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It is ruining this country and everything good that I like about it...

My jester side says...I really don't care one way or the other about apathy.....

I don't think you should get a vote without either serving in the Armed Forces in some capacity or in some type of public service for a period of time equal to a normal hitch in the armed forces.

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It is ruining this country and everything good that I like about it...

My jester side says...I really don't care one way or the other about apathy.....

I don't think you should get a vote without either serving in the Armed Forces in some capacity or in some type of public service for a period of time equal to a normal hitch in the armed forces.

Add being a property owner to that and Im all in!!!

I also have not missed voting in a single election ...ever!


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You've chosen a sore subject here...well it is with me anyway (and you too obviously). I guess there are some who are apathetic about apathy. They just don't give a hoot about anything except their favorite sport or the perfect home they live in or their new car or their high paying job or maybe their country club membership. Our affluent society, our spoiled undisciplined children, our unfair justice system that fails to provide real punishment for crime and foolishly tries to rehabilitate criminals; these are just a few conditions in our country today that tear apart the fabric of that country you and I once knew. We no longer have to work hard to eat or are allowed to train our children correctly to know right from wrong. We feel powerless to be able to change anything in the country for even if you vote for someone who you think will represent your values, they go to Washington and get poisoned by political power to change their views. But one thing for sure is we cannot give up. We must maintain our integrity and teach our children how to do the same. Fighting apathy starts at home with your own family...it then extends to inspiring your circle of friends to also stand up and have their voices heard. Then they will in turn inspire others to speak out with one clear voice. Our forefathers gave up fortunes and position and some even their lives to create a legacy of freedom in this country which we will not give up willingly.


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I remember hearing a statistic that most American families are only two paychecks away from being homeless, meaning that if their source of income dried up, they'd be out on the street. This is particularly true if you don't own a home, or can't sell the one you're in.

It's hard for people to get politically active when they are heads-down making money for food and shelter. If you ask me, that's what has really changed in this country: people are so busy just making a buck to keep their heads above water, they don't have the time. You typically don't care what is going on in Washington when you are concerned about where your next meal is coming from.

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I am happy to say, I am one of the 38.6%

+1 ;)

I don't think you should get a vote without either serving in the Armed Forces in some capacity or in some type of public service for a period of time equal to a normal hitch in the armed forces.

I'll take a different tack... No payment of taxes == No vote! If you don't have skin in the game, you don't get to play.

Your idea would foster something else unintended, Merlin, that I don't think is a bad thing. If everyone's kids were serving in the military (cause then they could vote at some point... basically, be a citizen), we would much more carefully consider what we allow our politicians to do with their lives, wouldn't we??? And I think cautious, well considered use of that resource is a very good thing... ;) (sorry for drift... just struck me as an interesting thought... ;) ).

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I remember hearing a statistic that most American families are only two paychecks away from being homeless, meaning that if their source of income dried up, they'd be out on the street. This is particularly true if you don't own a home, or can't sell the one you're in.

It's hard for people to get politically active when they are heads-down making money for food and shelter. If you ask me, that's what has really changed in this country: people are so busy just making a buck to keep their heads above water, they don't have the time. You typically don't care what is going on in Washington when you are concerned about where your next meal is coming from.

It is not that they don't care or are working too hard...it is all about CHOICE...they choose to not be involved, to not vote, to not voice an opinion, to not stand up for their personal freedoms, their rights and liberties as guarenteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....they choose to be ignorant of current events, they choose to take the easy way out, they choose not to set guidlines for their children, they choose to drop out of school, they choose to work 5 hours a day instead of 8, they choose to over extend their spending, they choose to try to keep up with the Jones, they choose to forsake the 10 Commandments, they choose to be coerced, they choose the easy way instead of the right way....it is all about CHOICE and for those of us who try our hardest to hold the line on those choices, it just blisters my britches...if you don't want to work hard to make this a better place, I CHOOSE to help you on the bus, train, plane, boat, car, camel or whatever method you think best to go somewhere else to become a blight on society and the other citizens....

Am I the only one that is upset here? :excl:

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I am happy to say, I am one of the 38.6%

+1 ;)

I don't think you should get a vote without either serving in the Armed Forces in some capacity or in some type of public service for a period of time equal to a normal hitch in the armed forces.

I'll take a different tack... No payment of taxes == No vote! If you don't have skin in the game, you don't get to play.

Your idea would foster something else unintended, Merlin, that I don't think is a bad thing. If everyone's kids were serving in the military (cause then they could vote at some point... basically, be a citizen), we would much more carefully consider what we allow our politicians to do with their lives, wouldn't we??? And I think cautious, well considered use of that resource is a very good thing... ;) (sorry for drift... just struck me as an interesting thought... ;) ).

My thoughts - If you don't care enough about this country to serve it in some fashion - No vote - No say in how things go. A large segment of our population is parasitic and do nothing but suck the lifeblood from the host...ie: Me and those like me who contribute to the economy in a positive fashion. As long as those parasites have a say they will vote more sugar tit and mines feeling kinda raw...

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I remember hearing a statistic that most American families are only two paychecks away from being homeless, meaning that if their source of income dried up, they'd be out on the street. This is particularly true if you don't own a home, or can't sell the one you're in.

It's hard for people to get politically active when they are heads-down making money for food and shelter. If you ask me, that's what has really changed in this country: people are so busy just making a buck to keep their heads above water, they don't have the time. You typically don't care what is going on in Washington when you are concerned about where your next meal is coming from.

It is not that they don't care or are working too hard...it is all about CHOICE...they choose to not be involved, to not vote, to not voice an opinion, to not stand up for their personal freedoms, their rights and liberties as guarenteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....they choose to be ignorant of current events, they choose to take the easy way out, they choose not to set guidlines for their children, they choose to drop out of school, they choose to work 5 hours a day instead of 8, they choose to over extend their spending, they choose to try to keep up with the Jones, they choose to forsake the 10 Commandments, they choose to be coerced, they choose the easy way instead of the right way....it is all about CHOICE and for those of us who try our hardest to hold the line on those choices, it just blisters my britches...if you don't want to work hard to make this a better place, I CHOOSE to help you on the bus, train, plane, boat, car, camel or whatever method you think best to go somewhere else to become a blight on society and the other citizens....

Am I the only one that is upset here? :excl:

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice - RUSH

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Get in the car and take a ride tonite. Cruise by the parking lots of the more popular resturants, bars, movie houses and check the mall while you are at it. I dont buy the idea that folks have thier noses to the grind stone trying to make a liveing and just get by. Most are just self indulgent dolts who just dont give a crap.----------Larry

Edited by lkytx
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"Most are just self indulgent dolts who just dont give a crap.----------"
I see those kind every day on the street. It's also verified by some of the conversations I overhear in passing clumps of people at malls and on the street. People just don't seem to be too literate or too smart, and some are seemingly unaware (you might say "dumb") of even the most rudimentary things going on around them.

Not to mention the people I see in the Jail every day. Now there's a real mixed bag of stray animals.

Eugene, Oregon is finally officially discussing whether or not to outlaw panhandling on streetcorners--which people have complained about for a long time--but the existing law doesn't allow arrests unless the panhandlers are being agressive, destructive or otherwise committing misdemeanors that are currently on the lawbooks. It's going to take a new law is all. (How about "pubic nuisance" for starters?!?!?!?!) I hate to think how many years (speaking of apathy) it'll take to do something about this crappy little problem in this glacially-slow little town! There's a freakin' scrounge panhandling on just about every downtown corner. :angry2:

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Get in the car and take a ride tonite. Cruise by the parking lots of the more popular resturants, bars, movie houses and check the mall while you are at it. I dont buy the idea that folks have thier noses to the grind stone trying to make a liveing and just get by. Most are just self indulgent dolts who just dont give a crap.----------Larry


I feel a little of both ways about the issue as well.

I can't begin to tell you how pissed I get at some of the crap these idiots pull then feel entitled to have someone else come fix the problem (me).

At the same time, they sure do keep us busy and in demand.


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Frightful thread drift alert.

Before I came to America, I had the impression that Americans were, on the whole, the most insular people on the planet. If something happened to someone else, then it was someone else's problem. It's only when the problem lands in your backyard that American's take notice of it.

After spending the last 9.5 years in this country, my original opinion has not changed much, the only change is the realisation that there are two America's. There is one that is insular, selfish, and totally ignorant of what is happening around them.

Then there is the other America.

These Americans do care, they do get involved, they do prepare for the unexpected, they do expect to have to take care of themselves. They vote, they prepare for the worst, they ensure that their families have health insurance, they educate their children correctly and teach them honour and dignity and compassion. The one thing they don't do is make a big fuss about it.

There are not many of us, but I suspect that there are enough, I suspect that most of us vote the same way, I suspect most of us share the same faith, I suspect most of us support our military, I suspect most of us have a deep knowledge of where this country came from and the values from which it was forged.

I suspect that if something truly terrible were to happen to this country that it will be these people who will be standing at the end of it.

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Frightful thread drift alert.

Before I came to America, I had the impression that Americans were, on the whole, the most insular people on the planet. If something happened to someone else, then it was someone else's problem. It's only when the problem lands in your backyard that American's take notice of it.

After spending the last 9.5 years in this country, my original opinion has not changed much, the only change is the realisation that there are two America's. There is one that is insular, selfish, and totally ignorant of what is happening around them.

Then there is the other America.

These Americans do care, they do get involved, they do prepare for the unexpected, they do expect to have to take care of themselves. They vote, they prepare for the worst, they ensure that their families have health insurance, they educate their children correctly and teach them honour and dignity and compassion. The one thing they don't do is make a big fuss about it.

There are not many of us, but I suspect that there are enough, I suspect that most of us vote the same way, I suspect most of us share the same faith, I suspect most of us support our military, I suspect most of us have a deep knowledge of where this country came from and the values from which it was forged.

I suspect that if something truly terrible were to happen to this country that it will be these people who will be standing at the end of it.

That's one of the most clear descriptions I've ever seen on the topic. So many people are totally uninvolved and oblivious it's scary. Not long ago I was getting my hair cut and said that I needed it cut before I went on vacation. The woman asked me where we were going. I told her "Yellowstone". She, honest-to-God said "Is that a park or something?" Sheesh....how can an American in her 40s not know what Yellowstone is? This was right after she told me she was going to take a loan out to take her kids and grandkids to a theme park near Denver!

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I remember hearing a statistic that most American families are only two paychecks away from being homeless, meaning that if their source of income dried up, they'd be out on the street. This is particularly true if you don't own a home, or can't sell the one you're in.

It's hard for people to get politically active when they are heads-down making money for food and shelter. If you ask me, that's what has really changed in this country: people are so busy just making a buck to keep their heads above water, they don't have the time. You typically don't care what is going on in Washington when you are concerned about where your next meal is coming from.

It is not that they don't care or are working too hard...it is all about CHOICE...they choose to not be involved, to not vote, to not voice an opinion, to not stand up for their personal freedoms, their rights and liberties as guarenteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....they choose to be ignorant of current events, they choose to take the easy way out, they choose not to set guidlines for their children, they choose to drop out of school, they choose to work 5 hours a day instead of 8, they choose to over extend their spending, they choose to try to keep up with the Jones, they choose to forsake the 10 Commandments, they choose to be coerced, they choose the easy way instead of the right way....it is all about CHOICE and for those of us who try our hardest to hold the line on those choices, it just blisters my britches...if you don't want to work hard to make this a better place, I CHOOSE to help you on the bus, train, plane, boat, car, camel or whatever method you think best to go somewhere else to become a blight on society and the other citizens....

Am I the only one that is upset here? :excl:


I am with you!

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Am I the only one that is upset here? :excl:


Apparently, a few of us here are more than a tad upset as well. Yep, it's gonna suck for the grandkids bigtime. I shiver to think of the hell that must occur before society wakes up and flies straight.

I actually had the temerity to suggest that no service to this country = no vote. The 5 Marxists I work with had an apoplexy. I think you should be willing to give to this country before you begin to receive. My momma taught me courtesy as a child. WTH happened to most of the country?! Utterly shameless.

I had a similar conversation with my 'smith about 6 months ago, and I made the statement that just about anyone that utilizes this range lives between 12 and 3, while those that oppose it live their lives between the 9 and 12. It's funny how that worked out.

In fact, the more I think about this thread, the I get hacked off. Holding my thoughts off for now, and looking forward to picking up my new toy this P.M.

{edited to add thought}

Edited by Lighteye67
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I have been very discouraged by the recent apathy. I shoot with some of the best people in the world. Intelligent and caring people and frankly 2/3 haven't acted like it.

I always support someones right to have a different opinion but having none is weak.

I think the USA's people are already in that hole, in general, and this is just a piece of the puzzle.

Edited by BSeevers
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I've long been totally and completely appalled by the astounding number of people in this country who DON'T VOTE...!!!

I, too--at the risk of being controversial--feel that voting regularly should be connected to any benefits of American citizenship. No free rides, dammit. No free rides!!

It doesn't take too much effort to vote, do volunteer work, get involved with something/anything... it really doesn't. People do it all the time. Just not enough of us. :angry2:

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I've long been totally and completely appalled by the astounding number of people in this country who DON'T VOTE...!!!

I, too--at the risk of being controversial--feel that voting regularly should be connected to any benefits of American citizenship. No free rides, dammit. No free rides!!

It doesn't take too much effort to vote, do volunteer work, get involved with something/anything... it really doesn't. People do it all the time. Just not enough of us. :angry2:


You should have your right to vote temporarily revoked if you fail to exercise that right in a certain number of elections.

When I think about the trials that women in this country went through to fight for our right to vote I feel obligated to vote at any and every election put before me. The issue that peeves me the most is that the majority of voters (men and women alike...) will blindly vote for any contender without first studying the issues and the moral character of the candidate. So many people believe the talking heads on TV who want to tell them how to think. Come on people...use the brain that God gave you! With great freedom and liberty comes great reponsibility.

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