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Glad you found the sport and welcome aboard!! Just curious - but could you share with us how you heard about USPSA (word of mouth, gunshow display, etc)?

I sort of "stumbled" into the sport when I visited a guys fly-fishing shop. He had a USPSA target hanging on his wall; I asked him about it and he proceeded to give me a general outline and invited me to the next match - I decided to shoot the match and have been hooked ever since.

Again - welcome to the greatest sport and the nicest forum on the net.

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Glad you found the sport and welcome aboard!! Just curious - but could you share with us how you heard about USPSA (word of mouth, gunshow display, etc)?

I sort of "stumbled" into the sport when I visited a guys fly-fishing shop. He had a USPSA target hanging on his wall; I asked him about it and he proceeded to give me a general outline and invited me to the next match - I decided to shoot the match and have been hooked ever since.

Again - welcome to the greatest sport and the nicest forum on the net.

the long version short version below :rolleyes:

How I found USPSA - Well when my son was 9 (now he is 13) I bought him a target rifle and we started Jr. Olympic 3P shooting. It was difficult to say the least to find a suitable indoor range in Las Vegas. So I found an indoor range and coach in California which we worked with a few times a week for a year or more. Yep I did a lot of drving. Anyway, eventually we found a range & coach in Las Vegas, Discount Firearms. The only range that would let him shoot prone, and the only range that did NOT want to charge me to stand behind my son in the range and coach him. Yea I only had to drive to California to shoot sectionals!!

We were at the range 3 to 5 times a week and 6 hours average with the coach on Saturdays. I could not/would not leave my son at the range with the coach so I started shooting my pistol in the lane next to my son on certain days when he could run his own fireing drills or was working with his coach.

I asked one of the guys at the range to look at my targets becasue I had two groups... one dead center and one left of center and up. He was Ray Whitham one of the local top Gun Runners, he spent about 5 mins with with me. (The only pistol training I have ever had.) Zippidy Do Da after that I was good to go. So he told me about USPSA, it took another year for me to get the courage to seriously consider going. And I had to pretty much talk myself into the truck the morning of the match and considered turning around several times before I arrived, and a few times after I arrived. But Ray was there to greet me, introduced me to everyone and made sure I was in his squad. He was the RO so he made sure I was last, explained everything to me twice, than started asking me questions to make sure I understood what was going to happen. He was great, assured me later, that everyone has a First Time, and reminded me I had fun and I was safe... that's all the counted.

Short Version

I met a guy at the range that told me about it.

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That's a really cool story - I think all here will agree with me that your son is VERY lucky to have a Mom so willing to dedicate that amount of time and energy helping him with his sport. Do you have plans to include your son in USPSA shooting? My youngest son is 13 and he's been shooting the game (off and on) for a bit more than a year. Glad you had such a positive first experience. Welcome again!

the long version short version below :rolleyes:

How I found USPSA - Well when my son was 9 (now he is 13) I bought him a target rifle and we started Jr. Olympic 3P shooting. It was difficult to say the least to find a suitable indoor range in Las Vegas. So I found an indoor range and coach in California which we worked with a few times a week for a year or more. Yep I did a lot of drving. Anyway, eventually we found a range & coach in Las Vegas, Discount Firearms. The only range that would let him shoot prone, and the only range that did NOT want to charge me to stand behind my son in the range and coach him. Yea I only had to drive to California to shoot sectionals!!

We were at the range 3 to 5 times a week and 6 hours average with the coach on Saturdays. I could not/would not leave my son at the range with the coach so I started shooting my pistol in the lane next to my son on certain days when he could run his own fireing drills or was working with his coach.

I asked one of the guys at the range to look at my targets becasue I had two groups... one dead center and one left of center and up. He was Ray Whitham one of the local top Gun Runners, he spent about 5 mins with with me. (The only pistol training I have ever had.) Zippidy Do Da after that I was good to go. So he told me about USPSA, it took another year for me to get the courage to seriously consider going. And I had to pretty much talk myself into the truck the morning of the match and considered turning around several times before I arrived, and a few times after I arrived. But Ray was there to greet me, introduced me to everyone and made sure I was in his squad. He was the RO so he made sure I was last, explained everything to me twice, than started asking me questions to make sure I understood what was going to happen. He was great, assured me later, that everyone has a First Time, and reminded me I had fun and I was safe... that's all the counted.

Short Version

I met a guy at the range that told me about it.

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It's a pleasure to support the boys in shooting sports. The people involved in shooting sports are straight up good people. Some are sorta goofy, (we know who we are) but mostly good natured. Every coach we have had has stressed education, nutrition and health just as much as safety and dryfire practice. You can't go wrong with that! We have made some great friends in this sport and without exception the kids who are serious shooters are always really neat kids. :D

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Welcome to the forums. There is no better place to be a student of the game.

I have been a student of your diary many times over the last few days. I had my son reading/watching your video this morning. Great stuff. He saw your garage and was in love!!! He made that same sound he makes when we are shopping at the Gun Store... oh Mom... oh Mom... MOM.. yes dear I see the MP5, no you can't have it for Christmas. Thanks for all in work you put into your diary it makes a lot of difference to SEE what everyone is talking about. What size are the pvc boxes?

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2 Foot square boxes are typically used.

Oh thanks Chris... I will be at home depot later buying pvc. I have my backyard set up to shoot archery, so I am thinking I just may have to tweak it a bit to practice USPSA. I actually already have barrels and stuff. Can anyone give me the dimentions for a target stand? Possibly the perferd gage of steel?

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2 Foot square boxes are typically used.

Oh thanks Chris... I will be at home depot later buying pvc. I have my backyard set up to shoot archery, so I am thinking I just may have to tweak it a bit to practice USPSA. I actually already have barrels and stuff. Can anyone give me the dimentions for a target stand? Possibly the perferd gage of steel?

B. Not only did she take the "red pill" but I think she took an extra one and handed one off to her son too. :P I don't know what your yard looks like or how much room you have, but you might want to look at airsoft for practice too. It will save you lots of money and is a good means to practice and a safe way to do it.

Go here and download the rules... it will give you a lot of what you need.

You can also go here for targets, and most everything else. You will need to stop at the lumber store and get some 1x2s in the 6-8' length. You can either build some wood stands for them to fit into, or you can buy metal ones. If you need dem on building your own I can get them for you... basically you can just use 2x4s screwed together so te 1x2' legs fit into the slit between two 2x4s and then one 2x4 on each end perpendicular to the slit.

If money isn't an issue and you just want to buy them and be done with it you can find some metal ones here

Edited by JThompson
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You can also go here for targets, and most everything else. You will need to stop at the lumber store and get some 1x2s in the 6-8' length. You can either build some wood stands for them to fit into, or you can buy metal ones. If you need dem on building your own I can get them for you... basically you can just use 2x4s screwed together so te 1x2' legs fit into the slit between two 2x4s and then one 2x4 on each end perpendicular to the slit.

If money isn't an issue and you just want to buy them and be done with it you can find some metal ones here

When isn't money an issue with the cost of ammo these days? Wholly bajinga. I can make my own metal stands if I have the correct measurments. I got a welder for my birthday a few years ago. As for airsoft in the yard, there would be the 100,000+ little green balls that currently litering my new practice range. I have looked at the more expensive Glock model airsoft guns. I am not sure if I want to invest in the spendy one or just go get another set of cheap pistols at Bass Pro. My boys would be in heaven again, all our airsoft guns are broken. The neighborhood ferral cats may not be so happy. :unsure:

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There are many ways to design what you want. The bottom line is that the edges of the target are 45cm on both standard and metric targets. Most use a 1x2 target stick to support them. With those two dimentions you should be able to whip something up by looking at the link. ;)

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2 Foot square boxes are typically used.

Oh thanks Chris... I will be at home depot later buying pvc. I have my backyard set up to shoot archery, so I am thinking I just may have to tweak it a bit to practice USPSA. I actually already have barrels and stuff. Can anyone give me the dimentions for a target stand? Possibly the perferd gage of steel?

I think 3 Foot boxes are better since that's the most common size you will see in competition.

I guess 2 foot fits a garage better? but I never used them to dryfire with.

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2 Foot square boxes are typically used.

Oh thanks Chris... I will be at home depot later buying pvc. I have my backyard set up to shoot archery, so I am thinking I just may have to tweak it a bit to practice USPSA. I actually already have barrels and stuff. Can anyone give me the dimentions for a target stand? Possibly the perferd gage of steel?

I think 3 Foot boxes are better since that's the most common size you will see in competition.

I guess 2 foot fits a garage better? but I never used them to dryfire with.

I can run in 3 inch heels, :huh: I can ice skate backwards, :o I can even walk, talk and chew gum :wacko: (I pay for the blonde highlihgts now)... But I am thinking running with a gun I should maybe practice :goof:

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When isn't money an issue with the cost of ammo these days? Wholly bajinga. I can make my own metal stands if I have the correct measurments. I got a welder for my birthday a few years ago. As for airsoft in the yard, there would be the 100,000+ little green balls that currently litering my new practice range. I have looked at the more expensive Glock model airsoft guns. I am not sure if I want to invest in the spendy one or just go get another set of cheap pistols at Bass Pro. My boys would be in heaven again, all our airsoft guns are broken. The neighborhood ferral cats may not be so happy. :unsure:

If you have a metal warehouse around your area you might want to check these out. I cant take the credit for them, they are the same design my club uses.

1. 18 " 1.5 x 1.5 x1/8 angle iron

2. 1 x 2 14 ga. tube cut to 3" for the target stakes

3. 12" galvanized nails welded 3 1/4 - 3 1/2" from the ends

I made 8 of them for under $50. $10 of that was having a friend weld them, so you should be good.

They are relatively light and you can transport them in a stanard milk crate to save on trunk space..

This is assuming the ground in your area is somewhat soft to push the spikes into the ground.

Welcome aboard.


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I shoot a Glock 19, because that's what my brother gave me. ( Yes, he is a nice brother)


If he is that great a brother ask him to buy you an Open gun! Then you can join the rest of us on the "dark side". :devil:

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I shoot a Glock 19, because that's what my brother gave me. ( Yes, he is a nice brother)


If he is that great a brother ask him to buy you an Open gun! Then you can join the rest of us on the "dark side". :devil:

Ya know if I busted my butt working this season and I asked him, he would buy me one. :goof: One more reason to practice!

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Shoot for a couple months

Then decide what kind of gun/division/goals/whatever you want out of this.

I started shooting with one gun and swithed back and forth to another. Was a big mistake. Stick it out with the Glock 19 its a great gun.

Welcome and enjoy.

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heidit, I am also new to the forum...call me chirpy (don't ask why!). I'm not new to the sport, as a matter of fact, I'm 61 and retired and have been having fun at USPSA/IPSC for 25+ years and IDPA almost since its beginning. I live in OHIO and it's d...cold here today. Shooting in Vegas sounds like fun but traveling with firearms doesn't. From what I can see this forum looks great. Good place for you to pick up needed info. Got to alot time for chores occasionally so it's going to take time to catch up. One place I can suggest for you to check out if you have Outdoor Channel on cable is Shooting USA on Wed. (if you don't get it sweet talk you hubby into getting and watching). A lot of interesting stuff. You can sign up for their newsletter which will tell you about the show schedule. Pay particular interest to shows about USPSA Nationals, Steel Challange (now owned by USPSA) and others. Also they have Pro Tips which will be helpful (these can be accessed at the web site). It sounds like you are well on your way. Have fun

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having a great time. I shot my first steel match today. I did okay. I was really tripping over the texas star, but I managed the star and four targets in 48 seconds. I am thrilled with the time. Of course, my friend shot it in 12. For a first try I am just glad I didn't have to use all 6 mags!

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That's great. "Total FRUSTRATION is running out of ammo!!!!!!!!"

You should be very happy with that time there ma'am. I have seen what Chirpy describes several times... it is not a fun event to witness.

Stars are fun at times...But ONLY sometimes....haha.

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