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Our new dog


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We had been seeing this dog from time to time roaming the neighborhood - had figured it belonged to someone in our area but, after a few weeks, we determined it was a stray. Being the hardass I am, I told the kids to stay away from it, not knowing if it was aggressive or not. As usual, my orders were blatantly disobeyed and, even though no one in the neighborhood could get near this dog (to see if there was a license on the collar, my step son, the dog whisperer, spent enough time feeding it and just hanging out with it that we wound up with this stray dog in our back yard all the time.

I knew something was not right since, even though she wouldn't let me touch her, she would obey sit, paw, and down commands in our back yard. Plus she had still shown no aggression.

The dog catcher was to retrieve the dog last Monday but my family had other plans. Sunday night was getting cold so they convinced me to let her come in the house.

Long story short, we have another dog. She is incredibly sweet, housebroken, smart, and has that feature I find so promising in dogs - she genuinely wants to please her family. She's a big white mutt and her name is Isabel.

What is so upsetting about the situation is that she appears to have been dumped. Our neighborhood has checked every conceivable outlet to look for a trace that this dog was reported missing (SPCA here and neighboring counties, newspaper, craigslist) and no trace of the real owner.

She's at the SPCA now getting her shots and we get her back Tuesday.

I'd like to say we did a good thing adopting her but we feel lucky she found us.



Edited by RacerX1166
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My wife and I are on our eighth year with a dog that located us. We aren't sure how old she is, but she is old enough to require insulin shots twice per day for diabetes. She is great, we are so glad she found us. I hope you do well with yours.

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Long story short, we have another dog. She is incredibly sweet, housebroken, smart, and has that feature I find so promising in dogs - she genuinely wants to please her family. She's a big white mutt and her name is Isabel.

What is so upsetting about the situation is that she appears to have been dumped.

Thanks for taking her in. Dumping dogs is a national pastime.... I still recall the time I stopped on my motorcycle on an expressway because a dog was running along the side. I dismounted and the dog ran to me and put her head in my lap. A while later, a nice lady who worked at a dog groomer shop stopped and took the dog (she knew I couldn't haul her on my bike). It was a female dog, maybe five years old, who had just had a litter and was dumped for it. She still had her collar on and the tags which were there on the collar had been clipped with diagonal pliers to prevent identifying her owner... the lazy SOB didn't take her collar off, just clipped the tags and left the metal hooks attached to the collar then dumped her onto the road.

I like to hope there's a special front row seat on the express bus to hell for such people.

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Good for you and congatulations on the addition to your family.

A pit cross puppy that had been tagged by a car found me in the parking lot at work twenty years ago. I was a college student with a part time job and couldn't really afford to get the hip fixed. The vet was a good guy and reduced the bill by half and let me make payments whenever I could. She was with us for eighteen years and was a great dog, protector, and loving member of our family. We still use that same vet btw. I've never owned a cat but recently got talked into rescuing two kittens, one of whom is competing with me for the keyboard as I type this. Lovin' it.



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Thanks for all the well wishes. I picked her up from the SPCA today (after her required 48 hour holding period to insure the 'real owner' didn't claim her) and she's doing well. She's really showing how much she appreciates being taken in by a family that loves her. After bringing her home, she was glued to my side for a solid hour while I was on a conference call.

An issue that cropped up is that she seems to snap/bite under certain circumstances. Mostly toward my 14 year old step son while she's laying next to him and he pets her. I'm going to give her a few days to build some trust then we'll have to address that issue and the one where she sometimes decides that she doesn't really want to be touched while chewing on a treat despite enjoying it a few minutes before.

Nothing major that I haven't had to address with other dogs in the past. She really wants to please her family and just needs to understand what's acceptable and what's not once she hits that point where she trusts us completely. Afterall, she was dumped and had to live on her own for a few weeks until we adopted her so I'm sure these are just survival instincts carrying over.

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My wife told me the only way I would get a second dog to keep my first dog company (here's the current dog: www.fsguns.com/images/simon.jpg) would be to find a Mini Schnauzer. It's a good thing I made it to the local sectional this year, since there was a "mini schanuzers for sale" sign posted by the side of the road on the way home. I put my name in before the dog was born, and even convinced the seller to leave the tail attached (all his littermates had their tails docked). It seems strange people would want their dogs detailed, but I hear it's common with that breed.

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Thanks for all the well wishes. I picked her up from the SPCA today (after her required 48 hour holding period to insure the 'real owner' didn't claim her) and she's doing well. She's really showing how much she appreciates being taken in by a family that loves her. After bringing her home, she was glued to my side for a solid hour while I was on a conference call.

An issue that cropped up is that she seems to snap/bite under certain circumstances. Mostly toward my 14 year old step son while she's laying next to him and he pets her. I'm going to give her a few days to build some trust then we'll have to address that issue and the one where she sometimes decides that she doesn't really want to be touched while chewing on a treat despite enjoying it a few minutes before.

Nothing major that I haven't had to address with other dogs in the past. She really wants to please her family and just needs to understand what's acceptable and what's not once she hits that point where she trusts us completely. Afterall, she was dumped and had to live on her own for a few weeks until we adopted her so I'm sure these are just survival instincts carrying over.

She's exhibiting "alpha dog" behavior which means she wants to be either leader of the pack, or #2 in the pack to you (who will be the #1). It can be dangerous if you don't make her accept a lower pack status. She will see the other pack members (your kids) as challengers to her standing.

Good luck.

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My wife told me the only way I would get a second dog to keep my first dog company (here's the current dog: www.fsguns.com/images/simon.jpg) would be to find a Mini Schnauzer. It's a good thing I made it to the local sectional this year, since there was a "mini schanuzers for sale" sign posted by the side of the road on the way home. I put my name in before the dog was born, and even convinced the seller to leave the tail attached (all his littermates had their tails docked). It seems strange people would want their dogs detailed, but I hear it's common with that breed.

Not to hi-jack the original post, that pup is cute with the patch on her eye.

Rob, is that a Wheaten Scottish Terrier or a Westie in your pic? Either way, she is beautiful!

My wife always wanted a Westie, but this last Valentines Day, I found her a brindle Scottish Terrier, and she is a great pup...stubborn as all other terriers I have ever owned, but a great dog. She just turned a year old, but still acts like a baby!

Historically Scottish Terriers have a big problem being #2 to anyone! They do not like to follow anyone else!

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The ones that adopt you and your family are the best! Congratulations! :cheers:

Just remember, there is no such thing as a free dog. Of course you know that since you've now paid for her shots. There'll be more to come too. Regardless, your new family member will be well worth any investment. Now id you can just train her to pick up brass! :rolleyes:

Edited by XD Niner
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