup, INC. will conform to federal and local statutes, I will have to decline your offer.

Thank you

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Larry, I like that. Put the offer, carefully shredded and with your ID removed, into the return envelope, add in any other junk mail you might have lying around, enclose a copy of their letter to CDNN, seal it up with tape and mail it off.

Then call up on the 800 line and take your time, they pay by the minute. Ask them all the quesitions regarding their account practices, get a supervisor on line and repeat the requests, then ask them about dealing with firearms. After all that inform them that due to their recent actions you have decided not to trust them to handle your business. Again, the phone line costs, the time spent answering your questions and dealing with you takes away from their ability to deal with others and also increases their costs.

And of course, find the best possible alternate for your business.


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++1. ...they send me crap all the time. I will definitely be taking advantage of their postage paid envelope. To get started, I'm going to make a go-zillion copies of that letter.

I think I get about 2 offers a mo. from these slease balls trying to sign me on to one of thier cards. Each offer contains a postage paid envelope and a toll free ph# to respond to the offer. I think I will, in a polite way, start to use both. Enough folks join in on this effort could create a work load large enough to make them question the wisdom of this policy.---------Larry
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Actually, you can thank the Congress of the United States for some of this mess. When they made the credit card companies liable for the action of the card holders via the Internet Gambling Act, they put these companies into a really bad position. Not excusing Citibank's record of anti-gun decisions, but you know the corporate lawyers are looking at this and advising decision makers to cover the corporations backside before this is "expanded" by a judge and hungry lawyer to include any "illegal" action using the card.

If they seized or are holding funds, then the most immediate course of action would be to get a lawyer involved and take an offensive tact.

Edited by JFlowers
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Time to start flooding them with E-mail, Letters and calls!!

And of course, cancel all your Citbank, Sears, Shell and all CITI related cards!!

If they want to play silly, we can play hardball!!


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BTW, June Rivera has her Telephone forwarded to Voice Mail.... I wonder why???

I wonder of she's getting a lot of calls??


Yea, alot of fellas on AR15 have called alot, they say its completely full.

What I don't understand is why they are only doing this to one company and not more?

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I buy a lot of through CDNN and I think this must be devastating for them; though I am sure there are plenty other merchant services that would love 2% of CDNN's credit card transactions. I am shredding up my shell card and sending it with the letter to CDNN attached to my own letter explaining exactly why I am canceling my services with them. Perhaps enough plastic will make its way back to shitibank and policies will change. With so many banks to aquire credit from, I would hope citi is goin down.. and hard... quickly. :angry2:

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